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#pragma once
//#include "pch.h"
#include "Helpers.h"
#include <interface/lowlevel_keyboard_event_data.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.h>
// Enum type to store different states of the UI
enum class KeyboardManagerUIState
// If set to this value then there is no keyboard manager window currently active that requires a hook
// If set to this value then the detect key window is currently active and it requires a hook
// If set to this value then the detect shortcut window is currently active and it requires a hook
// Class to store the shared state of the keyboard manager between the UI and the hook
class KeyboardManagerState
// State variable used to store which UI window is currently active that requires interaction with the hook
KeyboardManagerUIState uiState;
// Window handle for the current UI window which is active. Should be set to nullptr if UI is deactivated
HWND currentUIWindow;
// Vector to store the shortcut detected in the detect shortcut UI window. This is used in both the backend and the UI.
std::vector<DWORD> detectedShortcut;
// Stores the UI element which is to be updated based on the shortcut entered
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::TextBlock currentShortcutTextBlock;
// Maps which store the remappings for each of the features. The bool fields should be initalised to false. They are used to check the current state of the shortcut (i.e is that particular shortcut currently pressed down or not).
// Stores single key remappings
std::unordered_map<DWORD, WORD> singleKeyReMap;
// Stores keys which need to be changed from toggle behaviour to modifier behaviour. Eg. Caps Lock
std::unordered_map<DWORD, bool> singleKeyToggleToMod;
// Stores the os level shortcut remappings
std::map<std::vector<DWORD>, std::pair<std::vector<WORD>, bool>> osLevelShortcutReMap;
// Stores the app-specific shortcut remappings. Maps application name to the shortcut map
std::map<std::wstring, std::map<std::vector<DWORD>, std::pair<std::vector<WORD>, bool>>> appSpecificShortcutReMap;
// Constructor
// Function to reset the UI state members
void ResetUIState();
// Function to check the if the UI state matches the argument state. For states with activated windows it also checks if the window is in focus.
bool CheckUIState(KeyboardManagerUIState state);
// Function to set the window handle of the current UI window that is activated
void SetCurrentUIWindow(HWND windowHandle);
// Function to set the UI state. When a window is activated, the handle to the window can be passed in the windowHandle argument.
void SetUIState(KeyboardManagerUIState state, HWND windowHandle = nullptr);
// Function to clear the OS Level shortcut remapping table
void ClearOSLevelShortcuts();
// Function to add a new OS level shortcut remapping
void AddOSLevelShortcut(const std::vector<DWORD>& originalSC, const std::vector<WORD>& newSC);
// Function to set the textblock of the detect shortcut UI so that it can be accessed by the hook
void ConfigureDetectShortcutUI(const winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::TextBlock& textBlock);
// Function to update the detect shortcut UI based on the entered keys
void UpdateDetectShortcutUI();
// Function to return the currently detected shortcut which is displayed on the UI
std::vector<DWORD> GetDetectedShortcut();
// Function which can be used in HandleKeyboardHookEvent before the single key remap event to use the UI and suppress events while the remap window is active.
bool DetectKeyUIBackend(LowlevelKeyboardEvent* data);
// Function which can be used in HandleKeyboardHookEvent before the os level shortcut remap event to use the UI and suppress events while the remap window is active.
bool DetectShortcutUIBackend(LowlevelKeyboardEvent* data);