# marker to ignore all code on line
^.*/\* #no-spell-check-line \*/.*$
# marker for ignoring a comment to the end of the line
// #no-spell-check.*$

# patch hunk comments
^\@\@ -\d+(?:,\d+|) \+\d+(?:,\d+|) \@\@ .*
# git index header
index [0-9a-z]{7,40}\.\.[0-9a-z]{7,40}

# cid urls

# data url in parens
# data url in quotes
# data url

# mailto urls

# magnet urls

# magnet urls

# obs:

# The `\b` here means a break, it's the fancy way to handle urls, but it makes things harder to read
# In this examples content, I'm using a number of different ways to match things to show various approaches
# asciinema

# apple
# Apple music

# appveyor api
# appveyor project

# Amazon

# Amazon
# AWS S3
# AWS execute-api

# While you could try to match `http://` and `https://` by using `s?` in `https?://`, sometimes there
# YouTube url
# YouTube music
# YouTube tag
# YouTube image
# Google Accounts
# Google Analytics
# Google APIs
# Google Storage
# Google Calendar
# Google DataStudio
# The leading `/` here is as opposed to the `\b` above
# ... a short way to match `https://` or `http://` since most urls have one of those prefixes
# Google Docs
# Google Drive
# Google Groups
# Google Maps
# Google themes
# Google CDN
# Goo.gl
# Google Chrome Store
# Google Books
# Google Fonts
# Google Forms
# Google Scholar
# Google Colab Research Drive

# GitHub SHAs (api)
# GitHub SHAs (markdown)
# GitHub SHAs
# GitHub wiki
# githubusercontent
# githubassets
# gist github
# git.io
# GitHub JSON
"node_id": "[-a-zA-Z=;:/0-9+]*"
# Contributor

# GitLab commit
# GitLab merge requests
# GitLab uploads
# GitLab commits

# binanace

# bitbucket diff
# bitbucket repositories commits
# bitbucket commits

# bit.ly

# bitrise

# bootstrapcdn.com

# cdn.cloudflare.com

# circleci

# gitter

# gravatar

# ibm

# imgur

# Internet Archive

# discord

# Disqus

# medium link
# medium

# microsoft
# powerbi
\bapp\.powerbi\.com/reportEmbed/[^"' ]*
# vs devops
# microsoft store

# mvnrepository.com

# now.sh

# oracle

# chromatic.com

# codacy

# compai

# mailgun api
# mailgun

# /message-id/

# Reddit

# requestb.in

# sched

# Slack url
# Slack
# Slack edge
# Slack images

# shields.io

# stackexchange -- https://stackexchange.com/feeds/sites

# Sentry

# Twitter markdown
# Twitter hashtag
# Twitter status
# Twitter profile images
# Twitter media
# Twitter link shortened

# facebook
# facebook CDN
# facebook watch

# dropbox

# ipfs protocol
# ipfs url

# w3

# loom

# regex101

# figma

# freecodecamp.org

# image.tmdb.org

# mermaid

# Wikipedia

# gitweb

# HyperKitty lists

# lists

# list-management

# kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration
"kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration": ".*"

# pgp

# Spotify

# Mastodon

# scastie

# images.unsplash.com

# pastebin

# heroku

# quip

# badgen.net

# statuspage.io

# media.giphy.com

# tinyurl

# getopts

# ANSI color codes

# URL escaped characters
# IPv6
# c99 hex digits (not the full format, just one I've seen)
# Punycode
# sha
# sha-... -- uses a fancy capture
# hex runs
# hex in url queries
# ssh
(?:ssh-\S+|-nistp256) [-a-zA-Z=;:/0-9+]{12,}

\b(?:[0-9A-F]{4} ){9}[0-9A-F]{4}\b
# GPG keys
\b(?:[0-9A-F]{4} ){5}(?: [0-9A-F]{4}){5}\b
# Well known gpg keys

# uuid:
# hex digits including css/html color classes:
# integrity

# https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/manual/groff.html
# man troff content
# '

# .desktop mime types
# .desktop localized entries
# Localized .desktop content

# IServiceProvider

# crypt

# scrypt / argon

# Input to GitHub JSON
content: "[-a-zA-Z=;:/0-9+]*="

# Python stringprefix / binaryprefix
# Note that there's a high false positive rate, remove the `?=` and search for the regex to see if the matches seem like reasonable strings

# Regular expressions for (P|p)assword

# JavaScript regular expressions
# javascript test regex
# javascript match regex
# javascript match regex
# javascript regex
# javascript replace regex

# Go regular expressions

# sed regular expressions
sed 's/(?:[^/]*?[a-zA-Z]{3,}[^/]*?/){2}

# go install
go install(?:\s+[a-z]+\.[-@\w/.]+)+

# kubernetes pod status lists
# https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#pod-phase

# kubectl - pods in CrashLoopBackOff

# kubernetes object suffix

# posthog secrets

# xcode

# xcodeproject scenes

# xcode api botches

# font awesome classes

# Update Lorem based on your content (requires `ge` and `w` from https://github.com/jsoref/spelling; and `review` from https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Looking-for-items-locally )
# grep '^[^#].*lorem' .github/actions/spelling/patterns.txt|perl -pne 's/.*i..\?://;s/\).*//' |tr '|' "\n"|sort -f |xargs -n1 ge|perl -pne 's/^[^:]*://'|sort -u|w|sed -e 's/ .*//'|w|review -
# Warning, while `(?i)` is very neat and fancy, if you have some binary files that aren't proper unicode, you might run into:
## Operation "substitution (s///)" returns its argument for non-Unicode code point 0x1C19AE (the code point will vary).
## You could manually change `(?i)X...` to use `[Xx]...`
## or you could add the files to your `excludes` file (a version after 0.0.19 should identify the file path)
# Lorem

# Non-English

# French
# This corpus only had capital letters, but you probably want lowercase ones as well.

# latex

# the negative lookahead here is to allow catching 'templatesz' as a misspelling
# but to otherwise recognize a Windows path with \templates\foo.template or similar:
# ignore long runs of a single character:
# Note that the next example is no longer necessary if you are using
# to match a string starting with a `#`, use a character-class:
# version suffix <word>v#
# Compiler flags (Scala)
(?:^|[\t ,>"'`=(])-J-[DPWXY](?=[A-Z]{2,}|[A-Z][a-z]|[a-z]{2,})
# Compiler flags
#(?:^|[\t ,"'`=(])-[DPWXYLlf](?=[A-Z]{2,}|[A-Z][a-z]|[a-z]{2,})

# Compiler flags (linker)
# curl arguments
# set arguments
# tar arguments
\b(?:\\n|)g?tar(?:\.exe|)(?:(?:\s+--[-a-zA-Z]+|\s+-[a-zA-Z]+|\s[ABGJMOPRSUWZacdfh-pr-xz]+\b)(?:=[^ ]*|))+
# tput arguments -- https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/terminfo.5.html -- technically they can be more than 5 chars long...
# macOS temp folders