mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 07:59:08 +08:00
281 lines
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281 lines
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package service
import (
type snapHelper struct {
SnapID uint
Status *model.SnapshotStatus
Ctx context.Context
FileOp files.FileOp
Wg *sync.WaitGroup
func snapJson(snap snapHelper, snapJson SnapshotJson, targetDir string) {
defer snap.Wg.Done()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"panel_info": constant.Running})
status := constant.StatusDone
remarkInfo, _ := json.MarshalIndent(snapJson, "", "\t")
if err := os.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/snapshot.json", targetDir), remarkInfo, 0640); err != nil {
status = err.Error()
snap.Status.PanelInfo = status
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"panel_info": status})
func snapPanel(snap snapHelper, targetDir string) {
defer snap.Wg.Done()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"panel": constant.Running})
status := constant.StatusDone
if err := common.CopyFile("/usr/local/bin/1panel", path.Join(targetDir, "1panel")); err != nil {
status = err.Error()
if err := common.CopyFile("/usr/local/bin/1pctl", targetDir); err != nil {
status = err.Error()
if err := common.CopyFile("/etc/systemd/system/1panel.service", targetDir); err != nil {
status = err.Error()
snap.Status.Panel = status
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"panel": status})
func snapDaemonJson(snap snapHelper, targetDir string) {
defer snap.Wg.Done()
status := constant.StatusDone
if !snap.FileOp.Stat("/etc/docker/daemon.json") {
snap.Status.DaemonJson = status
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"daemon_json": status})
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"daemon_json": constant.Running})
if err := common.CopyFile("/etc/docker/daemon.json", targetDir); err != nil {
status = err.Error()
snap.Status.DaemonJson = status
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"daemon_json": status})
func snapAppData(snap snapHelper, targetDir string) {
defer snap.Wg.Done()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"app_data": constant.Running})
appInstalls, err := appInstallRepo.ListBy()
if err != nil {
snap.Status.AppData = err.Error()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"app_data": err.Error()})
runtimes, err := runtimeRepo.List()
if err != nil {
snap.Status.AppData = err.Error()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"app_data": err.Error()})
imageRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`image:\s*(.*)`)
var imageSaveList []string
existStr, _ := cmd.Exec("docker images | awk '{print $1\":\"$2}' | grep -v REPOSITORY:TAG")
existImages := strings.Split(existStr, "\n")
duplicateMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, app := range appInstalls {
matches := imageRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(app.DockerCompose, -1)
for _, match := range matches {
for _, existImage := range existImages {
if match[1] == existImage && !duplicateMap[match[1]] {
imageSaveList = append(imageSaveList, match[1])
duplicateMap[match[1]] = true
for _, runtime := range runtimes {
for _, existImage := range existImages {
if runtime.Image == existImage && !duplicateMap[runtime.Image] {
imageSaveList = append(imageSaveList, runtime.Image)
duplicateMap[runtime.Image] = true
if len(imageSaveList) != 0 {
global.LOG.Debugf("docker save %s | gzip -c > %s", strings.Join(imageSaveList, " "), path.Join(targetDir, "docker_image.tar"))
std, err := cmd.Execf("docker save %s | gzip -c > %s", strings.Join(imageSaveList, " "), path.Join(targetDir, "docker_image.tar"))
if err != nil {
snap.Status.AppData = err.Error()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"app_data": std})
snap.Status.AppData = constant.StatusDone
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"app_data": constant.StatusDone})
func snapBackup(snap snapHelper, localDir, targetDir string) {
defer snap.Wg.Done()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"backup_data": constant.Running})
status := constant.StatusDone
if err := handleSnapTar(localDir, targetDir, "1panel_backup.tar.gz", "./system;./system_snapshot;", ""); err != nil {
status = err.Error()
snap.Status.BackupData = status
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"backup_data": status})
func snapPanelData(snap snapHelper, localDir, targetDir string) {
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"panel_data": constant.Running})
status := constant.StatusDone
dataDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.BaseDir, "1panel")
exclusionRules := "./tmp;./log;./cache;./db/1Panel.db-*;"
if strings.Contains(localDir, dataDir) {
exclusionRules += ("." + strings.ReplaceAll(localDir, dataDir, "") + ";")
ignoreVal, _ := settingRepo.Get(settingRepo.WithByKey("SnapshotIgnore"))
