2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2)]
[string]$installscopeperuser = "false"
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Function Generate-FileList() {
# Can be multiple files separated by ; as long as they're on the same directory
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3)]
# If there is no deps.json file, just pass path to files
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4)]
# launcher plugins are being loaded into launcher process,
# so there are some additional dependencies to skip
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5)]
$fileWxs = Get-Content $wxsFilePath;
$fileExclusionList = @("*.pdb", "*.lastcodeanalysissucceeded", "createdump.exe", "powertoys.exe")
$fileInclusionList = @("*.dll", "*.exe", "*.json", "*.msix", "*.png", "*.gif", "*.ico", "*.cur", "*.svg", "index.html", "reg.js", "gitignore.js", "monacoSpecialLanguages.js", "customTokenColors.js", "*.pri")
$dllsToIgnore = @("System.CodeDom.dll", "WindowsBase.dll")
if ($fileDepsJson -eq [string]::Empty) {
$fileDepsRoot = $depsPath
} else {
$multipleDepsJson = $fileDepsJson.Split(";")
foreach ( $singleDepsJson in $multipleDepsJson )
$fileDepsRoot = (Get-ChildItem $singleDepsJson).Directory.FullName
$depsJson = Get-Content $singleDepsJson | ConvertFrom-Json
$runtimeList = ([array]$depsJson.targets.PSObject.Properties)[-1].Value.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object {
$_.Name -match "runtimepack.*Runtime"
$runtimeList | ForEach-Object {
$_.Value.PSObject.Properties.Value | ForEach-Object {
$fileExclusionList += $_.PSObject.Properties.Name
$fileExclusionList = $fileExclusionList | Where-Object {$_ -notin $dllsToIgnore}
if ($isLauncherPlugin -eq $True) {
$fileInclusionList += @("*.deps.json")
$fileExclusionList += @("Ijwhost.dll", "PowerToys.Common.UI.dll", "PowerToys.GPOWrapper.dll", "PowerToys.GPOWrapperProjection.dll", "PowerToys.PowerLauncher.Telemetry.dll", "PowerToys.ManagedCommon.dll", "PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib.dll", "Wox.Infrastructure.dll", "Wox.Plugin.dll")
$fileList = Get-ChildItem $fileDepsRoot -Include $fileInclusionList -Exclude $fileExclusionList -File -Name
$fileWxs = $fileWxs -replace "(<\?define $($fileListName)=)", "<?define $fileListName=$($fileList -join ';')"
Set-Content -Path $wxsFilePath -Value $fileWxs
Function Generate-FileComponents() {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3)]
$wxsFile = Get-Content $wxsFilePath;
$wxsFile | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match "(<?define $fileListName=)(.*)\?>") {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'fileList',
Justification = 'variable is used in another scope')]
$fileList = $matches[2] -split ';'
$componentId = "$($fileListName)_Component"
$componentDefs = "`r`n"
$componentDefs +=
<Component Id="$($componentId)" Win64="yes" Guid="$((New-Guid).ToString().ToUpper())">
<RegistryKey Root="$($regroot)" Key="Software\Classes\powertoys\components">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="$($componentId)" Value="" KeyPath="yes"/>
foreach ($file in $fileList) {
$fileTmp = $file -replace "-", "_"
$componentDefs +=
<File Id="$($fileListName)_File_$($fileTmp)" Source="`$(var.$($fileListName)Path)\$($file)" />`r`n
$componentDefs +=
$wxsFile = $wxsFile -replace "\s+(<!--$($fileListName)_Component_Def-->)", $componentDefs
$componentRef =
<ComponentRef Id="$($componentId)" />
$wxsFile = $wxsFile -replace "\s+(</ComponentGroup>)", "$componentRef`r`n </ComponentGroup>"
Set-Content -Path $wxsFilePath -Value $wxsFile
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
if ($platform -ceq "arm64") {
$platform = "ARM64"
if ($installscopeperuser -eq "true") {
$registryroot = "HKCU"
} else {
$registryroot = "HKLM"
2023-07-20 07:12:46 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName BaseApplicationsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\BaseApplications.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "BaseApplicationsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\BaseApplications.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-07-20 07:12:46 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName WinUI3ApplicationsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\WinUI3Applications.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\WinUI3Apps"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "WinUI3ApplicationsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\WinUI3Applications.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-05-09 22:32:03 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName AdvancedPasteAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\AdvancedPaste.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\WinUI3Apps\Assets\AdvancedPaste"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "AdvancedPasteAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\AdvancedPaste.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2024-05-09 22:32:03 +08:00
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName AwakeImagesFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Awake.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\Assets\Awake"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "AwakeImagesFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Awake.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName ColorPickerAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\ColorPicker.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\Assets\ColorPicker"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "ColorPickerAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\ColorPicker.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2023-10-20 22:28:07 +08:00
#Environment Variables
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName EnvironmentVariablesAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\EnvironmentVariables.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\WinUI3Apps\Assets\EnvironmentVariables"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "EnvironmentVariablesAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\EnvironmentVariables.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-10-20 22:28:07 +08:00
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName MonacoPreviewHandlerMonacoAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\FileExplorerPreview.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\Assets\Monaco"
