#pragma once #include "gdiplus.h" struct Rect { Rect() {} Rect(RECT rect) : m_rect(rect) { } Rect(RECT rect, UINT dpi) : m_rect(rect) { m_rect.right = m_rect.left + MulDiv(m_rect.right - m_rect.left, dpi, 96); m_rect.bottom = m_rect.top + MulDiv(m_rect.bottom - m_rect.top, dpi, 96); } int x() const { return m_rect.left; } int y() const { return m_rect.top; } int width() const { return m_rect.right - m_rect.left; } int height() const { return m_rect.bottom - m_rect.top; } int left() const { return m_rect.left; } int top() const { return m_rect.top; } int right() const { return m_rect.right; } int bottom() const { return m_rect.bottom; } int aspectRatio() const { return MulDiv(m_rect.bottom - m_rect.top, 100, m_rect.right - m_rect.left); } private: RECT m_rect{}; }; inline void MakeWindowTransparent(HWND window) { int const pos = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN) - 8; if (wil::unique_hrgn hrgn{ CreateRectRgn(pos, 0, (pos + 1), 1) }) { DWM_BLURBEHIND bh = { DWM_BB_ENABLE | DWM_BB_BLURREGION, TRUE, hrgn.get(), FALSE }; DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(window, &bh); } } inline void InitRGB(_Out_ RGBQUAD* quad, BYTE alpha, COLORREF color) { ZeroMemory(quad, sizeof(*quad)); quad->rgbReserved = alpha; quad->rgbRed = GetRValue(color) * alpha / 255; quad->rgbGreen = GetGValue(color) * alpha / 255; quad->rgbBlue = GetBValue(color) * alpha / 255; } inline void FillRectARGB(wil::unique_hdc& hdc, RECT const* prcFill, BYTE alpha, COLORREF color, bool blendAlpha) { BITMAPINFO bi; ZeroMemory(&bi, sizeof(bi)); bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; RECT fillRect; CopyRect(&fillRect, prcFill); RGBQUAD bitmapBits; InitRGB(&bitmapBits, alpha, color); StretchDIBits( hdc.get(), fillRect.left, fillRect.top, fillRect.right - fillRect.left, fillRect.bottom - fillRect.top, 0, 0, 1, 1, &bitmapBits, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); } inline void ParseDeviceId(PCWSTR deviceId, PWSTR parsedId, size_t size) { // We're interested in the unique part between the first and last #'s // Example input: \\?\DISPLAY#DELA026#5&10a58c63&0&UID16777488#{e6f07b5f-ee97-4a90-b076-33f57bf4eaa7} // Example output: DELA026#5&10a58c63&0&UID16777488 const std::wstring defaultDeviceId = L"FallbackDevice"; if (!deviceId) { StringCchCopy(parsedId, size, defaultDeviceId.c_str()); return; } wchar_t buffer[256]; StringCchCopy(buffer, 256, deviceId); PWSTR pszStart = wcschr(buffer, L'#'); PWSTR pszEnd = wcsrchr(buffer, L'#'); if (pszStart && pszEnd && (pszStart != pszEnd)) { pszStart++; // skip past the first # *pszEnd = '\0'; StringCchCopy(parsedId, size, pszStart); } else { StringCchCopy(parsedId, size, defaultDeviceId.c_str()); } } inline BYTE OpacitySettingToAlpha(int opacity) { return static_cast(opacity * 2.55); } UINT GetDpiForMonitor(HMONITOR monitor) noexcept; void OrderMonitors(std::vector>& monitorInfo); void SizeWindowToRect(HWND window, RECT rect) noexcept; bool IsInterestingWindow(HWND window, const std::vector& exludedApps) noexcept;