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synced 2025-01-18 06:29:44 +08:00
fix line issues
This commit is contained in:
@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ namespace FancyZonesEditor
if (_colInfo[foundCol + i].End == offset)
foundExistingSplit = true;
// use existing division
@ -364,6 +365,7 @@ namespace FancyZonesEditor
if (_rowInfo[foundRow + i].End == offset)
foundExistingSplit = true;
// use existing division
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ namespace FancyZonesEditor.Models
data[i++] = 1; // LayoutModelType: 1 == CanvasLayoutModel
data[i++] = (byte)(Id / 256);
data[i++] = (byte)(Id % 256);
// End common
data[i++] = (byte)(_referenceWidth / 256);
@ -192,12 +192,14 @@ namespace FancyZonesEditor.Models
byte[] data = new byte[7 + (Rows * 2) + (Columns * 2) + (Rows * Columns)];
int i = 0;
// Common persisted values between all layout types
data[i++] = (byte)(c_latestVersion / 256);
data[i++] = (byte)(c_latestVersion % 256);
data[i++] = 0; // LayoutModelType: 0 == GridLayoutModel
data[i++] = (byte)(Id / 256);
data[i++] = (byte)(Id % 256);
// End common
data[i++] = (byte)Rows;
@ -23,25 +23,23 @@ using System.Windows;
// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
//In order to begin building localizable applications, set
//<UICulture>CultureYouAreCodingWith</UICulture> in your .csproj file
//inside a <PropertyGroup>. For example, if you are using US english
//in your source files, set the <UICulture> to en-US. Then uncomment
//the NeutralResourceLanguage attribute below. Update the "en-US" in
//the line below to match the UICulture setting in the project file.
//[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US", UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)]
// In order to begin building localizable applications, set
// <UICulture>CultureYouAreCodingWith</UICulture> in your .csproj file
// inside a <PropertyGroup>. For example, if you are using US english
// in your source files, set the <UICulture> to en-US. Then uncomment
// the NeutralResourceLanguage attribute below. Update the "en-US" in
// the line below to match the UICulture setting in the project file.
// [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US", UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)]
// ThemeInfo.None = where theme specific resource dictionaries are located
// (used if a resource is not found in the page,
// or application resource dictionaries)
// ThemeInfo.SourceAssembly = where the generic resource dictionary is located
// (used if a resource is not found in the page,
// app, or any theme specific resource dictionaries)
[assembly: ThemeInfo(
ResourceDictionaryLocation.None, //where theme specific resource dictionaries are located
//(used if a resource is not found in the page,
// or application resource dictionaries)
ResourceDictionaryLocation.SourceAssembly //where the generic resource dictionary is located
//(used if a resource is not found in the page,
// app, or any theme specific resource dictionaries)
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user