- [x] Edit templates (number of zones, spacing, distance to highlight adjacent zones). Verify after reopening the editor that saved settings are kept the same.
- [x] Edit canvas layout: zones size and position, create or delete zones.
- [x]`Hold Shift key to activate zones while dragging` on, `Use a non-primary mouse button to toggle zone activation` off. Start dragging a window, then press shift. Zones are shown when dragging a window with shift pressed, hidden when you released shift or snapped zone.
- [x]`Hold Shift key to activate zones while dragging` on, `Use a non-primary mouse button to toggle zone activation` off. Press shift first, then start dragging a window. Zones are shown when dragging a window with shift pressed, hidden when you released shift or snapped zone.
- [x]`Hold Shift key to activate zones while dragging` off, `Use a non-primary mouse button to toggle zone activation` on. Zones are shown immediately when dragging a window and hidden when you click a non-primary mouse button or press shift.
- [x]`Hold Shift key to activate zones while dragging` off, `Use a non-primary mouse button to toggle zone activation` off. Zones are shown immediately when dragging a window, hidden when you press shift.
- [x]`Hold Shift key to activate zones while dragging` on, `Use a non-primary mouse button to toggle zone activation` on. Zones aren't shown immediately, only when shift is pressed or when a non-primary mouse click changes the state.
- [x]`Show zones on all monitor whilw dragging a window` - turn on,off, verify behavior.
- [x] Create a canvas layout with overlapping zones, check zone activation behavior with all `When multiple zones overlap` options
- [x] Snap a window to a zone by dragging, verify `app-zone-history.json` contains info about the window position on the corresponding work area.
- [x] Snap a window to a zone by a keyboard shortcut, verify `app-zone-history.json` contains info about the window position on the corresponding work area.
- [x] Snap a window to another monitor, verify `app-zone-history.json` contains positions about zones on both monitors.
- [x] Snap a window to several zones, verify zone numbers in the json file are correct.
- [x] Snap a window to a zone, unsnap it, verify this app was removed from the json file.
- [x] Snap the same window to a zone on two different monitors or virtual desktops. Then unsnap from one of them, verify that info about unsnapped zone was removed from `app-zone-history.json`. Verify info about the second monitor/virtual desktop is kept.
- [x] Enable `Restore the original size of windows when unsnapping`, snap window, unsnap window, verify the window changed its size to original.
- [x] Disable `Restore the original size of windows when unsnapping`, snap window, unsnap window, verify window size wasn't changed.
- [x] Disable `Restore the original size of windows when unsnapping`, snap window, enable `Restore the original size of windows when unsnapping`, unsnap window, verify window size wasn't changed.
- [x] Launch PT in user mode, try to assign a window with administrator privileges to a zone. Verify the notification is shown.
- [x] Launch PT in administrator mode, assign a window with administrator privileges.
* Open `Task view` , right-click on the window, check the `Show this window on all desktops` or the `Show windows from this app on all desktops` option to turn it on.
- [x]`Keep windows in their zones when the screen resolution changes` on, snap a window to a zone, change the screen resolution or scaling, verify window changed its size and position.
- [x]`Keep windows in their zones when the screen resolution changes` on, snap a window to a zone on the secondary monitor. Disconnect the secondary monitor (the window will be moved to the primary monitor). Reconnect the secondary monitor. Verify the window returned to its zone.
- [x]`Keep windows in their zones when the screen resolution changes` off, snap a window to a zone, change the screen resolution or scaling, verify window didn't change its size and position.
Enable `During zone layout changes, windows assigned to a zone will match new size/positions` and prepare layouts with 1 and 3 zones where zone size/positions are different.
- [x] Snap a window to zone 1, change the layout, verify window changed its size/position.
- [x] Snap a window to zone 3, change the layout, verify window didn't change its size/position because another layout doesn't have a zone with this zone number.
- [x] Snap a window to zones 1-2, change the layout, verify window changed its size/position to fit zone 1.
- [x] Snap a window to zones 1-2, change the layout (the window will be snapped to zone 1), then return back to the previous layout, verify the window snapped to 1-2 zones.
- [x] Disable `During zone layout changes, windows assigned to a zone will match new size/positions`, snap window to zone 1, change layout, verify window didn't change its size/position
- [x] Snap a window to the primary monitor, close and reopen the window. Verify it's snapped to its zone.
- [x] Snap a window to zones on the primary and secondary monitors. Close and reopen the app. Verify it's snapped to the zone on the active monitor.
- [x] Snap a window to the secondary monitor (use a different app or unsnap the window from the zone on the primary monitor), close and reopen the window. Verify it's snapped to its zone.
- [x] Snap a window, turn off FancyZones, move that window, turn FZ on. Verify window returned to its zone.
- [x] Move unsnapped window to a secondary monitor, switch virtual desktop and return back. Verify window didn't change its position and size.
- [x] Snap a window, then resize it (it's still snapped, but doesn't fit the zone). Switch the virtual desktop and return back, verify window didn't change its size.
- [x] Enable `Allow popup windows snapping` and `Allow child windows snapping`, try to snap Notepad++ search window. Verify it can be snapped.
- [x] Enable `Allow popup windows snapping`, snap Teams, verify a popup window appears in its usual position.
