using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using Wox.Core.Plugin; using Wox.Core.Resource; using Wox.Infrastructure; using Wox.Infrastructure.Hotkey; using Wox.Plugin; using Wox.Storage; namespace Wox.ViewModel { public class MainViewModel : BaseViewModel { #region Private Fields private ResultPanelViewModel _searchResultPanel; private ResultPanelViewModel _actionPanel; private string _queryText; private bool _isVisible; private bool _isSearchResultPanelVisible; private bool _isActionPanelVisible; private bool _isProgressBarVisible; private bool _isProgressBarTooltipVisible; private double _left; private double _top; private bool _queryHasReturn; private Query _lastQuery = new Query(); private bool _ignoreTextChange; private List CurrentContextMenus = new List(); private string _textBeforeEnterContextMenuMode; #endregion #region Constructor public MainViewModel() { this.InitializeResultPanel(); this.InitializeActionPanel(); this.InitializeKeyCommands(); this._queryHasReturn = false; } #endregion #region ViewModel Properties public ResultPanelViewModel SearchResultPanel { get { return this._searchResultPanel; } } public ResultPanelViewModel ActionPanel { get { return this._actionPanel; } } public string QueryText { get { return this._queryText; } set { this._queryText = value; OnPropertyChanged("QueryText"); this.HandleQueryTextUpdated(); } } public bool IsVisible { get { return this._isVisible; } set { this._isVisible = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsVisible"); if (!value && this.IsActionPanelVisible) { this.BackToSearchMode(); } } } public bool IsSearchResultPanelVisible { get { return this._isSearchResultPanelVisible; } set { this._isSearchResultPanelVisible = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsSearchResultPanelVisible"); } } public bool IsActionPanelVisible { get { return this._isActionPanelVisible; } set { this._isActionPanelVisible = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsActionPanelVisible"); } } public bool IsProgressBarVisible { get { return this._isProgressBarVisible; } set { this._isProgressBarVisible = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsProgressBarVisible"); } } public bool IsProgressBarTooltipVisible { get { return this._isProgressBarTooltipVisible; } set { this._isProgressBarTooltipVisible = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsProgressBarTooltipVisible"); } } public double Left { get { return this._left; } set { this._left = value; OnPropertyChanged("Left"); } } public double Top { get { return this._top; } set { this._top = value; OnPropertyChanged("Top"); } } public ICommand EscCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectNextItemCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectPrevItemCommand { get; set; } public ICommand CtrlOCommand { get; set; } public ICommand DisplayNextQueryCommand { get; set; } public ICommand DisplayPrevQueryCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectNextPageCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectPrevPageCommand { get; set; } public ICommand StartHelpCommand { get; set; } public ICommand ShiftEnterCommand { get; set; } public ICommand OpenResultCommand { get; set; } #endregion #region Private Methods private void InitializeKeyCommands() { this.EscCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { if (this.IsActionPanelVisible) { this.BackToSearchMode(); } else { this.IsVisible = false; } }); this.SelectNextItemCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { if (this.IsActionPanelVisible) { this._actionPanel.SelectNextResult(); } else { this._searchResultPanel.SelectNextResult(); } }); this.SelectPrevItemCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { if (this.IsActionPanelVisible) { this._actionPanel.SelectPrevResult(); } else { this._searchResultPanel.SelectPrevResult(); } }); this.CtrlOCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { if (this.IsActionPanelVisible) { BackToSearchMode(); } else { ShowActionPanel(this._searchResultPanel.SelectedResult.RawResult); } }); this.DisplayNextQueryCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { var nextQuery = QueryHistoryStorage.Instance.Next(); DisplayQueryHistory(nextQuery); }); this.DisplayPrevQueryCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { var prev = QueryHistoryStorage.Instance.Previous(); DisplayQueryHistory(prev); }); this.SelectNextPageCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { this._searchResultPanel.SelectNextPage(); }); this.SelectPrevPageCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { this._searchResultPanel.SelectPrevPage(); }); this.StartHelpCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { Process.Start(""); }); this.ShiftEnterCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { if (!this.IsActionPanelVisible && null != this._searchResultPanel.SelectedResult) { this.ShowActionPanel(this._searchResultPanel.SelectedResult.RawResult); } }); this.OpenResultCommand = new RelayCommand((parameter) => { if(null != parameter) { var index = int.Parse(parameter.ToString()); this._searchResultPanel.SelectResult(index); } if (null != this._searchResultPanel.SelectedResult) { this._searchResultPanel.SelectedResult.OpenResultCommand.Execute(null); } }); } private void InitializeResultPanel() { this._searchResultPanel = new ResultPanelViewModel(); this.IsSearchResultPanelVisible = false; this._searchResultPanel.ResultOpenedInPanel += (o, e) => { if (e.HideWindow) { this.IsVisible = false; } UserSelectedRecordStorage.Instance.Add(e.Result.RawResult); QueryHistoryStorage.Instance.Add(this.QueryText); }; this._searchResultPanel.ResultActionPanelOpenedInPanel += (o, e) => { this.ShowActionPanel(e.Result.RawResult); }; } private void ShowActionPanel(Result result) { if (result == null) return; List