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#pragma once
#include <keyboardmanager/common/KeyboardManagerState.h>
// Wrapper class for the key drop down menu
class KeyDropDownControl
// Stores the drop down combo box
ComboBox dropDown;
// Stores the previous layout
HKL previousLayout = 0;
// Stores the key code list
std::vector<DWORD> keyCodeList;
// Function to set properties apart from the SelectionChanged event handler
void SetDefaultProperties(bool isShortcut);
// Function to check if the layout has changed and accordingly update the drop down list
void CheckAndUpdateKeyboardLayout(ComboBox currentDropDown, bool isShortcut);
// Pointer to the keyboard manager state
static KeyboardManagerState* keyboardManagerState;
// Constructor for single key drop down
KeyDropDownControl(size_t rowIndex, size_t colIndex, std::vector<std::vector<DWORD>>& singleKeyRemapBuffer)
dropDown.SelectionChanged([&, rowIndex, colIndex](IInspectable const& sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs const& args) {
ComboBox currentDropDown = sender.as<ComboBox>();
int selectedKeyIndex = currentDropDown.SelectedIndex();
// Check if the element was not found or the index exceeds the known keys
if (selectedKeyIndex != -1 && keyCodeList.size() > selectedKeyIndex)
singleKeyRemapBuffer[rowIndex][colIndex] = keyCodeList[selectedKeyIndex];
// Reset to null if the key is not found
singleKeyRemapBuffer[rowIndex][colIndex] = NULL;
// Constructor for shortcut drop down
KeyDropDownControl(size_t rowIndex, size_t colIndex, std::vector<std::vector<Shortcut>>& shortcutRemapBuffer, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<KeyDropDownControl>>& keyDropDownControlObjects, StackPanel parent)
Flyout warningFlyout;
TextBlock warningMessage;
dropDown.ContextFlyout().SetAttachedFlyout((FrameworkElement)dropDown, warningFlyout);
// drop down selection handler
dropDown.SelectionChanged([&, rowIndex, colIndex, parent, warningMessage](IInspectable const& sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs const&) {
ComboBox currentDropDown = sender.as<ComboBox>();
int selectedKeyIndex = currentDropDown.SelectedIndex();
uint32_t dropDownIndex = -1;
bool dropDownFound = parent.Children().IndexOf(currentDropDown, dropDownIndex);
if (selectedKeyIndex != -1 && keyCodeList.size() > selectedKeyIndex && dropDownFound)
// If only 1 drop down and action key is chosen: Warn that a modifier must be chosen
if (parent.Children().Size() == 1 && !IsModifierKey(keyCodeList[selectedKeyIndex]))
// warn and reset the drop down
SetDropDownError(currentDropDown, warningMessage, L"Shortcut must start with a modifier key");
// If it is the last drop down
else if (dropDownIndex == parent.Children().Size() - 1)
// If last drop down and a modifier is selected: add a new drop down (max of 5 drop downs should be enforced)
if (IsModifierKey(keyCodeList[selectedKeyIndex]) && parent.Children().Size() < 5)
// If it matched any of the previous modifiers then reset that drop down
if (CheckRepeatedModifier(parent, dropDownIndex, selectedKeyIndex, keyCodeList))
// warn and reset the drop down
SetDropDownError(currentDropDown, warningMessage, L"Shortcut cannot contain a repeated modifier");
// If not, add a new drop down
AddDropDown(parent, rowIndex, colIndex, shortcutRemapBuffer, keyDropDownControlObjects);
// If last drop down and a modifier is selected but there are already 5 drop downs: warn the user
else if (IsModifierKey(keyCodeList[selectedKeyIndex]) && parent.Children().Size() >= 5)
// warn and reset the drop down
SetDropDownError(currentDropDown, warningMessage, L"Shortcut must contain an action key");
// If None is selected but it's the last index: warn
else if (keyCodeList[selectedKeyIndex] == 0)
// warn and reset the drop down
SetDropDownError(currentDropDown, warningMessage, L"Shortcut must contain an action key");
// If none of the above, then the action key will be set
// If it is the not the last drop down
if (IsModifierKey(keyCodeList[selectedKeyIndex]))
// If it matched any of the previous modifiers then reset that drop down
if (CheckRepeatedModifier(parent, dropDownIndex, selectedKeyIndex, keyCodeList))
// warn and reset the drop down
SetDropDownError(currentDropDown, warningMessage, L"Shortcut cannot contain a repeated modifier");
// If not, the modifier key will be set
// If None is selected and there are more than 2 drop downs
else if (keyCodeList[selectedKeyIndex] == 0 && parent.Children().Size() > 2)
// delete drop down
// delete drop down control object from the vector so that it can be destructed
keyDropDownControlObjects.erase(keyDropDownControlObjects.begin() + dropDownIndex);
else if (keyCodeList[selectedKeyIndex] == 0 && parent.Children().Size() <= 2)
// warn and reset the drop down
SetDropDownError(currentDropDown, warningMessage, L"Shortcut must have atleast 2 keys");
// If the user tries to set an action key check if all drop down menus after this are empty if it is not the first key
else if (dropDownIndex != 0)
bool isClear = true;
for (int i = dropDownIndex + 1; i < (int)parent.Children().Size(); i++)
ComboBox currentDropDown = parent.Children().GetAt(i).as<ComboBox>();
if (currentDropDown.SelectedIndex() != -1)
isClear = false;
if (isClear)
// remove all the drop down
int elementsToBeRemoved = parent.Children().Size() - dropDownIndex - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < elementsToBeRemoved; i++)
// warn and reset the drop down
SetDropDownError(currentDropDown, warningMessage, L"Shortcut cannot have more than one action key");
// If there an action key is chosen on the first drop down and there are more than one drop down menus
// warn and reset the drop down
SetDropDownError(currentDropDown, warningMessage, L"Shortcut must start with a modifier key");
// Reset the buffer based on the new selected drop down items
// Function to set the selected index of the drop down
void SetSelectedIndex(int32_t index);
// Function to return the combo box element of the drop down
ComboBox GetComboBox();
// Function to add a drop down to the shortcut stack panel
static void AddDropDown(StackPanel parent, const size_t rowIndex, const size_t colIndex, std::vector<std::vector<Shortcut>>& shortcutRemapBuffer, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<KeyDropDownControl>>& keyDropDownControlObjects);
// Function to get the list of key codes from the shortcut combo box stack panel
std::vector<DWORD> GetKeysFromStackPanel(StackPanel parent);
// Function to check if a modifier has been repeated in the previous drop downs
bool CheckRepeatedModifier(StackPanel parent, uint32_t dropDownIndex, int selectedKeyIndex, const std::vector<DWORD>& keyCodeList);
// Function to set the flyout warning message
void SetDropDownError(ComboBox dropDown, TextBlock messageBlock, hstring message);