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName MonacoPreviewHandlerCustomLanguagesFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\FileExplorerPreview.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\Assets\Monaco\customLanguages"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "MonacoPreviewHandlerMonacoAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\FileExplorerPreview.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "MonacoPreviewHandlerCustomLanguagesFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\FileExplorerPreview.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName FileLocksmithAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\FileLocksmith.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\WinUI3Apps\Assets\FileLocksmith"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "FileLocksmithAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\FileLocksmith.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName HostsAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Hosts.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\WinUI3Apps\Assets\Hosts"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "HostsAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Hosts.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName ImageResizerAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\ImageResizer.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\Assets\ImageResizer"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "ImageResizerAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\ImageResizer.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-20 00:12:24 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName NewPlusAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\NewPlus.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\WinUI3Apps\Assets\NewPlus"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "NewPlusAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\NewPlus.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2024-09-20 00:12:24 +08:00
[Peek] Powertoys Peek MVP (#25922)
* Peek (#22498)
* Add peek dll project
* add spacebar preview and launch on hotkey press
* add todo
* add process handle to handle continuous press of hotkey
* add tool to stop all powertoys processes
* Add a blank Peek page and update nav menu
* Add some initial content to Peek page including a toggle
* refactor settings parsing
* rename spacebar peek to peek viewer
* rename script to stop powertoys processes
* remove tool
* Adding FileUtils for retrieving selected file in File Explorer
* Remove unnecessary SndPeekSettings
* Add shortcut setting
* Set the shortcut to ctrl+space
* Launching viewer with selected FE file
* Add PeekUI WinUI3 project with interop events
* Moving FileTypeUtils into PeekFileUtils project
* execute winui3 app on hotkey
* Fix paths with spaces
* remove winui3 project
* Resolve comment
* add wpf app with toggle visibility on hotkey
* fix visibility on startup
* remove window properties and add todos
* Fixed hidden extension and system file handling
* wip
* Add working WPF app with FileExplorer querying
* remove c++ projects
* Move native awaiter
* Working Image control with image files
* Resize and move window based on explorer monitor
* Image render, window positioning and sizing clean up
* add window management logic and selection logic
* add extension methods to add circular iterating capability to linkedlistnode
* Add OnArrowKeyPresshandler
* Added titlebar with file name and scaling with titlebar height
* fix flashing window on startup and process kept alive when powertoys exits
* remove wait for debugger loop in ui
* Add KeyIsDown method
* Fix KeyDown issue with Key handled and check for repeat
* Add thumbnail logic
* Add all folder items if only one item is selected
* File type helper
* Using hresult
* Add cancellation and rotation handling
* Use extension instead of path
* Fixing some file type checks
* Add new icon for Peek
* Update page with the new Peek icon
* Initialize IsEnabled and hook ActivationShortcut to dllmain
* add icon to taskbar and titlebar
* Add theme sensitive backgrounds
* rename event handlers
* add settings image
* Move window data into obserable object
* Refactor viewmodel, interop and helpers
* Clean up
* Add loading spinner
* Add todos
* Fix conflicts
* Move native code into its own folder
* Add peek to installer
* Fix building peek and peekui projects
* Replace UWP namespaces to WinAppSDK
* Working WASDK placeholder project
* Add exit when powertoys runner exit
* Working winui3 with image display
* Add WIC project with <TreatWarningAsErros> false for now
* Fit content to window
* Use Size from Windows.Foundation
* Change order
* Add some todos
* Refactored native/interop code and added helpers to imagepreviewer
* Rename projects
* Move some code
* Remove using
Co-authored-by: Michael Salmon <miksalmon@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Michael Salmon 🐟 <michaelpsalmon@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Alireza Ebadi Ghajari <alirezae@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Jessie Su <Jessie.Su@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: sujessie <102062556+sujessie@users.noreply.github.com>
* Bump Microsoft.Windows.SDK.BuildTools version
* [Peek] Plugin pattern to enable any file type previewing (#22475)
* [Peek] Fetching image size through PropertyStore (#22530)
* Fetching metadata from PropertySTore
* Releasing objects to fix crash
* Creating new PropertyHelper
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <dancha@microsoft.com>
* Juliata/filetypes (#22538)
* Using the same list of file extensions as Lightbox's AppxManifest, and ensuring we convert file extension to lowercase
* Add IsFileTypeSupported to IPreviewer
* respond to PR comments
* Add scale awareness to window centering (#22541)
* [Peek] Fix installer builds, project configs and update assets (#22540)
* Update installer
* Fix installer errors
* Fix peek vcxproj
* Add package signing
* Add peek to arm64
* Add back ARM64 toMeasureToolUI
* Add versions to project
* Update assets and icons
* Add correct icon
* [Peek] Enable PropertyStore for offline files (#22567)
* Enabling PropertyStore for offline files
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <dancha@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Adding unsupported file previewer (#22598)
* Unsupported file previewer
* Fix file display info
* Fix property store calls
* Update TODO
