* Added PowerShell script for parsing .NET Runtimes from deps.json
* Removed static list set of .NET Runtime and WPF file list
* Updated DepsFilesLists to write output. Moved to CustomActions directory
* Added space between runtime files variables
* Fix Parameter and Set-Content invocation
* Added PreBuild event to call parseRuntimes script
* Update spelling
* Removed runtime files from Product.wxs
* Updated script to add support for Product.wxs
* Modify process to create copies of unmodified files and restore them on post build.
* Fix spacing
* Fix spelling
* Updated script to create new Guid for Dotnet component
* Fix invalid regex
* Remove reverting Product.wxs in Custom Actions project
* Add Post Build Action in Installer to revert Product.wxs
* Set Post Build Event to run always on Installer
* Fix path to Product.wxs in Post Build Event
* Final fix to Product.wxs path
* Switch to use powershell.exe and read from ColorPicker directory.
* wip: fix release pipeline
* remove conditions for build events in PowerToysInstaller.wixproj