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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... ado.net/XML headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
<resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
<data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
<data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
<data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64">
<value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
<data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64">
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64 is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.soap.base64
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
<xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" />
<xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="metadata">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="assembly">
<xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="data">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" />
<xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" />
<xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
<xsd:element name="resheader">
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
<resheader name="resmimetype">
<resheader name="version">
<resheader name="reader">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<resheader name="writer">
<value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
<data name="Shell_VideoConference.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Video Conference Mute</value>
<comment>Navigation view item name for Video Conference</comment>
<data name="VideoConference_Enable.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Enable Video Conference Mute</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="VideoConference.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Video Conference Mute is a quick and easy way to do an global "mute" of both your microphone and webcam. Disabling this module or closing PowerToys will unmute the microphone and camera.</value>
<data name="VideoConference_CameraAndMicrophoneMuteHotkeyControl_Header.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Mute camera &amp; microphone</value>
<data name="VideoConference_MicrophoneMuteHotkeyControl_Header.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mute microphone</value>
<data name="VideoConference_CameraMuteHotkeyControl_Header.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Mute camera</value>
<data name="VideoConference_SelectedCamera.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Selected camera</value>
<data name="VideoConference_SelectedMicrophone.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Selected microphone</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="VideoConference_CameraOverlayImagePathHeader.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Camera overlay image</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarPosition.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Toolbar position</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarPosition_TopCenter.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Top center</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarPosition_TopLeftCorner.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Top left corner</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarPosition_TopRightCorner.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Top right corner</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarPosition_BottomLeftCorner.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bottom left corner</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarPosition_BottomCenter.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bottom center</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarPosition_BottomRightCorner.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Bottom right corner</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarMonitor.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Show toolbar on</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarMonitor_Main.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Main monitor</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarMonitor_UnderCursor.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Monitor under cursor</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarMonitor_ActiveWindow.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Active window monitor</value>
<data name="VideoConference_ToolbarMonitor_All.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>All monitors</value>
<data name="VideoConference_HideToolbarWhenUnmuted.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Hide toolbar when both camera and microphone are unmuted</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="VideoConference.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Video Conference Mute</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="VideoConference_Camera.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="VideoConference_Microphone.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="VideoConference_Toolbar.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="VideoConference_Shortcuts.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="VideoConference_CameraOverlayImageAlt.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Camera overlay image preview</value>
<data name="VideoConference_CameraOverlayImageBrowse.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="VideoConference_CameraOverlayImageClear.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Shell_General.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Navigation view item name for General</comment>
<data name="Shell_Awake.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Product name: Navigation view item name for Awake</comment>
<data name="Shell_PowerLauncher.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Run</value>
<comment>Product name: Navigation view item name for PowerToys Run</comment>
<data name="Shell_PowerRename.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Product name: Navigation view item name for PowerRename</comment>
<data name="Shell_ShortcutGuide.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Shortcut Guide</value>
<comment>Product name: Navigation view item name for Shortcut Guide</comment>
<data name="Shell_PowerPreview.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>File Explorer add-ons</value>
<comment>Product name: Navigation view item name for File Explorer. Please use File Explorer as in the context of File Explorer in Windows</comment>
<data name="Shell_FancyZones.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Product name: Navigation view item name for FancyZones</comment>
<data name="Shell_ImageResizer.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Image Resizer</value>
<comment>Product name: Navigation view item name for Image Resizer</comment>
<data name="Shell_ColorPicker.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color Picker</value>
<comment>Product name: Navigation view item name for Color Picker</comment>
<data name="Shell_KeyboardManager.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keyboard Manager</value>
<comment>Product name: Navigation view item name for Keyboard Manager</comment>
<data name="Shell_NavigationMenu_Announce_Collapse" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Navigation closed</value>
<comment>Accessibility announcement when the navigation pane collapses</comment>
<data name="Shell_NavigationMenu_Announce_Open" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Navigation opened</value>
<comment>Accessibility announcement when the navigation pane opens</comment>
<data name="KeyboardManager_ConfigHeader.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Current configuration</value>
<comment>Keyboard Manager current configuration header</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="KeyboardManager.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Reconfigure your keyboard by remapping keys and shortcuts</value>
<comment>Keyboard Manager page description</comment>
<data name="KeyboardManager_EnableToggle.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable Keyboard Manager</value>
Keyboard Manager enable toggle header
do not loc the Product name. Do you want this feature on / off
<data name="KeyboardManager_ProfileDescription.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Select the profile to display the active key remap and shortcuts</value>
<comment>Keyboard Manager configuration dropdown description</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="KeyboardManager_RemapKeyboardButton.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Remap a key</value>
<comment>Keyboard Manager remap keyboard button content</comment>
<data name="KeyboardManager_RemapKeyboardButton_Accessible.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Remap a key</value>
<comment>Keyboard Manager remap keyboard button content</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="KeyboardManager_Keys.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Keyboard Manager remap keyboard header</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="KeyboardManager_RemapShortcutsButton.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Remap a shortcut</value>
