using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Forms; using YAMP; namespace Wox.Plugin.System { public class Calculator : BaseSystemPlugin { private static Regex regValidExpressChar = new Regex( @"^(" + @"sin|cos|ceil|floor|exp|pi|max|min|det|arccos|abs|" + @"eigval|eigvec|eig|sum|polar|plot|round|sort|real|zeta|" + @"bin2dec|hex2dec|oct2dec|" + @"==|~=|&&|\|\||" + @"[ei]|[0-9]|[\+\-\*\/\^\., ""]|[\(\)\|\!\[\]]" + @")+$", RegexOptions.Compiled); private static Regex regBrackets = new Regex(@"[\(\)\[\]]", RegexOptions.Compiled); private static ParseContext yampContext = null; private PluginInitContext context { get; set; } static Calculator() { yampContext = Parser.PrimaryContext; Parser.InteractiveMode = false; Parser.UseScripting = false; } protected override List QueryInternal(Query query) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.RawQuery) || query.RawQuery.Length <= 2 // don't affect when user only input "e" or "i" keyword || !regValidExpressChar.IsMatch(query.RawQuery) || !IsBracketComplete(query.RawQuery)) return new List(); try { var result = yampContext.Run(query.RawQuery); if (result.Output != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Result)) { return new List() { new Result() { Title = result.Result, IcoPath = "Images/calculator.png", Score = 300, SubTitle = "Copy this number to the clipboard", Action = (c) => { Clipboard.SetText(result.Result); return true; } } }; } } catch {} return new List(); } private bool IsBracketComplete(string query) { var matchs = regBrackets.Matches(query); var leftBracketCount = 0; foreach (Match match in matchs) { if (match.Value == "(" || match.Value == "[") { leftBracketCount++; } else { leftBracketCount--; } } return leftBracketCount == 0; } protected override void InitInternal(PluginInitContext context) { this.context = context; } } }