* [Peek] Add WebView2 integration (#22506)
* First commit with WIP logic to support WV2 in Peek module
* Minor code cleanup and try/catch block
* Added control to wrap WebView2 logic
* Cleanup
* Added logic to handle HTML previewing
Properly update FilePreview according to file type
* Code cleanup
Updated comments
* Updated comment
* Removed comment
* Code cleanup
* Improved opening of web browser preview to avoid "blank" or "seeing previous page" issue
Removed unused method
Added xaml fallback to guarantee default/starting state
* Removed folder
* Updated factory logic to match master
* address code review
* addressed PR review
* address PR review
* Address PR review
* address PR review
* Address PR review
* [Peek] Add basic file querying and navigation (#22589)
* Refactor to facilitate file data initialization
* Extract file-related code to new FileManager class
* Add temp basic version
* Clean + add todo for cancellations
* Fix various nav-related issues
* Temp - start moving iteration-related code to bg thread
* Minor tweaks
* Add FEHelper todo
* Rename FileManager + various tweaks
* Add basic throttling
* Improve bg thread synchronization
* Clean
* Clean
* Rename based on feedback
* Rename FileQuery
* Rename properties
* Rename remaining fields
* Add todos for nav success/failures
Co-authored-by: Esteban Margaron <emargaron@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Add customized title bar (#22600)
* Add basic button UI
* Add function to get default app name and to open file in default app
* Correct error output
* Add filename to titlebar
* Remove titlebar text from Resw
* Add basic button UI
* Add function to get default app name and to open file in default app
* Add filename to titlebar
* Correct error output
* Remove titlebar text from Resw
* Add SetDragRectangles
* Correct logic, update function name
* Add localization
* Cleanup and adaptive width
* Add fileIndex/NumberOfFiles for multiple files activation
* Refine titlebar styles
* Update error message; Return HResult from native methods; Update variable initialisation and string null testing
* Titlebar height and adaptive width refinement
* Add fallback to launch app picker if fail to open default app
* Temp change to hide AppTitle_FileCount
* Update launch button to command; Add keyboard accelerator
* Update titlebar inactive background color
* Update tooltip to add keyboard accelerator
* Add comments to resw file
* Fix accidental deletion from previous merge
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <yizzho@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Yawen Hou <yawenhou@microsoft.com>
* Fix crash
* Fix wrong thread exception
* Make CurrentItemIndex setter private
* Update titlebar filecount text
* Fix titlebar draggable region and interactive region (bump WinAppSdk to latest)
* [Peek] Unsupported File Previewer - Formatting string from resources (#22609)
* Moving to string resource usage
* Moving ReadableStringHelper to common project
* Fix comments
* [Peek] Fix foregrounding (#22633)
* Fixing foregrounding
* Get window handle inside BringToForeground extension method
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <dancha@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] ImagePreviewer - Handle error states (#22637)
* add better preview state handling
* add error handling in imagepreviewer and better state handling
* fix error handling so exception is not bubbled up
* improve performance and hook up unsupported previewer on error
* remove commented code
* address pr comments
* [Peek] add PDF viewing support (#22636)
* [Peek] add PDF viewing support
* Fixed issue which would redirect some HTML and PDF files to external browser
* Fixed refactored interface name
* [Peek] Refine titlebar adaptive width (#22642)
* Adjust adaptive width of titlebar
* Remove visualstate setters for AppTitle_FileCount
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <yizzho@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] New File Explorer tabs break Shell API to get selected files (#22641)
* fix FE tab bug
* remove unnecessary unsafe keyword
* [Peek] add extra logic to properly render PNG files with transparency (#22613)
* [Peek] added extra logic to render PNG files with proper transparency
* Moved logic to ThumbnailHelper
* Created a separated previewer for PNG to only load the preview image with thumbnail logic
* removed unused code
* Updated state loading change
* [Peek] Unsupported File Previewer - Setting Window Size (#22645)
* Adding setting for unsupported file window
* Fix
* [Peek] Add tooltip to File (#22640)
* Add tooltip to File
* Add placeholder text for no tooltip
* Address comments
* Use StringBuilder
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <yizzho@microsoft.com>
* Add full image quality support (#22654)
* [Peek] Window foregrounding simplification and fixes + keep window visible if FE single selection changed (#22657)
* Use different apis to bring to foreground removing remote thread wait and work as well as library loading
* Keep window open if single selected file in FE is different
* Removed unused methods
* [Peek] Add cancellation token OnFilePropertyChanged (#22643)
* Cancel file loading before opening another file
* Add omitted cancellation checks
* Catch task cancelled exception; Add more cancellation checkpoints
* Add cancellation checkpoint beofre GetBitmapFromHBitmapAsync
* Correct typo
* Update to pass cancellation token individually to each async methods
* Add lost cancellationToken source
* Add cancellation token to PngPreviewer
Co-authored-by: Yawen Hou <yawenhou@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Unsupported File Previewer - Preserve Transparency For File Icons (#22650)
* Preserving transparency or icons
* Remove TODO
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Update some installer build steps + assets update (#22683)
* Fix settings & peek.ui.wpf
* Add back missing icon
* Add missing files and actions to installer
* Keep window open if the selected file in explorer is different (only works for single file selection)
* Undo last
* [Peek] Add copy keyboard accelerator (#22647)
* add copy keyboard accelerator
* Fix comments
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] add WV2 improvements (behavior and UX) (#22685)
* [Peek] added logic to get max monitor size for opening WebView2
* Removed ununsed dependency property
* Added workaround for cases where the web page would not finish navigating in a quick timing, for example google.com.