rules := strings.Split(ignoreVal.Value, ",")
for _, ignore := range rules {
if len(ignore) == 0 || cmd.CheckIllegal(ignore) {
exclusionRules += ("." + strings.ReplaceAll(ignore, dataDir, "") + ";")
_ = snapshotRepo.Update(snap.SnapID, map[string]interface{}{"status": "OnSaveData"})
sysIP, _ := settingRepo.Get(settingRepo.WithByKey("SystemIP"))
_ = settingRepo.Update("SystemIP", "")
if err := handleSnapTar(dataDir, targetDir, "1panel_data.tar.gz", exclusionRules, ""); err != nil {
status = err.Error()
_ = snapshotRepo.Update(snap.SnapID, map[string]interface{}{"status": constant.StatusWaiting})
snap.Status.PanelData = status
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"panel_data": status})
_ = settingRepo.Update("SystemIP", sysIP.Value)
func snapCompress(snap snapHelper, rootDir string, secret string) {
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"compress": constant.StatusRunning})
tmpDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.TmpDir, "system")
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.tar.gz", path.Base(rootDir))
if err := handleSnapTar(rootDir, tmpDir, fileName, "", secret); err != nil {
snap.Status.Compress = err.Error()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"compress": err.Error()})
stat, err := os.Stat(path.Join(tmpDir, fileName))
if err != nil {
snap.Status.Compress = err.Error()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"compress": err.Error()})
size := common.LoadSizeUnit2F(float64(stat.Size()))
global.LOG.Debugf("compress successful! size of file: %s", size)
snap.Status.Compress = constant.StatusDone
snap.Status.Size = size
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"compress": constant.StatusDone, "size": size})
global.LOG.Debugf("remove snapshot file %s", rootDir)
_ = os.RemoveAll(rootDir)
func snapUpload(snap snapHelper, accounts string, file string) {
source := path.Join(global.CONF.System.TmpDir, "system", path.Base(file))
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"upload": constant.StatusUploading})
accountMap, err := loadClientMap(accounts)
if err != nil {
snap.Status.Upload = err.Error()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"upload": err.Error()})
targetAccounts := strings.Split(accounts, ",")
for _, item := range targetAccounts {
global.LOG.Debugf("start upload snapshot to %s, path: %s", item, path.Join(accountMap[item].backupPath, "system_snapshot", path.Base(file)))
if _, err := accountMap[item].client.Upload(source, path.Join(accountMap[item].backupPath, "system_snapshot", path.Base(file))); err != nil {
global.LOG.Debugf("upload to %s failed, err: %v", item, err)
snap.Status.Upload = err.Error()
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"upload": err.Error()})
global.LOG.Debugf("upload to %s successful", item)
snap.Status.Upload = constant.StatusDone
_ = snapshotRepo.UpdateStatus(snap.Status.ID, map[string]interface{}{"upload": constant.StatusDone})
global.LOG.Debugf("remove snapshot file %s", source)
_ = os.Remove(source)
func handleSnapTar(sourceDir, targetDir, name, exclusionRules string, secret string) error {
if _, err := os.Stat(targetDir); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err = os.MkdirAll(targetDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
exMap := make(map[string]struct{})
exStr := ""
excludes := strings.Split(exclusionRules, ";")
excludes = append(excludes, "*.sock")
for _, exclude := range excludes {
if len(exclude) == 0 {
if _, ok := exMap[exclude]; ok {
exStr += " --exclude "
exStr += exclude
exMap[exclude] = struct{}{}
path := ""
if strings.Contains(sourceDir, "/") {
itemDir := strings.ReplaceAll(sourceDir[strings.LastIndex(sourceDir, "/"):], "/", "")
aheadDir := sourceDir[:strings.LastIndex(sourceDir, "/")]
if len(aheadDir) == 0 {
aheadDir = "/"
path += fmt.Sprintf("-C %s %s", aheadDir, itemDir)
} else {
path = sourceDir
commands := ""
if len(secret) != 0 {
extraCmd := "| openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -k '" + secret + "' -out"
commands = fmt.Sprintf("tar --warning=no-file-changed --ignore-failed-read -zcf %s %s %s %s", " -"+exStr, path, extraCmd, targetDir+"/"+name)
global.LOG.Debug(strings.ReplaceAll(commands, fmt.Sprintf(" %s ", secret), "******"))
} else {
commands = fmt.Sprintf("tar --warning=no-file-changed --ignore-failed-read -zcf %s %s -C %s .", targetDir+"/"+name, exStr, sourceDir)
stdout, err := cmd.ExecWithTimeOut(commands, 30*time.Minute)
if err != nil {
if len(stdout) != 0 {
global.LOG.Errorf("do handle tar failed, stdout: %s, err: %v", stdout, err)
return fmt.Errorf("do handle tar failed, stdout: %s, err: %v", stdout, err)
return nil
func checkPointOfWal() {
if err := global.DB.Exec("PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(TRUNCATE);").Error; err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("handle check point failed, err: %v", err)