<comment>Keyboard Manager remap shortcuts button</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="KeyboardManager_RemapShortcutsButton_Accessible.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Remap a shortcut</value>
<comment>Keyboard Manager remap shortcuts button</comment>
<data name="KeyboardManager_Shortcuts.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Keyboard Manager remap keyboard header</comment>
<data name="Shortcuts.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Shortcut.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="RemapKeysList.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Current Key Remappings</value>
<data name="RemapShortcutsList.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Current Shortcut Remappings</value>
<data name="KeyboardManager_RemappedKeysListItem.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Key Remapping</value>
<comment>key as in keyboard key</comment>
<data name="KeyboardManager_RemappedShortcutsListItem.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Shortcut Remapping</value>
<data name="KeyboardManager_RemappedTo.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Remapped to</value>
<data name="KeyboardManager_ShortcutRemappedTo.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Remapped to</value>
<data name="KeyboardManager_TargetApp.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>For Target Application</value>
<comment>What computer application would this be for</comment>
<data name="KeyboardManager_Image.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keyboard Manager</value>
<comment>do not loc, product name</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorPicker.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Quick and simple system-wide color picker.</value>
<data name="ColorPicker_EnableColorPicker.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable Color Picker</value>
<comment>do not loc the Product name. Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
<data name="ColorPicker_ChangeCursor.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Change cursor when picking a color</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerLauncher.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A quick launcher that has additional capabilities without sacrificing performance.</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_EnablePowerLauncher.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable PowerToys Run</value>
<comment>do not loc the Product name. Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchResults.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Search &amp; results</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchResultPreference.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Search result preference</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchResultPreference_MostRecentlyUsed" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Most recently used</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchResultPreference_AlphabeticalOrder" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Alphabetical order</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchResultPreference_RunningProcessesOpenApplications" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Running processes/open applications</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchTypePreference.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Search type preference</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchTypePreference_ApplicationName" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Application name</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchTypePreference_StringInApplication" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A string that is contained in the application</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchTypePreference_ExecutableName" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Executable name</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_MaximumNumberOfResults.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Maximum number of results</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_OpenPowerLauncher.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open PowerToys Run</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_OpenFileLocation.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open file location</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_CopyPathLocation.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Copy path location</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_OpenConsole.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open console</value>
<comment>console refers to Windows command prompt</comment>
<data name="PowerLauncher_OverrideWinRKey.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Override Win+R shortcut</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_OverrideWinSKey.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Override Win+S shortcut</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_IgnoreHotkeysInFullScreen.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Ignore shortcuts in fullscreen mode</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_UseCentralizedKeyboardHook.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use centralized keyboard hook (try it if there are issues with the shortcut)</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_ClearInputOnLaunch.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Clear the previous query on launch</value>
<data name="KeyboardManager_KeysMappingLayoutRightHeader.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Keyboard Manager mapping keys view right header</comment>
<data name="Appearance_GroupSettings.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Fancyzones_ImageHyperlinkToDocs.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>FancyZones windows</value>
<comment>do not loc the Product name</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Create window layouts to help make multi-tasking easy.</value>
<comment>windows refers to application windows</comment>
<data name="FancyZones_DisplayChangeMoveWindowsCheckBoxControl.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keep windows in their zones when the screen resolution changes</value>
<comment>windows refers to application windows</comment>
<data name="FancyZones_EnableToggleControl_HeaderText.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable FancyZones</value>
<comment>do not loc the Product name. Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_ExcludeApps.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Excluded apps</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_ExcludeApps.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Excludes an application from snapping to zones and will only react to Windows Snap - add one application name per line</value>
<data name="FancyZones_HighlightOpacity.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Zone opacity</value>
<data name="FancyZones_HotkeyEditorControl.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open layout editor</value>
<comment>Shortcut to launch the FancyZones layout editor application</comment>
<data name="SettingsPage_SetShortcut.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Shortcut setting</value>
<data name="SettingsPage_SetShortcut_Glyph.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Information Symbol</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_LaunchEditorButtonControl.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch layout editor</value>
<comment>launches the FancyZones layout editor application</comment>
<data name="FancyZones_LaunchEditorButton_Accessible.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch layout editor</value>
<comment>launches the FancyZones layout editor application</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_LaunchEditorButtonControl.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Set and manage your layouts</value>
<comment>launches the FancyZones layout editor application</comment>
<data name="FancyZones_MakeDraggedWindowTransparentCheckBoxControl.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Make dragged window transparent</value>
<data name="FancyZones_MouseDragCheckBoxControl_Header.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use a non-primary mouse button to toggle zone activation</value>
<data name="FancyZones_MoveWindowsAcrossAllMonitorsCheckBoxControl.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Move windows between zones across all monitors</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_OverrideSnapHotkeys.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Override Windows Snap</value>
<data name="FancyZones_OverrideSnapHotkeys.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This overrides the Windows Snap shortcut (Win + arrow) to move windows between zones</value>
<data name="FancyZones_ShiftDragCheckBoxControl_Header.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Hold Shift key to activate zones while dragging</value>
<data name="FancyZones_ShowZonesOnAllMonitorsCheckBoxControl.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Show zones on all monitors while dragging a window</value>
<data name="FancyZones_AppLastZoneMoveWindows.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Move newly created windows to their last known zone</value>
