#include "pch.h" #include "ZoneWindowDrawing.h" #include #include #include #include namespace NonLocalizable { const wchar_t SegoeUiFont[] = L"Segoe ui"; } float ZoneWindowDrawing::GetAnimationAlpha() { // Lock is being held if (!m_tAnimationStart) { return 1.f; } auto tNow = std::chrono::steady_clock().now(); auto alpha = (tNow - *m_tAnimationStart).count() / (1e6f * m_animationDuration); if (alpha < 1.f) { return alpha; } else { return 1.f; } } ID2D1Factory* ZoneWindowDrawing::GetD2DFactory() { static ID2D1Factory* pD2DFactory = nullptr; if (!pD2DFactory) { D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_MULTI_THREADED, &pD2DFactory); } return pD2DFactory; } IDWriteFactory* ZoneWindowDrawing::GetWriteFactory() { static IUnknown* pDWriteFactory = nullptr; if (!pDWriteFactory) { DWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory), &pDWriteFactory); } return reinterpret_cast(pDWriteFactory); } D2D1_COLOR_F ZoneWindowDrawing::ConvertColor(COLORREF color) { return D2D1::ColorF(GetRValue(color) / 255.f, GetGValue(color) / 255.f, GetBValue(color) / 255.f, 1.f); } D2D1_RECT_F ZoneWindowDrawing::ConvertRect(RECT rect) { return D2D1::RectF((float)rect.left, (float)rect.top, (float)rect.right, (float)rect.bottom); } ZoneWindowDrawing::ZoneWindowDrawing(HWND window) { m_window = window; m_renderTarget = nullptr; m_animationDuration = 0; m_shouldRender = false; // Obtain the size of the drawing area. if (!GetClientRect(window, &m_clientRect)) { return; } // Create a Direct2D render target GetD2DFactory()->CreateHwndRenderTarget( D2D1::RenderTargetProperties( D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_DEFAULT, D2D1::PixelFormat(DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED)), D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties( window, D2D1::SizeU( m_clientRect.right - m_clientRect.left, m_clientRect.bottom - m_clientRect.top)), &m_renderTarget); m_renderThread = std::thread([this]() { while (!m_abortThread) { // Force repeated rendering while in the animation loop. // Yield if low latency locking was requested if (!m_lowLatencyLock) { float animationAlpha; { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); animationAlpha = GetAnimationAlpha(); } if (animationAlpha < 1.f) { m_shouldRender = true; } } Render(); } }); } void ZoneWindowDrawing::Render() { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); if (!m_renderTarget) { return; } m_cv.wait(lock, [this]() { return (bool)m_shouldRender; }); m_renderTarget->BeginDraw(); float animationAlpha = GetAnimationAlpha(); // Draw backdrop m_renderTarget->Clear(D2D1::ColorF(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); for (auto drawableRect : m_sceneRects) { ID2D1SolidColorBrush* borderBrush = nullptr; ID2D1SolidColorBrush* fillBrush = nullptr; ID2D1SolidColorBrush* textBrush = nullptr; // Need to copy the rect from m_sceneRects drawableRect.borderColor.a *= animationAlpha; drawableRect.fillColor.a *= animationAlpha; m_renderTarget->CreateSolidColorBrush(drawableRect.borderColor, &borderBrush); m_renderTarget->CreateSolidColorBrush(drawableRect.fillColor, &fillBrush); m_renderTarget->CreateSolidColorBrush(D2D1::ColorF(D2D1::ColorF::Black, animationAlpha), &textBrush); if (fillBrush) { m_renderTarget->FillRectangle(drawableRect.rect, fillBrush); fillBrush->Release(); } if (borderBrush) { m_renderTarget->DrawRectangle(drawableRect.rect, borderBrush); borderBrush->Release(); } std::wstring idStr = std::to_wstring(drawableRect.id); IDWriteTextFormat* textFormat = nullptr; auto writeFactory = GetWriteFactory(); if (writeFactory) { writeFactory->CreateTextFormat(NonLocalizable::SegoeUiFont, nullptr, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL, 80.f, L"en-US", &textFormat); } if (textFormat && textBrush) { textFormat->SetTextAlignment(DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER); textFormat->SetParagraphAlignment(DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT_CENTER); m_renderTarget->DrawTextW(idStr.c_str(), (UINT32)idStr.size(), textFormat, drawableRect.rect, textBrush); } if (textFormat) { textFormat->Release(); } if (textBrush) { textBrush->Release(); } } m_renderTarget->EndDraw(); m_shouldRender = false; } void ZoneWindowDrawing::Hide() { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); if (m_tAnimationStart) { m_tAnimationStart.reset(); ShowWindow(m_window, SW_HIDE); } } void ZoneWindowDrawing::Show(unsigned animationMillis) { m_lowLatencyLock = true; std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); m_lowLatencyLock = false; if (!m_tAnimationStart) { ShowWindow(m_window, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); m_tAnimationStart = std::chrono::steady_clock().now(); m_animationDuration = max(1u, animationMillis); m_shouldRender = true; m_cv.notify_all(); } } void ZoneWindowDrawing::DrawActiveZoneSet(const IZoneSet::ZonesMap& zones, const std::vector& highlightZones, winrt::com_ptr host) { m_lowLatencyLock = true; std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); m_lowLatencyLock = false; m_sceneRects = {}; auto borderColor = ConvertColor(host->GetZoneBorderColor()); auto inactiveColor = ConvertColor(host->GetZoneColor()); auto highlightColor = ConvertColor(host->GetZoneHighlightColor()); inactiveColor.a = host->GetZoneHighlightOpacity() / 100.f; highlightColor.a = host->GetZoneHighlightOpacity() / 100.f; std::vector isHighlighted(zones.size() + 1, false); for (size_t x : highlightZones) { isHighlighted[x] = true; } // First draw the inactive zones for (const auto& [zoneId, zone] : zones) { if (!zone) { continue; } if (!isHighlighted[zoneId]) { DrawableRect drawableRect{ .rect = ConvertRect(zone->GetZoneRect()), .borderColor = borderColor, .fillColor = inactiveColor, .id = zone->Id() }; m_sceneRects.push_back(drawableRect); } } // Draw the active zones on top of the inactive zones for (const auto& [zoneId, zone] : zones) { if (!zone) { continue; } if (isHighlighted[zoneId]) { DrawableRect drawableRect{ .rect = ConvertRect(zone->GetZoneRect()), .borderColor = borderColor, .fillColor = highlightColor, .id = zone->Id() }; m_sceneRects.push_back(drawableRect); } } m_shouldRender = true; m_cv.notify_all(); } void ZoneWindowDrawing::ForceRender() { m_lowLatencyLock = true; std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); m_lowLatencyLock = false; m_shouldRender = true; m_cv.notify_all(); } ZoneWindowDrawing::~ZoneWindowDrawing() { { std::unique_lock lock(m_mutex); m_abortThread = true; m_shouldRender = true; } m_cv.notify_all(); m_renderThread.join(); }