* Update ci.yml
Add path exclusions for markdown files.
* Update wildcard syntax
* Test edit SUPPORT.md
* Update ci.yml
* Test Update SUPPORT.md
* Update SUPPORT.md
Test update SUPPORT again.
* Update ci.yml
* Explicit define of markdown files at root
* Test update SUPPORT.md
* Update ci.yml
* Another Test Update SUPPORT.md
* Script to check existence of markdown changes in commit
* Added precheck job to determine whether a build needs to occur
* Added pool logic from ci-build to precheck
* Fixed GitHub API url for commits
* Test change to SUPPORT.md to see if logic works.
* Converted filename list to array to make notmatching criteria work
* Change to SUPPORT.md to test
* Updated condition to check success of previous precheck job
* Added task name to verifyBuildRequest and updated job run condition
* Another update to SUPPORT.md to test
* Updated spell-check
* Removed checkout step and made Powershell task inline
* Fixed indentation
* Test change to SUPPORT.md
* Fixing script
* Another test change to SUPPORT.md
* [CI] Update Build Precheck step to use latest agent config
* Update SUPPORT.md
* Update SUPPORT.md
* [CI] Update Build Precheck to exclude .txt and read changes from pull request
* [CI] Remove unneeded verifyBuildRequest script
* [CI] Updated variable names to reflect pull request retrieval in precheck