results = PluginManager.GetContextMenusForPlugin(result); results.ForEach(o => { o.PluginDirectory = PluginManager.GetPluginForId(result.PluginID).Metadata.PluginDirectory; o.PluginID = result.PluginID; o.OriginQuery = result.OriginQuery; }); results.Add(GetTopMostContextMenu(result)); _textBeforeEnterContextMenuMode = this.QueryText; this._actionPanel.Clear(); this._actionPanel.AddResults(results, result.PluginID); CurrentContextMenus = results; this.IsActionPanelVisible = true; this.IsSearchResultPanelVisible = false; this.QueryText = ""; } private Result GetTopMostContextMenu(Result result) { if (TopMostRecordStorage.Instance.IsTopMost(result)) { return new Result(InternationalizationManager.Instance.GetTranslation("cancelTopMostInThisQuery"), "Images\\down.png") { PluginDirectory = WoxDirectroy.Executable, Action = _ => { TopMostRecordStorage.Instance.Remove(result); //TODO:Modify the way showing this message //ShowMsg("Succeed", "", ""); return false; } }; } else { return new Result(InternationalizationManager.Instance.GetTranslation("setAsTopMostInThisQuery"), "Images\\up.png") { PluginDirectory = WoxDirectroy.Executable, Action = _ => { TopMostRecordStorage.Instance.AddOrUpdate(result); //TODO:Modify the way showing this message //ShowMsg("Succeed", "", ""); return false; } }; } } private void InitializeActionPanel() { this._actionPanel = new ResultPanelViewModel(); this.IsActionPanelVisible = false; this._actionPanel.ResultOpenedInPanel += (o, e) => { if (e.HideWindow) { this.IsVisible = false; } }; } private void HandleQueryTextUpdated() { if (_ignoreTextChange) { _ignoreTextChange = false; return; } this.IsProgressBarTooltipVisible = false; if (this.IsActionPanelVisible) { QueryActionPanel(); } else { string query = this.QueryText.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { Query(query); //reset query history index after user start new query ResetQueryHistoryIndex(); } else { this._searchResultPanel.Clear(); } } } private void QueryActionPanel() { var contextMenuId = "Context Menu Id"; this._actionPanel.Clear(); var query = this.QueryText.ToLower(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { this._actionPanel.AddResults(CurrentContextMenus, contextMenuId); } else { List filterResults = new List(); foreach (Result contextMenu in CurrentContextMenus) { if (StringMatcher.IsMatch(contextMenu.Title, query) || StringMatcher.IsMatch(contextMenu.SubTitle, query)) { filterResults.Add(contextMenu); } } this._actionPanel.AddResults(filterResults, contextMenuId); } } private void Query(string text) { _queryHasReturn = false; var query = PluginManager.QueryInit(text); if (query != null) { // handle the exclusiveness of plugin using action keyword string lastKeyword = _lastQuery.ActionKeyword; string keyword = query.ActionKeyword; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastKeyword)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { this._searchResultPanel.RemoveResultsExcept(PluginManager.NonGlobalPlugins[keyword].Metadata); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { this._searchResultPanel.RemoveResultsFor(PluginManager.NonGlobalPlugins[lastKeyword].Metadata); } else if (lastKeyword != keyword) { this._searchResultPanel.RemoveResultsExcept(PluginManager.NonGlobalPlugins[keyword].Metadata); } } _lastQuery = query; Action action = new Action(async () => { await Task.Delay(150); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.RawQuery) && query.RawQuery == _lastQuery.RawQuery && !_queryHasReturn) { this.IsProgressBarTooltipVisible = true; } }); action.Invoke(); //Application.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(async () => //{ // await Task.Delay(150); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.RawQuery) && query.RawQuery == _lastQuery.RawQuery && !_queryHasReturn) // { // StartProgress(); // } //}); PluginManager.QueryForAllPlugins(query); } this.IsProgressBarTooltipVisible = false; } private void ResetQueryHistoryIndex() { this._searchResultPanel.RemoveResultsFor(QueryHistoryStorage.MetaData); QueryHistoryStorage.Instance.Reset(); } private void UpdateResultViewInternal(List list, PluginMetadata metadata) { Infrastructure.Stopwatch.Normal($"UI update cost for {metadata.Name}", () => { this._searchResultPanel.AddResults(list, metadata.ID); }); } private void BackToSearchMode() { this.QueryText = _textBeforeEnterContextMenuMode; this.IsActionPanelVisible = false; this.IsSearchResultPanelVisible = true; } private void DisplayQueryHistory(HistoryItem history) { if (history != null) { var historyMetadata = QueryHistoryStorage.MetaData; this.QueryText = history.Query; //TODO: Need to select all text var executeQueryHistoryTitle = InternationalizationManager.Instance.GetTranslation("executeQuery"); var lastExecuteTime = InternationalizationManager.Instance.GetTranslation("lastExecuteTime"); this._searchResultPanel.RemoveResultsExcept(historyMetadata); UpdateResultViewInternal(new List { new Result { Title = string.Format(executeQueryHistoryTitle,history.Query), SubTitle = string.Format(lastExecuteTime,history.ExecutedDateTime), IcoPath = "Images\\history.png", PluginDirectory = WoxDirectroy.Executable, Action = _ =>{ this.QueryText = history.Query; //TODO: Need to select all text return false; } } }, historyMetadata); } } #endregion #region Public Methods public void UpdateResultView(List list, PluginMetadata metadata, Query originQuery) { _queryHasReturn = true; this.IsProgressBarTooltipVisible = false; list.ForEach(o => { o.Score += UserSelectedRecordStorage.Instance.GetSelectedCount(o) * 5; }); if (originQuery.RawQuery == _lastQuery.RawQuery) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { UpdateResultViewInternal(list, metadata); }); } if(list.Count > 0) { this.IsSearchResultPanelVisible = true; } } #endregion } }