| `InputUseEnglishFormat` | `false` | Use English (United States) number format for input | Ignores your system setting and expects numbers in the format '1,000.50' |
| `OutputUseEnglishFormat` | `false` | Use English (United States) number format for output | Ignores your system setting and returns numbers in the format '1000.50' |
* The optional plugin settings are implemented via the [`ISettingProvider`](/src/modules/launcher/Wox.Plugin/ISettingProvider.cs) interface from `Wox.Plugin` project. All available settings for the plugin are defined in the [`Main`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator/Main.cs) class of the plugin.
- The [`CalculateHelper.cs`](src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator/CalculateHelper.cs) class checks to see if the user entered query is a valid input to the calculator and only if the input is valid does it perform the operation.
- The main computation is done in the [`CalculateEngine.cs`](src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator/CalculateEngine.cs) file using the `Mages` library.
We have a [Unit Test project](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator.UnitTests) that executes various test to ensure that the plugin works as expected.
- The [`BracketHelperTests.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator.UnitTests/BracketHelperTests.cs) class contains tests to validate that brackets are handled correctly.
- The [`ExtendedCalculatorParserTests.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator.UnitTests/ExtendedCalculatorParserTests.cs) class contains tests to validate that the input is parsed correctly and the result is correct.
- The [`NumberTranslatorTests.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator.UnitTests/NumberTranslatorTests.cs) class contains tests to validate that each number is converted correctly based on the defined locals.
- The [`QueryTests.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator.UnitTests/QueryTests.cs) class contains tests to validate that the user gets the correct results when searching.