# New plugin checklist - [ ] The plugin is a project under `modules\launcher\Plugins` - [ ] Microsoft plugin project name pattern: `Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.{PluginName}` - [ ] Community plugin project name pattern: `Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.{PluginName}` - [ ] The project file should import `Version.props` and specify `$(Version).0` - [ ] If the plugin uses any 3rd party dependencies the project file should import `DynamicPlugin.props` - [ ] Make sure `*.csproj` specify only x64 platform target - [ ] The plugin has to contain a `plugin.json` file of the following format in its root folder ``` { "ID": string, // GUID string "ActionKeyword": string, // Direct activation phrase "IsGlobal": boolean, "Name": string, // Has to be unique, same as 'PluginName' in the project name pattern "Author": string, "Version": "1.0.0", // For future compatibility "Language": "csharp", // So far we support only csharp "Website": "https://aka.ms/powertoys", "ExecuteFileName": string, // Should be {Type}.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.{PluginName}.dll "IcoPathDark": string, // Path to dark theme icon. The path is relative to the root plugin folder "IcoPathLight": string // Path to light theme icon. The path is relative to the root plugin folder "DynamicLoading": bool // Sets whether the plugin should dynamically load any dependencies isolated from the core application. } ``` - [ ] Make sure your `Main` class contains a public, static string property for the `PluginID`. The plugin id has to be the same as the one in the `plugin.json`file. ```csharp public static string PluginID => "xxxxxxx"; // The part xxxxxxx stands for the plugin ID. ``` - [ ] Do not use plugin name or PowerToys as prefixes for entities inside of the plugin project - [ ] The plugin has to have Unit tests. Use MSTest framework - [ ] Plugin's output code and assets have to be included in the installer [`Product.wxs`](/installer/PowerToysSetup/Product.wxs) - [ ] Test the plugin with a local build. Build the installer, install, check that the plugin works as expected - [ ] All plugin's binaries have to be included in the signed build [`pipeline.user.windows.yml`](/.pipelines/pipeline.user.windows.yml) - [ ] The plugin target framework has to be net8.0-windows. All dependencies should be compatible with .NET 8. Some localization steps can only be done after the first pass by the localization team to provide the localized resources. In the PR that adds a new plugin, reference a new issue to track the work for fully enabling localization for the new plugin. - [ ] Add the resource folder to https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/21247c0bb09a1bee3d14d6efa53d0c247f7236af/installer/PowerToysSetup/Product.wxs#L825 - [ ] Add the resource files under the section https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/21247c0bb09a1bee3d14d6efa53d0c247f7236af/installer/PowerToysSetup/Product.wxs#L882