* Remove window extensions from common and use nullable size argument instead
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Merge main, self-contained .NET and fix WebView2 user data dir issue (#22899)
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into peek
* Test sc
* Set WebView2 user data dir
* spellcheck
* Fix comment
* Move check if higher quality image is already loaded to the exact line where we change the Preview bitmap (#23083)
* Fix opening Peek when FE window is set to full name path (#23082)
* Move check for png thubmnail loading priority
* Remove Peek.UI.WPF project
* Remove duplicated method in powertoys setup
* [Peek] Fix selecting files from the correct focused opened File Explorer tab & from Desktop (#23489)
* Get file based on active tab handle instead of window title
* Refactor code to get active tab
* Getting all items from the shell API working again, except for desktop
* Refactor and cleanup com & native code
* Add back removed peek xaml assets in Product.wxs
* Remove some dependencies that do not seem necessary in Product.wxs
* [Peek] Small images (#23554)
* change stretch value
* compare with actual window size
* consider scaling factor
* set max size
* clean up
* clean up
* clean up previewers
* scaling factor in bitmap previewer
* max image size property
* [Peek]Handle errors for HEIC/HEIF and fall back to default previewer if there is no thumbnail (#22684)
* Handle errors when getting filesize by falling back to default previewer
* Bringing back other file types that are fixed with these code changes
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Add unsupported file icon fallback (#23735)
* Refactor icon retrieval, refactor hbitmap to bitmap conversion, add icon fallback
* Add svg to assets in installer
* [Peek] Refactoring of file system models, removal of PngPreviewer, retrieving of folder size via Scripting com reference and other fixes (#23955)
* Refactor icon retrieval, refactor hbitmap to bitmap conversion, add icon fallback
* Add svg to assets in installer
* - Refactor File class into IFileSystemItem, FileItem & FolderItem
- Display size for folders using Scripting namespace
- Remove default app buttons for files or folders not supporting it
* Add better content type via storage apis
* Add check for storagefile in PngPreviewer
* Fix png stretching
* Remove png previewer
* Rename ThumbnailOptions.None to ThumbnailOptions.ResizeToFit
* [Peek] Removed monitor percentage evaluation for the UnsupportedFilePreview control (#24002)
* Remove settings for percentage of windows and keep default min size.
* Fix margin on unsupported control
* Use nullable Size for image size & open file on background thread (#24004)
* [Peek] SVG support (#24237)
* svg previewer
* svg size
* set scaling factor
* set image size
* changed image source type
* non nullable image size
* notify svg previewer changed
* uncomment
* rename BitmapPreviewer
* move svg support
* remove svg previewer
* [Peek] Implementation of a performant and reliable Neighboring Files Query (#24943)
* Use IShellItemArray as the backing array of item
* Finalize and cleanup NFQ implementation
* Cleanup remainder of the code
* Remove unused using
* [Peek] Pin the window position (#24927)
* [Peek] Telemetry and logging (#25231)
* text preview
* scrolling
* changed size
* webview2 preview
* common preview project
* previewpane: use common project
* peek: use common
* previewpane: moved md
* peek: md
* previewpane: clean up
* clean up
* moved monaco files
* moved formatters
* rename
* moved common monaco helper
* dev files support
* installer
* removed versions
* warnings: culture info
* warnings: names
* clean up
* warnings: dispose
* warnings: default values
* warnings
* warnings: charset
* warnings: exceptions
* suppress warning
* installer: added peek
* changed peek guid
* monaco folders
* peek deps
* peek files
* peek resources
* removed additional monaco folder
* set host name
* Update installer
* hardcode monaco path
* leave single webview control
* moved path to common
* project
* more meaningful todos
* moved temp folder cleanup
* todo
* extension check
* spell: monaco
* spellcheck
* spellcheck
* fix id
* fix spelling
* key to spelling
* id fix
* Fix monaco resolution at install time
* Fix user install. Add needed files
* installer: remove peek localization files. It's a WinUI app
* installer:fix signing
* removed unused
* settings: flyout enable/disable for Peek
* simplify string
* property changed handle
* [Peek][Settings] Peek OOBE page (#25895)
* [Peek] GPO (#25918)
* Add Native methods file to exception
* Fix merge issue on solution file
* Adjust spellcheck
* Remove boilerplate code
* Add module interface telemetry
* Remove change to README.md
* Add entry to README
* Clean up some non-changes
* Fix order of Peek in Settings menu
* [Settings] Make peek descriptions more descriptive
Co-authored-by: Michael Salmon <miksalmon@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Michael Salmon 🐟 <michaelpsalmon@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Alireza Ebadi Ghajari <alirezae@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Jessie Su <Jessie.Su@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: sujessie <102062556+sujessie@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <d.chau@alumni.ubc.ca>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <dancha@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: jth-ms <73617023+jth-ms@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Robson <rp.pontin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: estebanm123 <49930791+estebanm123@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Esteban Margaron <emargaron@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Yawen Hou <Sytta@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <yizzho@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Yawen Hou <yawenhou@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <39350350+Joanna-Zhou@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Stefan Markovic <57057282+stefansjfw@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Seraphima Zykova <zykovas91@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Stefan Markovic <stefan@janeasystems.com>
Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2023-05-11 01:43:03 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName PeekAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Peek.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\WinUI3Apps\Assets\Peek\"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "PeekAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Peek.wxs -regroot $registryroot
[Peek] Powertoys Peek MVP (#25922)
* Peek (#22498)
* Add peek dll project
* add spacebar preview and launch on hotkey press
* add todo
* add process handle to handle continuous press of hotkey
* add tool to stop all powertoys processes
* Add a blank Peek page and update nav menu
* Add some initial content to Peek page including a toggle
* refactor settings parsing
* rename spacebar peek to peek viewer
* rename script to stop powertoys processes
* remove tool
* Adding FileUtils for retrieving selected file in File Explorer
* Remove unnecessary SndPeekSettings
* Add shortcut setting
* Set the shortcut to ctrl+space
* Launching viewer with selected FE file
* Add PeekUI WinUI3 project with interop events
* Moving FileTypeUtils into PeekFileUtils project
* execute winui3 app on hotkey
* Fix paths with spaces
* remove winui3 project
* Resolve comment
* add wpf app with toggle visibility on hotkey
* fix visibility on startup
* remove window properties and add todos
* Fixed hidden extension and system file handling
* wip
* Add working WPF app with FileExplorer querying
* remove c++ projects
* Move native awaiter
* Working Image control with image files
* Resize and move window based on explorer monitor
* Image render, window positioning and sizing clean up
* add window management logic and selection logic
* add extension methods to add circular iterating capability to linkedlistnode
* Add OnArrowKeyPresshandler
* Added titlebar with file name and scaling with titlebar height
* fix flashing window on startup and process kept alive when powertoys exits
* remove wait for debugger loop in ui
* Add KeyIsDown method
* Fix KeyDown issue with Key handled and check for repeat
* Add thumbnail logic
* Add all folder items if only one item is selected
* File type helper
* Using hresult
* Add cancellation and rotation handling
* Use extension instead of path
* Fixing some file type checks
* Add new icon for Peek
* Update page with the new Peek icon
* Initialize IsEnabled and hook ActivationShortcut to dllmain
* add icon to taskbar and titlebar
* Add theme sensitive backgrounds
* rename event handlers
* add settings image
* Move window data into obserable object
* Refactor viewmodel, interop and helpers
* Clean up
* Add loading spinner
* Add todos
* Fix conflicts
* Move native code into its own folder
* Add peek to installer
* Fix building peek and peekui projects
* Replace UWP namespaces to WinAppSDK
* Working WASDK placeholder project
* Add exit when powertoys runner exit
* Working winui3 with image display
* Add WIC project with <TreatWarningAsErros> false for now
* Fit content to window
* Use Size from Windows.Foundation
* Change order
* Add some todos
* Refactored native/interop code and added helpers to imagepreviewer
* Rename projects
* Move some code
* Remove using
Co-authored-by: Michael Salmon <miksalmon@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Michael Salmon 🐟 <michaelpsalmon@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Alireza Ebadi Ghajari <alirezae@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Jessie Su <Jessie.Su@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: sujessie <102062556+sujessie@users.noreply.github.com>
* Bump Microsoft.Windows.SDK.BuildTools version
* [Peek] Plugin pattern to enable any file type previewing (#22475)
* [Peek] Fetching image size through PropertyStore (#22530)
* Fetching metadata from PropertySTore
* Releasing objects to fix crash
* Creating new PropertyHelper
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <dancha@microsoft.com>
* Juliata/filetypes (#22538)
* Using the same list of file extensions as Lightbox's AppxManifest, and ensuring we convert file extension to lowercase
* Add IsFileTypeSupported to IPreviewer
* respond to PR comments
* Add scale awareness to window centering (#22541)
* [Peek] Fix installer builds, project configs and update assets (#22540)
* Update installer
* Fix installer errors
* Fix peek vcxproj
* Add package signing
* Add peek to arm64
* Add back ARM64 toMeasureToolUI
* Add versions to project
* Update assets and icons
* Add correct icon
* [Peek] Enable PropertyStore for offline files (#22567)
* Enabling PropertyStore for offline files
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <dancha@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Adding unsupported file previewer (#22598)
* Unsupported file previewer
* Fix file display info
* Fix property store calls
* Update TODO
* [Peek] Add WebView2 integration (#22506)
* First commit with WIP logic to support WV2 in Peek module
* Minor code cleanup and try/catch block
* Added control to wrap WebView2 logic
* Cleanup
* Added logic to handle HTML previewing
Properly update FilePreview according to file type
* Code cleanup
Updated comments
* Updated comment
* Removed comment
* Code cleanup
* Improved opening of web browser preview to avoid "blank" or "seeing previous page" issue
Removed unused method
Added xaml fallback to guarantee default/starting state
* Removed folder
* Updated factory logic to match master
* address code review
* addressed PR review