<comment>windows refers to application windows</comment>
<data name="FancyZones_OpenWindowOnActiveMonitor.Content" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Move newly created windows to the current active monitor (Experimental)</value>
<data name="FancyZones_UseCursorPosEditorStartupScreen.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch editor where mouse cursor is</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_UseCursorPosEditorStartupScreen.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>When using multiple screens, the editor will launch on the screen where the mouse cursor is</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_ZoneBehavior_GroupSettings.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Zone behavior</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_ZoneBehavior_GroupSettings.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Manage how zones behave when using FancyZones</value>
<data name="FancyZones_Zones.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FancyZones_ZoneHighlightColor.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Zone highlight color</value>
<data name="FancyZones_ZoneSetChangeMoveWindows.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>During zone layout changes, windows assigned to a zone will match new size/positions</value>
<data name="AttributionTitle.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>giving credit to the projects this utility was based on</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="General.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="GeneralPage_CheckForUpdates.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Check for updates</value>
<data name="GeneralPage_UpdateNow.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Update now</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="GeneralPage_PrivacyStatement_URL.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Privacy statement</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="GeneralPage_ReportAbug.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Report a bug</value>
<comment>Report an issue inside powertoys</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="GeneralPage_RequestAFeature_URL.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Request a feature</value>
<comment>Tell our team what we should build</comment>
<data name="GeneralPage_RestartAsAdmin_Button.Content" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Restart PowerToys as administrator</value>
<comment>running PowerToys as a higher level user, account is typically referred to as an admin / administrator</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="GeneralPage_RunAtStartUp.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Run at startup</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="GeneralPage_RunAtStartUp.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys will launch automatically</value>
<data name="PowerRename.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A Windows Shell extension for more advanced bulk renaming using search and replace or regular expressions.</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerRename_ShellIntegration.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Shell integration</value>
<comment>This refers to directly integrating in with Windows</comment>
<data name="PowerRename_Toggle_Enable.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable PowerRename</value>
<comment>do not loc the Product name. Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
<data name="RadioButtons_Name_Theme.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Settings theme</value>
<data name="PowerRename_Toggle_EnableOnContextMenu.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Show icon on context menu</value>
<data name="PowerRename_Toggle_EnableOnExtendedContextMenu.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Appear only in extended context menu</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerRename_Toggle_EnableOnExtendedContextMenu.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Press Shift + right-click on files to open the extended menu</value>
<data name="PowerRename_Toggle_MaxDispListNum.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Maximum number of items</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerRename_Toggle_RestoreFlagsOnLaunch.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Show recently used strings</value>
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_ToggleSwitch_Preview_MD.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable Markdown (.md) preview</value>
<comment>Do not loc "Markdown". Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_ToggleSwitch_Preview_SVG.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable SVG (.svg) preview</value>
<comment>Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_ToggleSwitch_Preview_PDF.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable PDF (.pdf) preview</value>
<comment>Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_ToggleSwitch_SVG_Thumbnail.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable SVG (.svg) thumbnails</value>
<comment>Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_ToggleSwitch_PDF_Thumbnail.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable PDF (.pdf) thumbnails</value>
<comment>Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FileExplorerPreview.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>These settings allow you to manage your Windows File Explorer custom preview handlers.</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerRename_AutoCompleteHeader.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="OpenSource_Notice.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open-source notice</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerRename_Toggle_AutoComplete.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable auto-complete for the search and replace fields</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_BorderColor.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Zone border color</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_InActiveColor.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Zone inactive color</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ShortcutGuide.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Shows a help overlay with Windows shortcuts.</value>
<data name="ShortcutGuide_PressTime.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Press duration before showing (ms)</value>
<comment>pressing a key in milliseconds</comment>
<data name="ShortcutGuide_PressTime.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>How long to press the Windows key to activate the module</value>
<data name="ShortcutGuide_ActivationMethod.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activation method</value>
<data name="ShortcutGuide_ActivationMethod.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use a shortcut or press the Windows key for some time to activate</value>
<data name="Radio_ShortcutGuide_ActivationMethod_CustomizedShortcut.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Customized shortcut</value>
<data name="Radio_ShortcutGuide_ActivationMethod_LongPressWindowsKey.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Hold down Windows key</value>
<data name="ShortcutGuide_PressWinKeyWarning.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>In some edge cases Shortcut Guide might not function correctly when using this activation method</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ShortcutGuide_Appearance_Behavior.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Appearance &amp; behavior</value>
<data name="ShortcutGuide_Enable.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable Shortcut Guide</value>
<comment>do not loc the Product name. Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
<data name="ShortcutGuide_OverlayOpacity.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Opacity of background</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ShortcutGuide_DisabledApps.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Exclude apps</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ShortcutGuide_DisabledApps.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Turns off Shortcut Guide when these applications have focus - add one application name per line</value>
<data name="ShortcutGuide_DisabledApps_TextBoxControl.PlaceholderText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Example: outlook.exe</value>
<comment>Don't translate outlook.exe</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ImageResizer_CustomSizes.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Image sizes</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Presets.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Presets.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Manage preset sizes that can be used in the editor</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_FilenameFormatHeader.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This format is used as the filename for resized images</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ImageResizer.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Lets you resize images by right-clicking.</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_EnableToggle.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable Image Resizer</value>
