@echo off rem This script will fail to run unless you have the appropriate permissions cd /D "%~dp0" echo Preparing localization build... setlocal rem In this sample, the repo root is identical to the script directory path. Adjust the value of the RepoRoot variable accordingly based on your environment. rem Again, ensure the RepoRoot variable is set to the real repo root location, otherwise the localization toolset wouldn't work as intended. rem Note that the resolved %~dp0 ends with \. set RepoRoot=%~dp0..\ set OutDir=%RepoRoot%out set NUGET_PACKAGES=%RepoRoot%packages set LocalizationXLocPkgVer=2.0.0 echo Running localization build... set XLocPath=%NUGET_PACKAGES%\Localization.XLoc.%LocalizationXLocPkgVer% set LocProjectDirectory=%RepoRoot%src rem Run the localization tool on all LocProject.json files in the src directory and it's subdirectories dotnet "%XLocPath%\tools\netcore\Microsoft.Localization.XLoc.dll" /f "%LocProjectDirectory%" echo Localization build finished with exit code '%errorlevel%'. exit /b %errorlevel%