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# New plugin checklist
- [ ] The plugin is a project under `modules\launcher\Plugins`
- [ ] Microsoft plugin project name pattern: `Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.{PluginName}`
- [ ] Community plugin project name pattern: `Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.{PluginName}`
- [ ] [`GlobalSuppressions.cs`](/src/codeAnalysis/GlobalSuppressions.cs) and [`StyleCop.json`](/src/codeAnalysis/StyleCop.json) have to be included in the plugin project so it follows PowerToys code guidelines
- [ ] The plugin has to have `{PowerToys version}.0` version
- [ ] Make sure `*.csproj` specify only x64 platform target
- [ ] The plugin has to contain a `plugin.json` file of the following format in its root folder
"ID": string, // GUID string
"ActionKeyword": string, // Direct activation phrase
"IsGlobal": boolean,
"Name": string, // Has to be unique, same as 'PluginName' in the project name pattern
"Author": string,
"Version": "1.0.0", // For future compatibility
"Language": "csharp", // So far we support only csharp
"Website": "https://aka.ms/powertoys",
"ExecuteFileName": string, // Should be {Type}.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.{PluginName}.dll
"IcoPathDark": string, // Path to dark theme icon. The path is relative to the root plugin folder
"IcoPathLight": string // Path to light theme icon. The path is relative to the root plugin folder
- [ ] Do not use plugin name or PowerToys as prefixes for entities inside of the plugin project
- [ ] The plugin has to have Unit tests. Use MSTest framework
- [ ] To enable localization add `LocProject.json` file to the plugin root folder. For details see [`localization.md`](/doc/devdocs/localization.md#enabling-localization-on-a-new-project)
- [ ] Plugin's output code and assets have to be included in the installer [`Product.wxs`](/installer/PowerToysSetup/Product.wxs)
- [ ] Test the plugin with a local build. Build the installer, install, check that the plugin works as expected
- [ ] All plugin's binaries have to be included in the signed build [`pipeline.user.windows.yml`](/.pipelines/pipeline.user.windows.yml)
- [ ] The plugin target framework has to be .NET Core 3.1. All dependencies have to have .NET 5 version
Some localization steps can only be done after the first pass by the localization team to provide the localized resources.
In the PR that adds a new plugin, reference a new issue to track the work for fully enabling localization for the new plugin.
- [ ] Add the resource folder to https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/21247c0bb09a1bee3d14d6efa53d0c247f7236af/installer/PowerToysSetup/Product.wxs#L825
- [ ] Add the resource files under the section https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/21247c0bb09a1bee3d14d6efa53d0c247f7236af/installer/PowerToysSetup/Product.wxs#L882