PowerToys provides a common framework for settings. It can be used to save and load settings on disk, and provides a user interface for changing the options.
## Initialization
When a PowerToy module is created, it should load its configuration using [`PowerToyValues`](/src/common/settings_objects.h) class. The class provides static `load_from_settings_file` method which takes one parameter - the PowerToy module name. The `PowerToyValues` class provides methods to extract values. The method return `std::optional` - it is possible, that the method will return `std::nullopt` in which case you must use defaults.
class ExamplePowertoy : public PowertoyModuleIface
auto settings = PowerToySettings::PowerToyValues::load_from_settings_file(L"Example Powertoy");
// See if value is set, otherwise keep the default value
if (auto int_value = settings.get_int_value(L"int_setting"))
m_int_setting = *int_value;
if (auto string_value = setting.get_string_value("string_setting"))
m_string_setting = *string_value;
// ...
// Settings and their default values
int m_int_setting = 10;
std::wstring m_string_setting = L"default";
## Settings screen
When users starts the settings screen, the runner will call the [`get_config()`](modules/interface.md) method. The interface expects the method to fill provided buffer. Use the [`Settings`](/src/common/settings_objects.h) class to construct proper response with proper format. The class has helper method to set description and links fields, it also provides a way to define the content of the settings screen. Keep all the strings in the resource file and provide the resource IDs to the methods.
extern "C" IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; // Needed to get strings from the resource file
The list of all the available settings elements and their description is [further in this doc](#available-settings-elements). New PowerToy icons need to be [added to the `settings-web` project](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/master/doc/devdocs/settings-web.md#updating-the-icons).
## User changes settings
When user closes the settings screen, the runner will call the [`get_config()`](modules/interface.md) method. Use [`PowerToyValues`](/src/common/settings_objects.h) class static `from_json_string` method to parse the settings. After that, the code is similar to loading the settings from disk:
auto settings = PowerToySettings::PowerToyValues::from_json_string(config);
// See if value is set update the values
if (auto int_value = settings.get_int_value(L"int_setting"))
m_int_setting = *int_value;
if (auto string_value = setting.get_string_value("string_setting"))
m_string_setting = *string_value;
// Save the new settings to disk
## Detailed reference
For a detailed reference of how the settings are implemented in the runner and in the settings editor, consult [this detailed guide](settings-reference.md).
Numeric input with dials to increment and decrement the value. Parameters:
*`name` - Key for element in the JSON.
*`description` - Resource ID of the text displayed to the user.
*`value` - Initial control value.
*`min`, `max` - Minimum and maximum values for the input. User cannot use dials to move beyond those values, if a value out of range is inserted using the keyboard, it will get clamped to the allowed range.
*`description` - Resource ID of the text displayed to the user.
*`hotkey` - Instance of `PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject` class.
You can create `PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject` object either by using helper `from_settings` static method or by providing a JSON object to `from_json` static method.
The `PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject::from_settings` take following parameters:
*`win_pressed` - Is the WinKey pressed.
*`ctrl_pressed` - Is the Ctrl key pressed.
*`alt_pressed` - Is the Alt key pressed.
*`shift_pressed` - Is the Shift key pressed.
*`vk_code` - The [virtual key-code](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes) of the key.
The displayed key is deduced from the `vk_code` using the users keyboard layout and language settings.
The hotkey value is returned as JSON, which can be used with the `from_json` method to create a `HotkeyObject` object. A typical example of registering a hotkey:
std::optional<json::JsonObject> value = settings.get_json(L"hotkey_name");
if (value) {
auto hotkey = PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject::from_json(*value);
*`description` - Resource ID of the text displayed to the user.
*`button_text` - Resource ID for the button label.
*`ext_description` - Resource ID for the extended description.
When the button is pressed, the `call_custom_action` method of the module will be called, with JSON containing the name of the action. Parse it using `PowerToysSettings::CustomActionObject`: