* Remove WinUI include in KeyboardManagerState.h
* Changed include steps
* Clean up headers in KeyboardManagerUI except XamlBridge.h
* Cleaned up headers in KeyboardManager common and test
* Cleaned up headers in KeyboardManager project
* Removed headers from XamlBridge
* Removed some headers from kbm common pch
* Added MP flag to reduce build time
* Added missing include
* Enable app specific shortcut remapping
* Fixed lowercase function call
* Add test file
* Moved GetForegroundProcess to II and added tests
* Fixed runtime error while testing due to heap allocation across dll boundary
* Renamed function
* Remove unused code
* Changed process checking step to include substrings
* Changed back to exact match included match without file extension
* Add test proj, refactor proj with filters, and move single remap function to a separate header
* Moved all methods to header files
* remove more unused commented code
* Reverted sln file
* Fixed sln file
* Added interface wrapping SendInput calls
* fixed formatting
* Created test mock class
* Added keyboard input logic
* Fixed compilation errors and added nuget reference to CppWinRT
* Added tests for single key remapping
* Refactored code for adding shortcut remap tests
* Separated test classes
* Fixed tests in release mode
* Added more tests
* Resolved comments