<comment>do not loc the Product name. Do you want this feature on / off</comment>
<data name="ImagesSizesListView.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Image Size</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Configurations.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Name.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Fit.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Width.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Height.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Size.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="RemoveButton.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Removes a user defined setting group for Image Resizer</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_Image.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Image Resizer</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ImageResizer_AddSizeButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Add a size</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_SaveSizeButton.Label" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Save sizes</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Encoding.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>JPEG quality level</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_PNGInterlacing.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PNG interlacing</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_TIFFCompression.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>TIFF compression</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="File.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>as in a computer file</comment>
<data name="Default.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_ENCODER_TIFF_CCITT3.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>do not loc</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_ENCODER_TIFF_CCITT4.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>do not loc</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_ENCODER_TIFF_Default.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_ENCODER_TIFF_LZW.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>do not loc</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_ENCODER_TIFF_None.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_ENCODER_TIFF_RLE.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>do not loc</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_ENCODER_TIFF_Zip.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>do not loc</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_FallbackEncoder_BMP.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>BMP encoder</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_FallbackEncoder_GIF.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GIF encoder</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_FallbackEncoder_JPEG.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>JPEG encoder</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_FallbackEncoder_PNG.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PNG encoder</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_FallbackEncoder_TIFF.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>TIFF encoder</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_FallbackEncoder_WMPhoto.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>WMPhoto encoder</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Sizes_Fit_Fill.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Refers to filling an image into a certain size. It could overflow</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_Sizes_Fit_Fill_ThirdPersonSingular.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Refers to filling an image into a certain size. It could overflow</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_Sizes_Fit_Fit.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Refers to fitting an image into a certain size. It won't overflow</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_Sizes_Fit_Stretch.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Refers to stretching an image into a certain size. Won't overflow but could distort.</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_Sizes_Units_CM.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Sizes_Units_Inches.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Sizes_Units_Percent.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Sizes_Units_Pixels.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Off.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="On.Content" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="GeneralPage_ToggleSwitch_AlwaysRunElevated_Link.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about administrator mode</value>
<data name="GeneralPage_ToggleSwitch_AutoDownloadUpdates.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Download updates automatically</value>
<data name="GeneralPage_ToggleSwitch_AutoDownloadUpdates.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Except on metered connections</value>
<data name="GeneralPage_ToggleSwitch_RunningAsAdminNote.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Currently running as administrator</value>
<data name="GeneralSettings_AlwaysRunAsAdminText.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Always run as administrator</value>
<data name="GeneralSettings_RunningAsUserText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Running as user</value>
<data name="GeneralSettings_RunningAsAdminText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Running as administrator</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FileExplorerPreview.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>File Explorer</value>
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_Image.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>File Explorer</value>
<comment>Use same translation as Windows does for File Explorer</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ImageResizer.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Image Resizer</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="KeyboardManager.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keyboard Manager</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorPicker.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color Picker</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerLauncher.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Run</value>
<data name="PowerToys_Run_Image.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Run</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerRename.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>do not loc the product name</comment>
<data name="PowerRename_Image.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>do not loc</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ShortcutGuide.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Shortcut Guide</value>
<data name="Shortcut_Guide_Image.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Shortcut Guide</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="General_Repository.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>GitHub repository</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="General_Version.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="General_VersionLastChecked.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Last checked: </value>
<data name="General_Version.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Admin_mode.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Administrator mode</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="General_RunAsAdminRequired.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>You need to run as administrator to use this setting.</value>
<data name="FancyZones_RestoreSize.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Restore the original size of windows when unsnapping</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_FallBackEncoderText.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Fallback encoder</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_FileFormatDescription.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The following parameters can be used:</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ImageResizer_FilenameFormatHeader.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Filename format</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_UseOriginalDate.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use original date modified</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_UseOriginalDate.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keep the original modified date of the file (instead of the resize date)</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Encoding.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="KeyboardManager_RemapKeyboardButton.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Remap keys to other keys or shortcuts</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="KeyboardManager_RemapShortcutsButton.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Remap shortcuts to other shortcuts or keys for all or specific applications</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="General.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity.
Made with 💗 by Microsoft and the PowerToys community.</value>
<comment>Windows refers to the OS</comment>
<data name="FancyZones_SpanZonesAcrossMonitorsCheckBoxControl.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Allow zones to span across monitors</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Formatting_ActualHeight.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Actual height</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Formatting_ActualWidth.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Actual width</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Formatting_Filename.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Original filename</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Formatting_SelectedHeight.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Selected height</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Formatting_SelectedWidth.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Selected width</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Formatting_Sizename.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Size name</value>
<data name="FancyZones_MoveWindowsBasedOnPositionCheckBoxControl.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Move windows based on their position</value>
<comment>Windows refers to application windows</comment>
<data name="GeneralSettings_NewVersionIsAvailable" xml:space="preserve">
<value>New update available</value>
<data name="GeneralSettings_VersionIsLatest" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys is up to date.</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_IconThumbnail_GroupSettings.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Icon Preview</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_PreviewPane_GroupSettings.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Preview Pane</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_RunAsAdminRequired.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>You need to run as administrator to modify these settings.</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_AffectsAllUsers.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>The settings on this page affect all users on the system</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FileExplorerPreview_RebootRequired.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A reboot may be required for changes to these settings to take effect</value>
<data name="FancyZones_ExcludeApps_TextBoxControl.PlaceholderText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Example: outlook.exe</value>
<comment>Don't translate outlook.exe</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_FilenameFormatPlaceholder.PlaceholderText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Example: %1 (%2)</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_FilenameParameters.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Filename parameters</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorModeHeader.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>App theme</value>
<data name="Radio_Theme_Dark.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Dark refers to color, not weight</comment>
<data name="Radio_Theme_Light.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Light refers to color, not weight</comment>
<data name="Radio_Theme_Default.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Windows default</value>
<comment>Windows refers to the Operating system</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Windows_Color_Settings.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Windows color settings</value>
<comment>Windows refers to the Operating system</comment>
<data name="ColorPicker_CopiedColorRepresentation.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Default color format</value>
<data name="ColorPickerFirst.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color Picker with editor mode enabled</value>
<comment>do not loc the product name</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorPickerFirst_Accessible.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color Picker with editor mode enabled</value>
<comment>do not loc the product name</comment>
<data name="ColorPickerFirst_Description.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Pick a color from the screen, copy formatted value to clipboard, then to the editor</value>
<comment>do not loc the product name</comment>
<data name="EditorFirst.Text" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="EditorFirst_Accessible.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ColorPicker_ActivationAction.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activation behavior</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorFormats.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Picker behavior</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorPicker_CopiedColorRepresentation.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This format will be copied to your clipboard</value>
<data name="KBM_KeysCannotBeRemapped.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about remapping limitations</value>
<comment>This is a link that will discuss what is and is not possible for Keyboard manager to remap</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_Editor_GroupSettings.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>refers to the FancyZone editor</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_WindowBehavior_GroupSettings.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Window behavior</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_WindowBehavior_GroupSettings.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Manage how windows behave when using FancyZones</value>
<data name="FancyZones_Windows.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>refers to a set of windows, not the product name</comment>
<data name="PowerRename_BehaviorHeader.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerRename_Toggle_UseBoostLib.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Use Boost library</value>
<comment>Boost is a product name, should not be translated</comment>
<data name="PowerRename_Toggle_UseBoostLib.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Provides extended features but may use different regex syntax</value>
<comment>Boost is a product name, should not be translated</comment>
<data name="MadeWithOssLove.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Made with 💗 by Microsoft and the PowerToys community.</value>
<data name="ColorPickerOnly.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color Picker only</value>
<comment>do not loc the product name</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorPickerOnly_Accessible.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color Picker only</value>
<comment>do not loc the product name</comment>
<data name="ColorPickerOnly_Description.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Pick a color from the screen and copy formatted value to clipboard</value>
<data name="EditorFirst_Description.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open directly into the editor mode</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorPicker_ColorFormats.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color formats</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorPicker_ColorFormats.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Select which color formats (and in what order) should show up in the editor</value>
<data name="MoveUp.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Move up</value>
<data name="MoveDown.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Move down</value>
<data name="ColorPicker_ShowColorName.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Show color name</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorPicker_ShowColorName.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This will show the name of the color when picking a color</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_DefaultSize_Large" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The size of the image</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_DefaultSize_Medium" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The size of the image</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_DefaultSize_Phone" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The size of the image referring to a Mobile Phone typical image size</comment>
<data name="ImageResizer_DefaultSize_Small" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>The size of the image</comment>
<data name="FancyZones_MoveWindowBasedOnRelativePosition.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Win + Up/Down/Left/Right to move windows based on relative position</value>
<data name="FancyZones_MoveWindowLeftRightBasedOnZoneIndex.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Win + Left/Right to move windows based on zone index</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ColorPicker_Editor.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FancyZones_OverlappingZonesClosestCenter.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activate the zone whose center is closest to the cursor</value>
<data name="FancyZones_OverlappingZonesLargest.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activate the largest zone by area</value>
<data name="FancyZones_OverlappingZonesPositional.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Split the overlapped area into multiple activation targets</value>
<data name="FancyZones_OverlappingZonesSmallest.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activate the smallest zone by area</value>
<data name="FancyZones_OverlappingZones.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>When multiple zones overlap</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerLauncher_Plugins.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerLauncher_ActionKeyword.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Direct activation command</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_AuthoredBy.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Authored by</value>
<comment>example: Authored by Microsoft</comment>
<data name="PowerLauncher_IncludeInGlobalResultTitle.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Include in global result</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_IncludeInGlobalResultDescription.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Show results on queries without direct activation command</value>
<data name="PowerLauncher_EnablePluginToggle.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable plugin</value>
<data name="Run_AdditionalOptions.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Additional options</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Run_NotAccessibleWarning.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Please define an activation command or allow this plugin for the global results to use it.</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Run_AllPluginsDisabled.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Run can't provide any results without plugins</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Run_AllPluginsDisabled.Message" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable at least one plugin to get started</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Run_NotAllowedActionKeyword.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>This activation command is already in use by another plugin.</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Run_PluginUseDescription.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Run_PluginUseDescription.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>You can include or remove each plugin from the global results, change the direct activation phrase and configure additional options</value>
<data name="Run_PositionAppearance_GroupSettings.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Position &amp; appearance</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Run_PositionHeader.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Preferred monitor position</value>
<comment>as in Show PowerToys Run on primary monitor</comment>
<data name="Run_PositionHeader.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>If multiple monitors are in use, PowerToys Run can be launched on the desired monitor</value>
<comment>as in Show PowerToys Run on primary monitor</comment>
<data name="Run_Radio_Position_Cursor.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Monitor with mouse cursor</value>
<data name="Run_Radio_Position_Focus.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Monitor with focused window</value>
<data name="Run_Radio_Position_Primary_Monitor.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Primary monitor</value>
<data name="Run_PluginsLoading.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Plugins are loading...</value>
<data name="ColorPicker_ButtonDown.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Move the color down</value>
<data name="ColorPicker_ButtonUp.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Move the color up</value>
<data name="FancyZones_FlashZonesOnQuickSwitch.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Flash zones when switching layout</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_Layouts.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="FancyZones_QuickLayoutSwitch.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable quick layout switch</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="FancyZones_QuickLayoutSwitch.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>You can configure layout-specific shortcuts in the editor</value>
<data name="FancyZones_QuickLayoutSwitch_GroupSettings.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Quick layout switch</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Activation_Shortcut.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activation shortcut</value>
<data name="Activation_Shortcut.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Customize the keyboard shortcut to activate this module</value>
<data name="Oobe_GetStarted.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Let's get started!</value>
<data name="Oobe_PowerToysDescription.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Welcome to PowerToys! These overviews will help you quickly learn the basics of all our utilities.</value>
<data name="Oobe_GettingStarted.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Getting started</value>
<data name="Oobe_Launch.Text" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Launch_ColorPicker.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch Color Picker</value>
<data name="Oobe_LearnMore.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about</value>
<data name="Oobe_ColorPicker_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color Picker is a system-wide color selection tool for Windows that enables you to pick colors from any currently running application and automatically copies it in a configurable format to your clipboard.</value>
<data name="Oobe_FancyZones_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>FancyZones is a window manager that makes it easy to create complex window layouts and quickly position windows into those layouts.</value>
<data name="Oobe_FileExplorer_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys introduces add-ons to the Windows File Explorer that will currently enable Markdown files (.md), PDF files (.pdf) and SVG icons (.svg) to be viewed in the preview pane.</value>
<data name="Oobe_ImageResizer_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Image Resizer is a Windows shell extension for simple bulk image-resizing.</value>
<data name="Oobe_KBM_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keyboard Manager allows you to customize the keyboard to be more productive by remapping keys and creating your own keyboard shortcuts.</value>
<data name="Oobe_PowerRename_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerRename enables you to perform simple bulk renaming, searching and replacing file names.</value>
<data name="Oobe_PowerRun_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Run is a quick launcher for power users that contains some additional features without sacrificing performance.</value>
<data name="Oobe_ShortcutGuide_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Shortcut Guide presents the user with a listing of available shortcuts for the current state of the desktop.</value>
<data name="Oobe_VideoConference_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Video Conference Mute allows users to quickly mute the microphone and turn off the camera while on a conference call with a single keystroke, regardless of what application has focus on your computer.</value>
<data name="Oobe_Overview_Description.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity.
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
Take a moment to preview the various utilities listed or view our comprehensive documentation.</value>
<data name="Oobe_Overview_DescriptionLinkText.Text" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Documentation on Microsoft Docs</value>
<data name="Oobe_Overview_LatestVersionLink.Text" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Release notes</value>
<data name="ReleaseNotes.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Release notes</value>
<data name="Oobe_ColorPicker_HowToUse.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>to open Color Picker.</value>
<data name="Oobe_ColorPicker_TipsAndTricks.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>To select a color with more precision, **scroll the mouse wheel** to zoom in.</value>
<data name="Oobe_FancyZones_HowToUse.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>**Shift** + **drag the window** to snap a window to a zone, and release the window in the desired zone.</value>
<data name="Oobe_FancyZones_HowToUse_Shortcut.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>to open the FancyZones editor.</value>
<data name="Oobe_FancyZones_TipsAndTricks.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Snap a window to multiple zones by holding the **Ctrl** key (while also holding **Shift**) when dragging a window.</value>
<data name="Oobe_FileExplorer_HowToEnable.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open File Explorer, **select the View tab** in the File Explorer ribbon, then **select Preview Pane**.
