| x64 | [![Build Status for Main](https://dev.azure.com/ms/PowerToys/_apis/build/status/microsoft.PowerToys?branchName=main&jobName=Build%20x64%20Release)](https://dev.azure.com/ms/PowerToys/_build/latest?definitionId=219&branchName=main&jobName=Build%20x64%20Release) | [![Build Status for Stable](https://dev.azure.com/ms/PowerToys/_apis/build/status/microsoft.PowerToys?branchName=stable&jobName=Build%20x64%20Release)](https://dev.azure.com/ms/PowerToys/_build/latest?definitionId=219&branchName=stable) | [![Build Status Installer pipeline](https://dev.azure.com/microsoft/Dart/_apis/build/status/PowerToys/PowerToys%20Signed%20YAML%20Release%20Build?branchName=main&jobName=Build&configuration=Build%20Release_x64)](https://dev.azure.com/microsoft/Dart/_build/latest?definitionId=76541&branchName=main) |
| ARM64 | [![Build Status for Main](https://dev.azure.com/ms/PowerToys/_apis/build/status/microsoft.PowerToys?branchName=main&jobName=Build%20arm64%20Release)](https://dev.azure.com/ms/PowerToys/_build/latest?definitionId=219&branchName=main) | [![Build Status for Main](https://dev.azure.com/ms/PowerToys/_apis/build/status/microsoft.PowerToys?branchName=main&jobName=Build%20arm64%20Release)](https://dev.azure.com/ms/PowerToys/_build/latest?definitionId=219&branchName=stable) | [![Build Status Installer pipeline](https://dev.azure.com/microsoft/Dart/_apis/build/status/PowerToys/PowerToys%20Signed%20YAML%20Release%20Build?branchName=main&jobName=Build&configuration=Build%20Release_arm64)](https://dev.azure.com/microsoft/Dart/_build/latest?definitionId=76541&branchName=main) |
Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity. For more info on [PowerToys overviews and how to use the utilities][usingPowerToys-docs-link], or any other tools and resources for [Windows development environments](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/dev-environment/overview), head over to [docs.microsoft.com][usingPowerToys-docs-link]!
- [Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable](https://docs.microsoft.com/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170#visual-studio-2015-2017-2019-and-2022) installer. This will install one of the latest versions available.
[Microsoft PowerToys GitHub releases page][github-release-link], click on `Assets` at the bottom to show the files available in the release. Please use the appropriate the PowerToys installer that matches your machine's architecture. For most people, it is `x64`.
Install from the [Microsoft Store's PowerToys page][microsoft-store-link]. You must be using the [new Microsoft Store](https://blogs.windows.com/windowsExperience/2021/06/24/building-a-new-open-microsoft-store-on-windows-11/) which will be available for both Windows 11 and Windows 10.
There are [community driven install methods](./doc/unofficialInstallMethods.md) such as Chocolatey and Scoop. If these are your preferred install solutions, this will have the install instructions.
This project welcomes contributions of all types. Help spec'ing, design, documentation, finding bugs are ways everyone can help on top of coding features / bug fixes. We are excited to work with the power user community to build a set of tools for helping you get the most out of Windows.
We ask that **before you start work on a feature that you would like to contribute**, please read our [Contributor's Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md). We will be happy to work with you to figure out the best approach, provide guidance and mentorship throughout feature development, and help avoid any wasted or duplicate effort.
Most contributions require you to agree to a [Contributor License Agreement (CLA)][oss-CLA] declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution.
For guidance on developing for PowerToys, please read the [developer docs](/doc/devdocs) for a detailed breakdown. This includes how to setup your computer to compile.
- After installing PowerToys, [the new Windows 11 context menu entries for PowerRename and Image Resizer might not appear before a system restart](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/19124). On some Windows 11 dev channel insider builds, the new context menu entries are not registering correctly and the classic context menu entries will be shown instead.
- There are reports of users who are [unable to open the Settings window](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/18015). This is being caused by incompatibilities with some applications (RTSS RivaTuner Statistics Server and MSI AfterBurner are known examples of this). If you're affected by this, please check the linked issue to verify if any of the presented solutions works for you.
- Added support for more diverse keyboard shortcuts with a fallback to low level keyboard hooks. Thanks [@davidegiacometti](https://github.com/davidegiacometti)!
- Added rounded corner highlights for rounded corner windows on Windows 11.
- The Editor title bar is now shown in the immersive dark mode theme. Thanks [@WilliamABradley](https://github.com/WilliamABradley)!
### Mouse utility
- The Mouse Pointer Crosshairs default activation shortcut was changed to not collide with a special character combination on some internation keyboards.
- A setting was added to disable and configure the input delay on searching queries. (This was a hotfix for 0.59)
- Fixed and added logs for default Web Browser detection. (This was a hotfix for 0.59)
- The Program plugin can now search .lnk shortcuts by their executable name. Thanks [@davidegiacometti](https://github.com/davidegiacometti)!
- A new plugin for OneNote was added. Thanks [@palenshus](https://github.com/palenshus)!
- Query caching and delayed execution was added to the OneNote plugin. Thanks [@palenshus](https://github.com/palenshus)!
- Quality of life fixes for the TimeZone plugin, including fixes for empty subtitles, missing time zones and results not being found when expected. Thanks [@TobiasSekan](https://github.com/TobiasSekan)!
- Calls to the obsolete WebRequest API were removed. Thanks [@davidegiacometti](https://github.com/davidegiacometti)!
- Added common names for the share settings in the Settings plugins. Thanks [@htcfreek](https://github.com/htcfreek)!
- The Calculator Mages engine was updated to 2.0.1, for higher precision. Thanks for the testing and for pushing for the changes [@htcfreek](https://github.com/htcfreek)!
- Translation fixes for the Calculator and TimeDate plugins. Thanks [@htcfreek](https://github.com/htcfreek)!
- An entry for "Search Settings" was added to the Settings plugin. Thanks [@jefflord](https://github.com/jefflord)!
- Removed uses of the deprecated BinaryFormatter, which contained vulnerabilities. Thanks [@davidegiacometti](https://github.com/davidegiacometti)!
- Added settings to better control the query results order. Thanks [@jefflord](https://github.com/jefflord)!
- The Terminal plugin now uses a better API to detect installed Terminal packages. Thanks [@htcfreek](https://github.com/htcfreek)!
- Fixed signing of the setup custom actions dll in the new pipeline.
- The Visual C++ redistributable was updated to 14.32.31332 and fixed an installer error when a newer version was installed. Thanks [@snickler](https://github.com/snickler)!
The PowerToys team is extremely grateful to have the [support of an amazing active community][community-link]. The work you do is incredibly important. PowerToys wouldn’t be nearly what it is today without your help filing bugs, updating documentation, guiding the design, or writing features. We want to say thank you and take time to recognize your work. Month over month, you directly help make PowerToys a better piece of software.
The application logs basic telemetry. Our Telemetry Data page (Coming Soon) has the trends from the telemetry. Please read the [Microsoft privacy statement][privacy-link] for more information.