using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Win32; using Shell; using Wox.Infrastructure; using Wox.Infrastructure.Logger; namespace Wox.Plugin.Program.Programs { [Serializable] public class Win32 : IProgram { public string Name { get; set; } public string UniqueIdentifier { get; set; } public string IcoPath { get; set; } public string FullPath { get; set; } public string ParentDirectory { get; set; } public string ExecutableName { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public bool Valid { get; set; } public bool Enabled { get; set; } private const string ShortcutExtension = "lnk"; private const string ApplicationReferenceExtension = "appref-ms"; private const string ExeExtension = "exe"; private int Score(string query) { var score1 = StringMatcher.FuzzySearch(query, Name).ScoreAfterSearchPrecisionFilter(); var score2 = StringMatcher.ScoreForPinyin(Name, query); var score3 = StringMatcher.FuzzySearch(query, Description).ScoreAfterSearchPrecisionFilter(); var score4 = StringMatcher.ScoreForPinyin(Description, query); var score5 = StringMatcher.FuzzySearch(query, ExecutableName).ScoreAfterSearchPrecisionFilter(); var score = new[] { score1, score2, score3, score4, score5 }.Max(); return score; } public Result Result(string query, IPublicAPI api) { var result = new Result { SubTitle = FullPath, IcoPath = IcoPath, Score = Score(query), ContextData = this, Action = e => { var info = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = FullPath, WorkingDirectory = ParentDirectory }; var hide = Main.StartProcess(info); return hide; } }; if (Description.Length >= Name.Length && Description.Substring(0, Name.Length) == Name) { result.Title = Description; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description)) { result.Title = $"{Name}: {Description}"; } else { result.Title = Name; } return result; } public List ContextMenus(IPublicAPI api) { var contextMenus = new List { new Result { Title = api.GetTranslation("wox_plugin_program_run_as_administrator"), Action = _ => { var info = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = FullPath, WorkingDirectory = ParentDirectory, Verb = "runas" }; var hide = Main.StartProcess(info); return hide; }, IcoPath = "Images/cmd.png" }, new Result { Title = api.GetTranslation("wox_plugin_program_open_containing_folder"), Action = _ => { var hide = Main.StartProcess(new ProcessStartInfo(ParentDirectory)); return hide; }, IcoPath = "Images/folder.png" } }; return contextMenus; } public override string ToString() { return ExecutableName; } private static Win32 Win32Program(string path) { var p = new Win32 { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), IcoPath = path, FullPath = path, UniqueIdentifier = path, ParentDirectory = Directory.GetParent(path).FullName, Description = string.Empty, Valid = true, Enabled = true }; return p; } private static Win32 LnkProgram(string path) { var program = Win32Program(path); try { var link = new ShellLink(); const uint STGM_READ = 0; ((IPersistFile)link).Load(path, STGM_READ); var hwnd = new _RemotableHandle(); link.Resolve(ref hwnd, 0); const int MAX_PATH = 260; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); var data = new _WIN32_FIND_DATAW(); const uint SLGP_SHORTPATH = 1; link.GetPath(buffer, buffer.Capacity, ref data, SLGP_SHORTPATH); var target = buffer.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { var extension = Extension(target); if (extension == ExeExtension && File.Exists(target)) { buffer = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH); link.GetDescription(buffer, MAX_PATH); var description = buffer.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { program.Description = description; } else { var info = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(target); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.FileDescription)) { program.Description = info.FileDescription; } } } } return program; } catch (COMException e) { // C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\MiracastView.lnk always cause exception Log.Exception($"|Win32.LnkProgram|COMException when parsing shortcut <{path}> with HResult <{e.HResult}>", e); program.Valid = false; return program; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Exception($"|Win32.LnkProgram|Exception when parsing shortcut <{path}>", e); program.Valid = false; return program; } } private static Win32 ExeProgram(string path) { var program = Win32Program(path); var info = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(path); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.FileDescription)) { program.Description = info.FileDescription; } return program; } private static IEnumerable ProgramPaths(string directory, string[] suffixes) { if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) return new string[] { }; var files = new List(); var folderQueue = new Queue(); folderQueue.Enqueue(directory); do { var currentDirectory = folderQueue.Dequeue(); try { foreach (var suffix in suffixes) { try { files.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(currentDirectory, $"*.