using Microsoft.PowerLauncher.Telemetry; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Telemetry; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Timers; using System.Windows; using Wox; using Wox.Core; using Wox.Core.Plugin; using Wox.Core.Resource; using Wox.Helper; using Wox.Infrastructure; using Wox.Infrastructure.Http; using Wox.Infrastructure.Image; using Wox.Infrastructure.Logger; using Wox.Infrastructure.UserSettings; using Wox.ViewModel; using Stopwatch = Wox.Infrastructure.Stopwatch; namespace PowerLauncher { public partial class App : IDisposable, ISingleInstanceApp { public static PublicAPIInstance API { get; private set; } private const string Unique = "PowerLauncher_Unique_Application_Mutex"; private static bool _disposed; private Settings _settings; private MainViewModel _mainVM; private SettingWindowViewModel _settingsVM; private readonly Alphabet _alphabet = new Alphabet(); private StringMatcher _stringMatcher; private SettingsWatcher _settingsWatcher; [STAThread] public static void Main() { if (SingleInstance.InitializeAsFirstInstance(Unique)) { using (var application = new App()) { application.InitializeComponent(); application.Run(); } } } private void OnStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { var bootTime = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); bootTime.Start(); Stopwatch.Normal("|App.OnStartup|Startup cost", () => { Log.Info("|App.OnStartup|Begin Wox startup ----------------------------------------------------"); Log.Info($"|App.OnStartup|Runtime info:{ErrorReporting.RuntimeInfo()}"); RegisterAppDomainExceptions(); RegisterDispatcherUnhandledException(); ImageLoader.Initialize(); _settingsVM = new SettingWindowViewModel(); _settings = _settingsVM.Settings; _alphabet.Initialize(_settings); _stringMatcher = new StringMatcher(_alphabet); StringMatcher.Instance = _stringMatcher; _stringMatcher.UserSettingSearchPrecision = _settings.QuerySearchPrecision; ThemeManager themeManager = new ThemeManager(this); PluginManager.LoadPlugins(_settings.PluginSettings); _mainVM = new MainViewModel(_settings); var window = new MainWindow(_settings, _mainVM); API = new PublicAPIInstance(_settingsVM, _mainVM, _alphabet); PluginManager.InitializePlugins(API); Current.MainWindow = window; Current.MainWindow.Title = Constant.ExeFileName; // happlebao todo temp fix for instance code logic // load plugin before change language, because plugin language also needs be changed InternationalizationManager.Instance.Settings = _settings; InternationalizationManager.Instance.ChangeLanguage(_settings.Language); // main windows needs initialized before theme change because of blur settings Http.Proxy = _settings.Proxy; RegisterExitEvents(); _settingsWatcher = new SettingsWatcher(_settings); _mainVM.MainWindowVisibility = Visibility.Visible; _mainVM.ColdStartFix(); Log.Info("|App.OnStartup|End Wox startup ---------------------------------------------------- "); bootTime.Stop(); PowerToysTelemetry.Log.WriteEvent(new LauncherBootEvent() { BootTimeMs = bootTime.ElapsedMilliseconds }); //[Conditional("RELEASE")] // check update every 5 hours // check updates on startup }); } private void RegisterExitEvents() { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (s, e) => Dispose(); Current.Exit += (s, e) => Dispose(); Current.SessionEnding += (s, e) => Dispose(); } /// /// let exception throw as normal is better for Debug /// [Conditional("RELEASE")] private void RegisterDispatcherUnhandledException() { DispatcherUnhandledException += ErrorReporting.DispatcherUnhandledException; } /// /// let exception throw as normal is better for Debug /// [Conditional("RELEASE")] private static void RegisterAppDomainExceptions() { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += ErrorReporting.UnhandledExceptionHandle; } public void Dispose() { // if sessionending is called, exit proverbially be called when log off / shutdown // but if sessionending is not called, exit won't be called when log off / shutdown if (!_disposed) { API.SaveAppAllSettings(); _disposed = true; } } public void OnSecondAppStarted() { Current.MainWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } }