2023-07-20 07:12:46 +08:00
[ CmdletBinding ( ) ]
Param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $True , Position = 1 ) ]
[ string ] $targetDir
# This script will check every deps.json file in the target directory to see if for each dll mentioned,
#all the deps.json files that mention it will mention the same version.
# The main goal is to catch when different versions for the same module might be copied to the same directory
#at build time and might create flaky builds that get the wrong version of the dll sometimes.
# A dictionary of dictionaries of lists to save which files reference each version of each dll.
# Logic is DllName > fileVersion > list with deps.json files that reference it.
# If for a specific dll there's more than one referenced file version, we have build collisions.
$referencedFileVersionsPerDll = @ { }
$totalFailures = 0
2024-03-22 20:10:10 +08:00
Get-ChildItem $targetDir -Recurse -Filter * . deps . json -Exclude UITests-FancyZones * | ForEach-Object {
# Temporarily exclude FancyZones UI tests because of Appium.WebDriver dependencies
2023-07-20 07:12:46 +08:00
$depsJsonFullFileName = $_ . FullName
$depsJsonFileName = $_ . Name
$depsJson = Get-Content $depsJsonFullFileName | ConvertFrom-Json
# We're doing a breadth first search to look for every runtime object.
$iterateThroughEveryField = New-Object System . Collections . Generic . Queue [ System.Object ]
$iterateThroughEveryField . Enqueue ( $depsJson )
while ( $iterateThroughEveryField . Count -gt 0 )
$currentObject = $iterateThroughEveryField . Dequeue ( ) ;
$currentObject . PSObject . Properties | ForEach-Object {
if ( $_ . Name -ne 'SyncRoot' ) {
# Skip SyncRoot to avoid looping in array objects.
# Care only about objects, not value types.
$iterateThroughEveryField . Enqueue ( $_ . Value )
if ( $_ . Name -eq 'runtime' )
# Cycle through each dll.
$_ . Value . PSObject . Properties | ForEach-Object {
if ( $_ . Name . EndsWith ( '.dll' ) ) {
$dllName = Split-Path $_ . Name -leaf
if ( [ bool ] ( $_ . Value . PSObject . Properties . name -match 'fileVersion' ) ) {
$dllFileVersion = $_ . Value . fileVersion
# Add the entry to the dictionary of dictionary of lists
if ( -Not $referencedFileVersionsPerDll . ContainsKey ( $dllName ) ) {
$referencedFileVersionsPerDll [ $dllName ] = @ { $dllFileVersion = New-Object System . Collections . Generic . List [ System.String ] }
} elseif ( -Not $referencedFileVersionsPerDll [ $dllName ] . ContainsKey ( $dllFileVersion ) ) {
$referencedFileVersionsPerDll [ $dllName ] [ $dllFileVersion ] = New-Object System . Collections . Generic . List [ System.String ]
$referencedFileVersionsPerDll [ $dllName ] [ $dllFileVersion ] . Add ( $depsJsonFileName )
# Report on the files that are referenced for more than one version.
$referencedFileVersionsPerDll . keys | ForEach-Object {
if ( $referencedFileVersionsPerDll [ $_ ] . Count -gt 1 ) {
$dllName = $_
Write-Host $dllName
$referencedFileVersionsPerDll [ $dllName ] . keys | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host " `t " $_
$referencedFileVersionsPerDll [ $dllName ] [ $_ ] | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host " `t `t " $_
$totalFailures + + ;
if ( $totalFailures -gt 0 ) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red " Detected " $totalFailures " libraries that are mentioned with different version across the dependencies. `r `n "
exit 1
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " All " $referencedFileVersionsPerDll . keys . Count " libraries are mentioned with the same version across the dependencies. `r `n "
exit 0