{suffix}", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) { Log.Exception($"|Program.Win32.ProgramPaths|skip directory(<{currentDirectory}>)", e); continue; } } } catch (Exception e) when (e is SecurityException || e is UnauthorizedAccessException) { Log.Exception($"|Program.Win32.ProgramPaths|Don't have permission on <{currentDirectory}>", e); } try { foreach (var childDirectory in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(currentDirectory, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { folderQueue.Enqueue(childDirectory); } } catch (Exception e) when (e is SecurityException || e is UnauthorizedAccessException) { Log.Exception($"|Program.Win32.ProgramPaths|Don't have permission on <{currentDirectory}>", e); } } while (folderQueue.Any()); return files; } private static string Extension(string path) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(path)?.ToLower(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { return extension.Substring(1); } else { return string.Empty; } } private static ParallelQuery UnregisteredPrograms(List sources, string[] suffixes) { var listToAdd = new List(); sources.Where(s => Directory.Exists(s.Location) && s.Enabled) .SelectMany(s => ProgramPaths(s.Location, suffixes)) .ToList() .Where(t1 => !Main._settings.DisabledProgramSources.Any(x => t1 == x.UniqueIdentifier)) .ToList() .ForEach(x => listToAdd.Add(x)); var paths = listToAdd.ToArray(); var programs1 = paths.AsParallel().Where(p => Extension(p) == ExeExtension).Select(ExeProgram); var programs2 = paths.AsParallel().Where(p => Extension(p) == ShortcutExtension).Select(ExeProgram); var programs3 = from p in paths.AsParallel() let e = Extension(p) where e != ShortcutExtension && e != ExeExtension select Win32Program(p); return programs1.Concat(programs2).Concat(programs3); } private static ParallelQuery StartMenuPrograms(string[] suffixes) { var disabledProgramsList = Main._settings.DisabledProgramSources; var directory1 = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Programs); var directory2 = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonPrograms); var paths1 = ProgramPaths(directory1, suffixes); var paths2 = ProgramPaths(directory2, suffixes); var toFilter = paths1.Concat(paths2); var paths = toFilter .Where(t1 => !disabledProgramsList.Any(x => x.UniqueIdentifier == t1)) .Select(t1 => t1) .ToArray(); var programs1 = paths.AsParallel().Where(p => Extension(p) == ShortcutExtension).Select(LnkProgram); var programs2 = paths.AsParallel().Where(p => Extension(p) == ApplicationReferenceExtension).Select(Win32Program); var programs = programs1.Concat(programs2).Where(p => p.Valid); return programs; } private static ParallelQuery AppPathsPrograms(string[] suffixes) { // const string appPaths = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths"; var programs = new List(); using (var root = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(appPaths)) { if (root != null) { programs.AddRange(ProgramsFromRegistryKey(root)); } } using (var root = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(appPaths)) { if (root != null) { programs.AddRange(ProgramsFromRegistryKey(root)); } } var disabledProgramsList = Main._settings.DisabledProgramSources; var toFilter = programs.AsParallel().Where(p => suffixes.Contains(Extension(p.ExecutableName))); var filtered = toFilter.Where(t1 => !disabledProgramsList.Any(x => x.UniqueIdentifier == t1.UniqueIdentifier)).Select(t1 => t1); return filtered; } private static IEnumerable ProgramsFromRegistryKey(RegistryKey root) { var programs = root.GetSubKeyNames() .Select(subkey => ProgramFromRegistrySubkey(root, subkey)) .Where(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Name)); return programs; } private static Win32 ProgramFromRegistrySubkey(RegistryKey root, string subkey) { using (var key = root.OpenSubKey(subkey)) { if (key != null) { var defaultValue = string.Empty; var path = key.GetValue(defaultValue) as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { // fix path like this: ""\"C:\\folder\\executable.exe\"" path = path.Trim('"', ' '); path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path); if (File.Exists(path)) { var entry = Win32Program(path); entry.ExecutableName = subkey; return entry; } else { return new Win32(); } } else { return new Win32(); } } else { return new Win32(); } } } //private static Win32 ScoreFilter(Win32 p) //{ // var start = new[] { "启动", "start" }; // var doc = new[] { "帮助", "help", "文档", "documentation" }; // var uninstall = new[] { "卸载", "uninstall" }; // var contained = start.Any(s => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(s)); // if (contained) // { // p.Score += 10; // } // contained = doc.Any(d => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(d)); // if (contained) // { // p.Score -= 10; // } // contained = uninstall.Any(u => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(u)); // if (contained) // { // p.Score -= 20; // } // return p; //} public static Win32[] All(Settings settings) { ParallelQuery programs = new List().AsParallel(); var unregistered = UnregisteredPrograms(settings.ProgramSources, settings.ProgramSuffixes); programs = programs.Concat(unregistered); if (settings.EnableRegistrySource) { var appPaths = AppPathsPrograms(settings.ProgramSuffixes); programs = programs.Concat(appPaths); } if (settings.EnableStartMenuSource) { var startMenu = StartMenuPrograms(settings.ProgramSuffixes); programs = programs.Concat(startMenu); } //.Select(ScoreFilter); return programs.ToArray(); } } }