# Inter-Process Communication with Runner The Settings v2 process uses two way IPC to communicate with the runner process. ## Initialization - On the settings' side, the two way IPC delegates are contained with the [`ShellPage.xaml.cs`](/src/core/Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI/Views/ShellPage.xaml.cs) file. The delegates are static and the views for all the powerToys send the ipc information to the viewmodels as `ShellPage.DefaultSndMSGCallBack`. - These delegates are initialized within the [`Mainwindow.xaml.cs`](/src/core/Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Runner/MainWindow.xaml.cs) file in the `Settings.Runner` project. ## Types of IPC delegates - There are three types of delegates for the settings to communicate with the runner: 1. `SendDefaultMessage` - This is used by all the viewmodels to communicate changes in the UI to the runner so that the information can be dispatched to the modules. 2. `RestartAsAdmin` 3. `CheckForUpdates` ## Sending information to runner - The settings process communicates with the runner by using the delegates defined within the [`ShellPage.xaml.cs`](/src/core/Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI/Views/ShellPage.xaml.cs) file. - Depending on the type of object sending the information, the json is created accordingly. - If any information has been modified by the user in the GeneralSettings page, then the json file sent to the runner has the name set to `general`, whereas if any information has been modified by the user in any powertoy related settings page, the name of the json file being communicated with the runner is set to `powertoy`. ## Receiving information from runner - The `ShellPage`object has a `IPCResponseHandleList` which is a list of functions which handle IPC responses. ```csharp // receive IPC Message Program.IPCMessageReceivedCallback = (string msg) => { if (ShellPage.ShellHandler.IPCResponseHandleList != null) { try { JsonObject json = JsonObject.Parse(msg); foreach (Action handle in ShellPage.ShellHandler.IPCResponseHandleList) { handle(json); } } catch (Exception) { } } }; ``` - Whenever any information is sent from the runner each of the functions in the handle list perform their action on that json object. - One example of where information sent from the runner is being processed by the settings is in [`GeneralPage.xaml.cs`](/src/core/Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI/Views/GeneralPage.xaml.cs) when the user clicks the check for updates button. The information displayed after, such as the user has the latest version installed is a result of this handle.