* address PR review
* Address PR review
* address PR review
* Address PR review
* [Peek] Add basic file querying and navigation (#22589)
* Refactor to facilitate file data initialization
* Extract file-related code to new FileManager class
* Add temp basic version
* Clean + add todo for cancellations
* Fix various nav-related issues
* Temp - start moving iteration-related code to bg thread
* Minor tweaks
* Add FEHelper todo
* Rename FileManager + various tweaks
* Add basic throttling
* Improve bg thread synchronization
* Clean
* Clean
* Rename based on feedback
* Rename FileQuery
* Rename properties
* Rename remaining fields
* Add todos for nav success/failures
Co-authored-by: Esteban Margaron <emargaron@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Add customized title bar (#22600)
* Add basic button UI
* Add function to get default app name and to open file in default app
* Correct error output
* Add filename to titlebar
* Remove titlebar text from Resw
* Add basic button UI
* Add function to get default app name and to open file in default app
* Add filename to titlebar
* Correct error output
* Remove titlebar text from Resw
* Add SetDragRectangles
* Correct logic, update function name
* Add localization
* Cleanup and adaptive width
* Add fileIndex/NumberOfFiles for multiple files activation
* Refine titlebar styles
* Update error message; Return HResult from native methods; Update variable initialisation and string null testing
* Titlebar height and adaptive width refinement
* Add fallback to launch app picker if fail to open default app
* Temp change to hide AppTitle_FileCount
* Update launch button to command; Add keyboard accelerator
* Update titlebar inactive background color
* Update tooltip to add keyboard accelerator
* Add comments to resw file
* Fix accidental deletion from previous merge
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <yizzho@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Yawen Hou <yawenhou@microsoft.com>
* Fix crash
* Fix wrong thread exception
* Make CurrentItemIndex setter private
* Update titlebar filecount text
* Fix titlebar draggable region and interactive region (bump WinAppSdk to latest)
* [Peek] Unsupported File Previewer - Formatting string from resources (#22609)
* Moving to string resource usage
* Moving ReadableStringHelper to common project
* Fix comments
* [Peek] Fix foregrounding (#22633)
* Fixing foregrounding
* Get window handle inside BringToForeground extension method
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <dancha@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] ImagePreviewer - Handle error states (#22637)
* add better preview state handling
* add error handling in imagepreviewer and better state handling
* fix error handling so exception is not bubbled up
* improve performance and hook up unsupported previewer on error
* remove commented code
* address pr comments
* [Peek] add PDF viewing support (#22636)
* [Peek] add PDF viewing support
* Fixed issue which would redirect some HTML and PDF files to external browser
* Fixed refactored interface name
* [Peek] Refine titlebar adaptive width (#22642)
* Adjust adaptive width of titlebar
* Remove visualstate setters for AppTitle_FileCount
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <yizzho@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] New File Explorer tabs break Shell API to get selected files (#22641)
* fix FE tab bug
* remove unnecessary unsafe keyword
* [Peek] add extra logic to properly render PNG files with transparency (#22613)
* [Peek] added extra logic to render PNG files with proper transparency
* Moved logic to ThumbnailHelper
* Created a separated previewer for PNG to only load the preview image with thumbnail logic
* removed unused code
* Updated state loading change
* [Peek] Unsupported File Previewer - Setting Window Size (#22645)
* Adding setting for unsupported file window
* Fix
* [Peek] Add tooltip to File (#22640)
* Add tooltip to File
* Add placeholder text for no tooltip
* Address comments
* Use StringBuilder
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <yizzho@microsoft.com>
* Add full image quality support (#22654)
* [Peek] Window foregrounding simplification and fixes + keep window visible if FE single selection changed (#22657)
* Use different apis to bring to foreground removing remote thread wait and work as well as library loading
* Keep window open if single selected file in FE is different
* Removed unused methods
* [Peek] Add cancellation token OnFilePropertyChanged (#22643)
* Cancel file loading before opening another file
* Add omitted cancellation checks
* Catch task cancelled exception; Add more cancellation checkpoints
* Add cancellation checkpoint beofre GetBitmapFromHBitmapAsync
* Correct typo
* Update to pass cancellation token individually to each async methods
* Add lost cancellationToken source
* Add cancellation token to PngPreviewer
Co-authored-by: Yawen Hou <yawenhou@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Unsupported File Previewer - Preserve Transparency For File Icons (#22650)
* Preserving transparency or icons
* Remove TODO
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Update some installer build steps + assets update (#22683)
* Fix settings & peek.ui.wpf
* Add back missing icon
* Add missing files and actions to installer
* Keep window open if the selected file in explorer is different (only works for single file selection)
* Undo last
* [Peek] Add copy keyboard accelerator (#22647)
* add copy keyboard accelerator
* Fix comments
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] add WV2 improvements (behavior and UX) (#22685)
* [Peek] added logic to get max monitor size for opening WebView2
* Removed ununsed dependency property
* Added workaround for cases where the web page would not finish navigating in a quick timing, for example google.com.
* Remove window extensions from common and use nullable size argument instead
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Merge main, self-contained .NET and fix WebView2 user data dir issue (#22899)
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into peek
* Test sc
* Set WebView2 user data dir
* spellcheck
* Fix comment
* Move check if higher quality image is already loaded to the exact line where we change the Preview bitmap (#23083)
* Fix opening Peek when FE window is set to full name path (#23082)
* Move check for png thubmnail loading priority
* Remove Peek.UI.WPF project
* Remove duplicated method in powertoys setup
* [Peek] Fix selecting files from the correct focused opened File Explorer tab & from Desktop (#23489)
* Get file based on active tab handle instead of window title
* Refactor code to get active tab
* Getting all items from the shell API working again, except for desktop
* Refactor and cleanup com & native code
* Add back removed peek xaml assets in Product.wxs
* Remove some dependencies that do not seem necessary in Product.wxs
* [Peek] Small images (#23554)
* change stretch value
* compare with actual window size
* consider scaling factor
* set max size
* clean up
* clean up
* clean up previewers
* scaling factor in bitmap previewer
* max image size property
* [Peek]Handle errors for HEIC/HEIF and fall back to default previewer if there is no thumbnail (#22684)
* Handle errors when getting filesize by falling back to default previewer
* Bringing back other file types that are fixed with these code changes
Co-authored-by: Samuel Chapleau <sachaple@microsoft.com>
* [Peek] Add unsupported file icon fallback (#23735)
* Refactor icon retrieval, refactor hbitmap to bitmap conversion, add icon fallback
* Add svg to assets in installer
* [Peek] Refactoring of file system models, removal of PngPreviewer, retrieving of folder size via Scripting com reference and other fixes (#23955)
* Refactor icon retrieval, refactor hbitmap to bitmap conversion, add icon fallback
* Add svg to assets in installer
* - Refactor File class into IFileSystemItem, FileItem & FolderItem
- Display size for folders using Scripting namespace
- Remove default app buttons for files or folders not supporting it
* Add better content type via storage apis
* Add check for storagefile in PngPreviewer
* Fix png stretching
* Remove png previewer
* Rename ThumbnailOptions.None to ThumbnailOptions.ResizeToFit
* [Peek] Removed monitor percentage evaluation for the UnsupportedFilePreview control (#24002)
* Remove settings for percentage of windows and keep default min size.
* Fix margin on unsupported control
* Use nullable Size for image size & open file on background thread (#24004)
* [Peek] SVG support (#24237)
* svg previewer
* svg size
* set scaling factor
* set image size
* changed image source type
* non nullable image size
* notify svg previewer changed
* uncomment
* rename BitmapPreviewer
* move svg support
* remove svg previewer
* [Peek] Implementation of a performant and reliable Neighboring Files Query (#24943)
* Use IShellItemArray as the backing array of item
* Finalize and cleanup NFQ implementation
* Cleanup remainder of the code
* Remove unused using
* [Peek] Pin the window position (#24927)
* [Peek] Telemetry and logging (#25231)
* text preview
* scrolling
* changed size
* webview2 preview
* common preview project
* previewpane: use common project
* peek: use common
* previewpane: moved md
* peek: md
* previewpane: clean up
* clean up
* moved monaco files
* moved formatters
* rename
* moved common monaco helper
* dev files support
* installer
* removed versions
* warnings: culture info
* warnings: names
* clean up
* warnings: dispose
* warnings: default values
* warnings
* warnings: charset
* warnings: exceptions
* suppress warning
* installer: added peek
* changed peek guid
* monaco folders
* peek deps
* peek files
* peek resources
* removed additional monaco folder
* set host name
* Update installer
* hardcode monaco path
* leave single webview control
* moved path to common
* project
* more meaningful todos
* moved temp folder cleanup
* todo
* extension check
* spell: monaco
* spellcheck
* spellcheck
* fix id
* fix spelling
* key to spelling
* id fix
* Fix monaco resolution at install time
* Fix user install. Add needed files
* installer: remove peek localization files. It's a WinUI app
* installer:fix signing
* removed unused
* settings: flyout enable/disable for Peek
* simplify string
* property changed handle
* [Peek][Settings] Peek OOBE page (#25895)
* [Peek] GPO (#25918)
* Add Native methods file to exception
* Fix merge issue on solution file
* Adjust spellcheck
* Remove boilerplate code
* Add module interface telemetry
* Remove change to README.md
* Add entry to README
* Clean up some non-changes
* Fix order of Peek in Settings menu
* [Settings] Make peek descriptions more descriptive
Co-authored-by: Michael Salmon <miksalmon@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Michael Salmon 🐟 <michaelpsalmon@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Alireza Ebadi Ghajari <alirezae@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Jessie Su <Jessie.Su@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: sujessie <102062556+sujessie@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <d.chau@alumni.ubc.ca>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Chau <dancha@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: jth-ms <73617023+jth-ms@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Robson <rp.pontin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: estebanm123 <49930791+estebanm123@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Esteban Margaron <emargaron@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Yawen Hou <Sytta@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <yizzho@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Yawen Hou <yawenhou@microsoft.com>
Co-authored-by: Jojo Zhou <39350350+Joanna-Zhou@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Stefan Markovic <57057282+stefansjfw@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Seraphima Zykova <zykovas91@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Stefan Markovic <stefan@janeasystems.com>
Co-authored-by: Jaime Bernardo <jaime@janeasystems.com>
2023-05-11 01:43:03 +08:00
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName PowerRenameAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\PowerRename.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\WinUI3Apps\Assets\PowerRename\"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "PowerRenameAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\PowerRename.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName RegistryPreviewAssetsFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\RegistryPreview.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\WinUI3Apps\Assets\RegistryPreview\"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "RegistryPreviewAssetsFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\RegistryPreview.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName launcherImagesComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\Assets\PowerLauncher"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "launcherImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