From there, simply click on a Markdown file, PDF file or SVG icon in the File Explorer and observe the content on the preview pane!</value>
<data name="Oobe_HowToCreateMappings.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>How to create mappings</value>
<data name="Oobe_HowToEnable.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>How to enable</value>
<data name="Oobe_HowToLaunch.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>How to launch</value>
<data name="Oobe_HowToUse.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>How to use</value>
<data name="Oobe_ImageResizer_HowToLaunch.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>In File Explorer, **right-clicking one or more image files** and **clicking on Resize pictures** from the context menu.</value>
<data name="Oobe_ImageResizer_TipsAndTricks.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Want a custom size? You can add them in the PowerToys Settings!</value>
<data name="Oobe_KBM_HowToCreateMappings.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch **PowerToys settings**, navigate to the Keyboard Manager menu, and select either **Remap a key** or **Remap a shortcut**.</value>
<data name="Oobe_KBM_TipsAndTricks.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Want to only have a shortcut work for a single application? Use the Target App field when creating the shortcut remapping.</value>
<data name="Oobe_PowerRename_HowToUse.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>In File Explorer, **right-clicking one or more selected files** and **clicking on PowerRename** from the context menu.</value>
<data name="Oobe_PowerRename_TipsAndTricks.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerRename supports searching for files using regular expressions to enable more advanced renaming functionalities.</value>
<data name="Oobe_Run_HowToLaunch.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>to open Run and just start typing.</value>
<data name="Oobe_Run_TipsAndTricks.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Run supports various action keys to funnel search queries for a specific subset of results. Typing **&lt;** searches for running processes only, **?** will search only for file, or **.** for installed applications! See PowerToys documentation for the complete set of 'Action Keys' available.</value>
<data name="Oobe_ShortcutGuide_HowToLaunch.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>to open Shortcut Guide, press it again to close or press **Esc**.</value>
<data name="Oobe_TipsAndTricks.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Tips &amp; tricks</value>
<data name="Oobe_VideoConference_ToggleMicVid.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>to toggle both your microphone and video</value>
<data name="Oobe_VideoConference_ToggleMic.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>to toggle your microphone</value>
<data name="Oobe_VideoConference_ToggleVid.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>to toggle your video</value>
<data name="Oobe_ColorPicker" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Color Picker</value>
<comment>Do not localize this string</comment>
<data name="Oobe_FancyZones" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Do not localize this string</comment>
<data name="Oobe_ImageResizer" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Image Resizer</value>
<comment>Do not localize this string</comment>
<data name="Oobe_KBM" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keyboard Manager</value>
<comment>Do not localize this string</comment>
<data name="Oobe_Overview" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Oobe_PowerRename" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Do not localize this string</comment>
<data name="Oobe_Run" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Run</value>
<comment>Do not localize this string</comment>
<data name="Oobe_ShortcutGuide" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Shortcut Guide</value>
<comment>Do not localize this string</comment>
<data name="Oobe_VideoConference" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Video Conference Mute</value>
<comment>Do not localize this string</comment>
<data name="Oobe_Welcome" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="OOBE_Settings.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open Settings</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Oobe_NavViewItem.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Welcome to PowerToys</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<comment>Don't loc "PowerToys"</comment>
<data name="Feedback_NavViewItem.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Give feedback</value>
<data name="OobeWindow_Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Welcome to PowerToys</value>
<data name="SettingsWindow_Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Settings</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Awake.ModuleTitle" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Awake.ModuleDescription" xml:space="preserve">
<value>A convenient way to keep your PC awake on-demand.</value>
<data name="Awake_EnableAwake.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable Awake</value>
<data name="Awake_NoKeepAwakeContent.Text" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Awake_IndefiniteKeepAwakeContent.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keep awake indefinitely</value>
<data name="Awake_TemporaryKeepAwakeContent.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keep awake temporarily</value>
<data name="Awake_NoKeepAwakeDescription.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Your PC operates according to its current power plan</value>
<data name="Awake_IndefiniteKeepAwakeDescription.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keeps your PC awake until the setting is disabled</value>
<data name="Awake_TemporaryKeepAwakeDescription.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keeps your PC awake until the set time elapses</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Awake_EnableDisplayKeepAwake.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Keep screen on</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Awake_Mode.Header" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="Awake_Behavior_GroupSettings.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Awake_TemporaryKeepAwake_Hours.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Awake_TemporaryKeepAwake_Minutes.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Oobe_Awake" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Module name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="Oobe_Awake_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Awake is a Windows tool designed to keep your PC awake on-demand without having to manage its power settings. This behavior can be helpful when running time-consuming tasks while ensuring that your PC does not go to sleep or turn off its screens.</value>
<data name="Oobe_Awake_HowToUse.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Open {PowerToys Settings} and enable Awake</value>
<data name="Oobe_Awake_TipsAndTricks.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>You can always change modes quickly by {right-clicking the Awake icon} in the system tray.</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="General_FailedToDownloadTheNewVersion.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>An error occurred trying to install this update:</value>
<data name="General_InstallNow.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Install now</value>
<data name="General_ReadMore.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Read more</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="General_NewVersionAvailable.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>An update is available:</value>
<data name="General_Downloading.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="General_TryAgainToDownloadAndInstall.Content" xml:space="preserve">
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<value>Try again to download &amp; install</value>
<data name="General_CheckingForUpdates.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Checking for updates...</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="General_NewVersionReadyToInstall.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>An update is ready to install:</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="General_UpToDate.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys is up to date</value>
