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# Third-Party plugins for PowerToy Run
This is a collection of third-party plugins for PowerToys Run created by the community.
## Installing and upgrading third-party PowerToys Run plugins
The recommended path for the plugins is `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerToys\PowerToys Run\Plugins`.
1. Close PowerToys.
1. Copy the plugin folder to `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerToys\PowerToys Run\Plugins`.
1. If you're upgrading a plugin, delete the previous version.
1. Open PowerToys.
Refer to plugin instruction for more details.
## Disclaimer
The following plugins are created and maintained by third-party and not officially supported or recognized by Microsoft. Users install and use these plugins at their own risk, and Microsoft takes no responsibility for their functionality or any potential issues they may cause.
## Support
Contact the developers of a plugin directly for assistance with a specific plugin.
## General plugins
| Plugin | Author | Description |
| ------ | ------ | ----------- |
| [BrowserSearch](https://github.com/TBM13/BrowserSearch) | [TBM13](https://github.com/TBM13) | Search your browser history |
| [GitHub Emoji](https://github.com/hlaueriksson/GEmojiSharp) | [hlaueriksson](https://github.com/hlaueriksson) | Search GitHub Emoji |
| [PowerTranslator](https://github.com/N0I0C0K/PowerTranslator) | [N0I0C0K](https://github.com/N0I0C0K) | Text translator based on Youdao |
| [Quick Lookup](https://github.com/GTGalaxi/quick-lookup-ptrun) | [gtgalaxi](https://github.com/GTGalaxi) | Search across multiple cyber security tools |
| [Input Typer](https://github.com/CoreyHayward/PowerToys-Run-InputTyper) | [CoreyHayward](https://github.com/CoreyHayward) | Type the input as if sent from a keyboard |
| [Clipboard Manager](https://github.com/CoreyHayward/PowerToys-Run-ClipboardManager) | [CoreyHayward](https://github.com/CoreyHayward) | Search and paste text from your clipboard history |
| [Currency Converter](https://github.com/Advaith3600/PowerToys-Run-Currency-Converter) | [advaith3600](https://github.com/advaith3600) | Convert real and crypto currencies |
| [FastWeb](https://github.com/CCcat8059/FastWeb) | [CCcat](https://github.com/CCcat8059) | Open website in browser |
| [WebSearchShortcut](https://github.com/Daydreamer-riri/PowerToys-Run-WebSearchShortcut) | [Riri](https://github.com/Daydreamer-riri) | Select a specific search engine to perform searches. |
| [UnicodeInput](https://github.com/nathancartlidge/powertoys-run-unicode) | [nathancartlidge](https://github.com/nathancartlidge) | Copy Unicode characters to the clipboard |
| [PowerHexInspector](https://github.com/NaroZeol/PowerHexInspector) | [NaroZeol](https://github.com/NaroZeol) | Peek other forms of an input number |
[PTRun][Docs] Add GitHubRepo and ProcessKiller third-party plugins (#33830) <!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? --> ## Summary of the Pull Request Add [GitHubRepo](https://github.com/8LWXpg/PowerToysRun-GitHubRepo) and [ProcessKiller](https://github.com/8LWXpg/PowerToysRun-ProcessKiller) <!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting--> ## PR Checklist - [ ] **Closes:** #xxx - [ ] **Communication:** I've discussed this with core contributors already. If work hasn't been agreed, this work might be rejected - [ ] **Tests:** Added/updated and all pass - [ ] **Localization:** All end user facing strings can be localized - [ ] **Dev docs:** Added/updated - [ ] **New binaries:** Added on the required places - [ ] [JSON for signing](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/main/.pipelines/ESRPSigning_core.json) for new binaries - [ ] [WXS for installer](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/main/installer/PowerToysSetup/Product.wxs) for new binaries and localization folder - [ ] [YML for CI pipeline](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/main/.pipelines/ci/templates/build-powertoys-steps.yml) for new test projects - [ ] [YML for signed pipeline](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/main/.pipelines/release.yml) - [ ] **Documentation updated:** If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/windows-uwp/tree/docs/hub/powertoys) and link it here: #xxx <!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here --> ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments <!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well --> ## Validation Steps Performed
2024-07-18 02:58:56 +08:00
| [GitHubRepo](https://github.com/8LWXpg/PowerToysRun-GitHubRepo) | [8LWXpg](https://github.com/8LWXpg) | Search and open GitHub repositories |
| [ProcessKiller](https://github.com/8LWXpg/PowerToysRun-ProcessKiller) | [8LWXpg](https://github.com/8LWXpg) | Search and kill processes |
| [ChatGPT](https://github.com/ferraridavide/ChatGPTPowerToys) | [ferraridavide](https://github.com/ferraridavide) | Ask a question to ChatGPT |
## Extending software plugins
Below are community created plugins that target a website or software. They are created and maintained by a third-party and not officially supported or recognized by the website or software they extend.
| Plugin | Author | Description |
| ------ | ------ | ----------- |
| [Edge Favorite](https://github.com/davidegiacometti/PowerToys-Run-EdgeFavorite) | [davidegiacometti](https://github.com/davidegiacometti) | Open Microsoft Edge favorites |
| [Edge Workspaces](https://github.com/quachpas/PowerToys-Run-EdgeWorkspaces) | [quachpas](https://github.com/quachpas) | Open Microsoft Edge workspaces|
| [Everything](https://github.com/lin-ycv/EverythingPowerToys) | [Yu Chieh (Victor) Lin](https://github.com/Lin-ycv) | Get search results from Everything |
| [GitKraken](https://github.com/davidegiacometti/PowerToys-Run-GitKraken) | [davidegiacometti](https://github.com/davidegiacometti) | Open GitKraken repositories |
| [RDP](https://github.com/anthony81799/PowerToysRun-RDP) | [anthony81799](https://github.com/anthony81799) | Open Remote Desktop connections |
| [Visual Studio Recents](https://github.com/davidegiacometti/PowerToys-Run-VisualStudio) | [davidegiacometti](https://github.com/davidegiacometti) | Open Visual Studio recents |
| [WinGet](https://github.com/bostrot/PowerToysRunPluginWinget) | [bostrot](https://github.com/bostrot) | Search and install packages from WinGet |
| [Scoop](https://github.com/Quriz/PowerToysRunScoop) | [Quriz](https://github.com/Quriz) | Search and install packages from Scoop |
| [Spotify](https://github.com/waaverecords/PowerToys-Run-Spotify) | [waaverecords](https://github.com/waaverecords) | Search Spotify and control its player |
| [PowerSearch for 1Password](https://github.com/KairuDeibisu/PowerToysRunPlugin1Password) | [KairuDeibisu](https://github.com/KairuDeibisu) | An unofficial plugin for searching 1Password for usernames and passwords |
| [HackMD](https://github.com/8LWXpg/PowerToysRun-HackMD) | [8LWXpg](https://github.com/8LWXpg) | Open HackMD notes |
| [SSH](https://github.com/8LWXpg/PowerToysRun-SSH) | [8LWXpg](https://github.com/8LWXpg) | Connect to ssh clients |