## Plugins
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Calculator\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator.deps.json" -fileListName calcComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName calcImagesComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Calculator\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "calcComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "calcImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Folder\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder.deps.json" -fileListName FolderComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName FolderImagesComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Folder\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "FolderComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "FolderImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Program\Microsoft.Plugin.Program.deps.json" -fileListName ProgramComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName ProgramImagesComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Program\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "ProgramComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "ProgramImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Shell\Microsoft.Plugin.Shell.deps.json" -fileListName ShellComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName ShellImagesComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Shell\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "ShellComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "ShellImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Indexer\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer.deps.json" -fileListName IndexerComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName IndexerImagesComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Indexer\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "IndexerComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "IndexerImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\UnitConverter\Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.UnitConverter.deps.json" -fileListName UnitConvCompFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName UnitConvImagesCompFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\UnitConverter\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "UnitConvCompFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "UnitConvImagesCompFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\WebSearch\Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WebSearch.deps.json" -fileListName WebSrchCompFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName WebSrchImagesCompFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\WebSearch\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "WebSrchCompFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "WebSrchImagesCompFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\History\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.History.deps.json" -fileListName HistoryPluginComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName HistoryPluginImagesComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\History\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "HistoryPluginComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "HistoryPluginImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Uri\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri.deps.json" -fileListName UriComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName UriImagesComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Uri\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "UriComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "UriImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\VSCodeWorkspaces\Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.VSCodeWorkspaces.deps.json" -fileListName VSCWrkCompFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName VSCWrkImagesCompFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\VSCodeWorkspaces\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "VSCWrkCompFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "VSCWrkImagesCompFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\WindowWalker\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker.deps.json" -fileListName WindowWlkrCompFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName WindowWlkrImagesCompFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\WindowWalker\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "WindowWlkrCompFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "WindowWlkrImagesCompFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\OneNote\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.OneNote.deps.json" -fileListName OneNoteComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName OneNoteImagesComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\OneNote\Images"
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "OneNoteComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "OneNoteImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Registry\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry.deps.json" -fileListName RegistryComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
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2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\Service\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Service.deps.json" -fileListName ServiceComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
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2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\System\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.System.deps.json" -fileListName SystemComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
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2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\TimeDate\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.TimeDate.deps.json" -fileListName TimeDateComponentFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
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Generate-FileComponents -fileListName "TimeDateImagesComponentFiles" -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -regroot $registryroot
2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\WindowsSettings\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings.deps.json" -fileListName WinSetCmpFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
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2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\WindowsTerminal\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsTerminal.deps.json" -fileListName WinTermCmpFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
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2023-05-25 17:26:21 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\PowerToys\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.PowerToys.deps.json" -fileListName PowerToysCmpFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
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2023-07-18 17:44:02 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\RunPlugins\ValueGenerator\Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.ValueGenerator.deps.json" -fileListName ValueGeneratorCmpFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\Run.wxs -isLauncherPlugin 1
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2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
## Plugins
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
Generate-FileList -fileDepsJson "" -fileListName ShortcutGuideSvgFiles -wxsFilePath $PSScriptRoot\ShortcutGuide.wxs -depsPath "$PSScriptRoot..\..\..\$platform\Release\Assets\ShortcutGuide\"
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2023-03-31 18:23:57 +08:00
2024-09-24 05:34:56 +08:00
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2024-10-01 18:52:49 +08:00
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