- [x] Enable `Allow popup windows snapping`, snap Visual Studio Code to a zone, and open any menu. Verify the menu is where it's supposed to be and not on the top left corner of the zone.
- [x] Enable `Allow child windows snapping`, drag any child window (e.g. Solution Explorer), verify it can be snapped to a zone.
- [x] Disable `Allow child windows snapping`, drag any child window (e.g. Solution Explorer), verify it can't be snapped to a zone.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` disabled. Verify `Win`+`LeftArrow` doesn't move the window to any zone when the window is in the first zone.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` disabled. Verify `Win`+`RightArrow` doesn't move the window to any zone when the window is in the last zone.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` enabled. Verify `Win`+`LeftArrow` doesn't move the window to any zone when the window is in the first zone.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` enabled. Verify `Win`+`RightArrow` doesn't move the window to any zone when the window is in the last zone.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` enabled. Verify `Win`+`LeftArrow` cycles window position moving it from the first zone on the current monitor to the last zone of the left (or rightmost, if the current monitor is leftmost) monitor.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` enabled. Verify `Win`+`RightArrow` cycles window position moving it from the last zone on the current monitor to the first zone of the right (or leftmost, if the current monitor is rightmost) monitor.
- [x] Open the previously not snapped window, press `Win`+`Arrow`, verify it's snapped.
- [x] Extend the window using `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`Win`+`Arrow`. Verify the window is snapped to all zones.
- [x] Extend the window using `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`Win`+`Arrow` and return it back using the opposite arrow. Verify it could be reverted while you hold `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`Win`.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` disabled. Verify `Win`+`LeftArrow` cycles the window position to the left (from the leftmost zone moves to the rightmost in the same row) within one monitor.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` disabled. Verify `Win`+`RightArrow` cycles the window position to the right within one monitor.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` disabled. Verify `Win`+`UpArrow` cycles the window position up within one monitor.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` disabled. Verify `Win`+`DownArrow` cycles the window position down within one monitor.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` enabled. Verify `Win`+`LeftArrow` cycles the window position to the left (from the leftmost zone moves to the rightmost in the same row) within all monitors.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` enabled. Verify `Win`+`RightArrow` cycles the window position to the right within all monitors.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` enabled. Verify `Win`+`UpArrow` cycles the window position up within all monitors.
- [x]`Move windows between zones across all monitors` enabled. Verify `Win`+`DownArrow` cycles the window position down within all monitors.
- [x] Disable spacing on any grid layout, verify that there is no space between zones while dragging a window.
- [x] Create a new virtual desktop, verify that there are the same layouts as applied to the previous virtual desktop.
- [x] After creating a virtual desktop apply another layout or edit the applied one. Verify that the other virtual desktop layout wasn't changed.
- [x] Delete an applied custom layout in the Editor, verify that there is no layout applied instead of it.
- [x] Apply a grid layout, change the screen resolution or scaling, verify that the assigned layout fits the screen. NOTE: canvas layout could not fit the screen if it was created on a monitor with a different resolution.
* the Icon Preview for the existing SVG will still show since the icons are cached (you can also use `cleanmgr.exe` to clean all thumbnails cached in your system). You may need to restart the machine for this setting to apply as well.
- [x] Press `a` and the left or right arrow and verify the accent menu appears and adds the accented letter you've selected. Use left and arrow keys to cycle through the options.
- [x] Press `a` and the space key and verify the accent menu appears and adds the accented letter you've selected. Use <kbd>Space</kbd> to navigate forward, <kbd>Space</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> to navigate backward.
- [x] Disable Quick Accent and verify you can no longer add accented characters through Quick Accent.
* Open Registry Editor, add new registry key with 1 string value and 1 binary value in e.g. HKLM/Software/Classes/PowerToysTest. Right click new registry key->export and export it to file.
* Launch Registry Preview by right-clicking exported .reg file->'Preview'. Then:
- [x] Edit file content. Ensure that visual try is being re-populated while typing. Save the file by pressing Save file button. Confirm that file is properly saved by pressing Edit file... button which will open file in Notepad. Try saving file using Save file as... button.
- [x] Edit file externaly (e.g. in Notepad) and save it there. Pres Reload from file button and ensure that file content and visual tree are reloaded and show new content.
- [x] Select some registry key with registry values in visual tree and ensure that registry values are shown properly in bottom-right area.
- [x] Try opening different registry file by pressing Open file button.
- [x] Delete newly created registry key from first step manually in Registry Editor, then try writing registry changes to registry by pressing Write to Registry button in Registry Preview. *Be careful what you are writing!*
- [x] Disable Registry Preview and ensure that Preview context menu option for .reg files no longer appears.
- [x] Try to launch Registry Preview from it's OOBE page while Registry Preview is disabled and ensure that it does not start.
- [x] Enable Registry Preview again and ensure that Preview context menu option for .reg files appears and that it starts Registry Preview correctly.
- [x] Try to launch Registry Preview from it's Settings page and ensure that it is launched properly.
- [x] Try to launch Registry Preview from it's OOBE page and ensure that it is launched properly.
- [x] Enable Default app setting. Verify that .reg files are opened with Registry Preview by default. Disable Default app setting. Verify that Registry Editor is now default app.