<data name="General_DownloadAndInstall.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Download and install</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Fit_Fill_ThirdPersonSingular" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Fit_Fit_ThirdPersonSingular" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Fits within</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Fit_Stretch_ThirdPersonSingular" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Stretches to</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_Unit_Centimeter" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Unit_Inch" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Unit_Percent" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ImageResizer_Unit_Pixel" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="EditButton.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="No" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label of a cancel button</comment>
<data name="Delete_Dialog_Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Are you sure you want to delete this item?</value>
<data name="Yes" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>Label of a confirmation button</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="SeeWhatsNew.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>See what's new</value>
<data name="Awake_Mode.Description" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Set the preferred behaviour of Awake</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="ExcludedApps.Header" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Excluded apps</value>
<data name="Enable_ColorFormat.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enable colorformat</value>
<data name="More_Options_Button.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>More options</value>
<data name="More_Options_ButtonTooltip.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>More options</value>
<data name="To.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<comment>as in: from x to y</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_Awake.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about Awake</value>
<comment>Awake is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_ColorPicker.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about Color Picker</value>
<comment>Color Picker is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_FancyZones.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about FancyZones</value>
<comment>FancyZones is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_ImageResizer.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about Image Resizer</value>
<comment>Image Resizer is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_KBM.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about Keyboard Manager</value>
<comment>Keyboard Manager is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_PowerPreview.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about File Explorer add-ons</value>
<comment>File Explorer is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_PowerRename.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about PowerRename</value>
<comment>PowerRename is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_Run.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about PowerToys Run</value>
<comment>PowerToys Run is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_ShortcutGuide.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about Shortcut Guide</value>
<comment>Shortcut Guide is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="LearnMore_VCM.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Learn more about Video Conference Mute</value>
<comment>Video Conference Mute is a product name, do not loc</comment>
<data name="Oobe_FileExplorer" xml:space="preserve">
<value>File Explorer add-ons</value>
<comment>Do not localize this string</comment>
<data name="Launch_Run.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch PowerToys Run</value>
<data name="Launch_ShortcutGuide.Content" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Launch Shortcut Guide</value>
<data name="ColorPicker_ColorFormat_ToggleSwitch.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Show format in editor</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="GeneralPage_Documentation.Text" xml:space="preserve">
2021-08-12 20:53:12 +08:00
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchList.PlaceholderText" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Search this list</value>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00
<data name="PowerLauncher_SearchList.AutomationProperties.Name" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Search this list</value>
<data name="Awake.SecondaryLinksHeader" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="ColorPicker.SecondaryLinksHeader" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="General.SecondaryLinksHeader" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Related information</value>
<data name="ImageResizer.SecondaryLinksHeader" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PowerLauncher.SecondaryLinksHeader" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="PowerRename.SecondaryLinksHeader" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="EditTooltip.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="RemoveTooltip.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Activation_Shortcut_Cancel" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Activation_Shortcut_Description.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Press a combination of keys to change this shortcut</value>
<data name="Activation_Shortcut_Save" xml:space="preserve">
<data name="Activation_Shortcut_Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Activation shortcut</value>
<data name="InvalidShortcut.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Invalid shortcut</value>
<data name="InvalidShortcutWarningLabel.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Only shortcuts that start with **Windows key**, **Ctrl**, **Alt** or **Shift** are valid.</value>
<data name="FancyZones_SpanZonesAcrossMonitorsPrerequisites.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>All monitors must have the same DPI scaling and will be treated as one large combined rectangle which contains all monitors</value>
<data name="ImageResizer_DefaultSize_NewSizePrefix" xml:space="preserve">
<value>New size</value>
<comment>First part of the default name of new sizes that can be added in PT's settings ui.</comment>
[Settings] New UX (#12470) * Removed hardcoded background * Background * Updated pages * Added OOBE to shellpage * Margin fixes * Fix * Resource update * Resource string update * Removed reference from installer file * Updated UI fixes and remove conflicts * Adding new settings control * PowerRename * Sidepanel updates * Shortcut Guide * Updates screeens * General page updates * Awake UX update * Changed order for power preview note * Fixes * UI fixes * KBM * IsEnabled state support * Added new controls * Update * Updated nugest packages * Replaced itemscontrol * Introducing setting button style * FancyZones page * Plugin page * Switch case * Fixed typo * Plugin manager update * Introducing SettingExpander * Setting automation properties * Accesibility improvements * VCM and cleanup * Refactoring OOBE pages part 1 * OOBE XAML refactoring * Added MinWidth to actioncontent controls * Updates to various settings * Spell update * Update to author label * Clean up * Removing redunant files * Move file * Updated files * Revert "Updated files" This reverts commit 1a5c887eae4b4d4989a5e69d531d58227d73adef. * Revert "Move file" This reverts commit 2b06c75c1f91f7a0bbda4c61a7a732dfcedf347e. * Revert "Removing redunant files" This reverts commit fe79ec1701b5670c3d6298a7411964908a839dfe. * Revert "Clean up" This reverts commit 028e15fab6d28fa2519f5a3afa2b7e3e9c2eb297. * Removed redundant styles * Revert "Removed redundant styles" This reverts commit dfdfd65021715b63bae3391518181e3ecbc81330. * Files cleanup * Removing converter, updating background and paddings * Styling updates * Unit test updates * Fixes * Installer fixes * Update Resources.resw * Shell page updates * Updated pagelinks * Styles re-ordering * Updated converter * Updated ToggleSwitch style * Bugfixes * Typo fix * [Settings] New UX - installer dll fixes (#12818) * [Settings] New UX - Fix some failing tests (#12822) * Bugfixes * Typo fix * Hiding VCM * Bugfixes * Download button fix * Remove Newtonsoft.Json from installer file * Updated visuals * Bugfixes * Syntax fix * Updated installer file * Bugfixes * New label * Theming support for OOBE * Put back in Documentation hyperlink * Right uid Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2021-08-24 01:48:52 +08:00