#include "pch.h" #include "BufferValidationHelpers.h" #include #include #include "KeyboardManagerEditorStrings.h" #include "KeyDropDownControl.h" #include "UIHelpers.h" #include "EditorHelpers.h" #include "EditorConstants.h" namespace BufferValidationHelpers { // Function to validate and update an element of the key remap buffer when the selection has changed ShortcutErrorType ValidateAndUpdateKeyBufferElement(int rowIndex, int colIndex, int selectedKeyCode, RemapBuffer& remapBuffer) { ShortcutErrorType errorType = ShortcutErrorType::NoError; // Check if the element was not found or the index exceeds the known keys if (selectedKeyCode != -1) { // Check if the value being set is the same as the other column if (remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[std::abs(int(colIndex) - 1)].index() == 0) { if (std::get(remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[std::abs(int(colIndex) - 1)]) == selectedKeyCode) { errorType = ShortcutErrorType::MapToSameKey; } } // If one column is shortcut and other is key no warning required if (errorType == ShortcutErrorType::NoError && colIndex == 0) { // Check if the key is already remapped to something else for (int i = 0; i < remapBuffer.size(); i++) { if (i != rowIndex) { if (remapBuffer[i].first[colIndex].index() == 0) { ShortcutErrorType result = EditorHelpers::DoKeysOverlap(std::get(remapBuffer[i].first[colIndex]), selectedKeyCode); if (result != ShortcutErrorType::NoError) { errorType = result; break; } } // If one column is shortcut and other is key no warning required } } } // If there is no error, set the buffer if (errorType == ShortcutErrorType::NoError) { remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[colIndex] = (DWORD)selectedKeyCode; } else { remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[colIndex] = (DWORD)0; } } else { // Reset to null if the key is not found remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[colIndex] = (DWORD)0; } return errorType; } // Function to validate an element of the shortcut remap buffer when the selection has changed std::pair ValidateShortcutBufferElement(int rowIndex, int colIndex, uint32_t dropDownIndex, const std::vector& selectedCodes, std::wstring appName, bool isHybridControl, const RemapBuffer& remapBuffer, bool dropDownFound) { BufferValidationHelpers::DropDownAction dropDownAction = BufferValidationHelpers::DropDownAction::NoAction; ShortcutErrorType errorType = ShortcutErrorType::NoError; size_t dropDownCount = selectedCodes.size(); DWORD selectedKeyCode = dropDownFound ? selectedCodes[dropDownIndex] : -1; if (selectedKeyCode != -1 && dropDownFound) { // If only 1 drop down and action key is chosen: Warn that a modifier must be chosen (if the drop down is not for a hybrid scenario) if (dropDownCount == 1 && !Helpers::IsModifierKey(selectedKeyCode) && !isHybridControl) { // warn and reset the drop down errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutStartWithModifier; } else if (dropDownIndex == dropDownCount - 1) { // If it is the last drop down // If last drop down and a modifier is selected: add a new drop down (max drop down count should be enforced) if (Helpers::IsModifierKey(selectedKeyCode) && dropDownCount < EditorConstants::MaxShortcutSize) { // If it matched any of the previous modifiers then reset that drop down if (EditorHelpers::CheckRepeatedModifier(selectedCodes, selectedKeyCode)) { // warn and reset the drop down errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutCannotHaveRepeatedModifier; } else { // If not, add a new drop down dropDownAction = BufferValidationHelpers::DropDownAction::AddDropDown; } } else if (Helpers::IsModifierKey(selectedKeyCode) && dropDownCount >= EditorConstants::MaxShortcutSize) { // If last drop down and a modifier is selected but there are already max drop downs: warn the user // warn and reset the drop down errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutMaxShortcutSizeOneActionKey; } else if (selectedKeyCode == 0) { // If None is selected but it's the last index: warn // If it is a hybrid control and there are 2 drop downs then deletion is allowed if (isHybridControl && dropDownCount == EditorConstants::MinShortcutSize) { // set delete drop down flag dropDownAction = BufferValidationHelpers::DropDownAction::DeleteDropDown; // do not delete the drop down now since there may be some other error which would cause the drop down to be invalid after removal } else { // warn and reset the drop down errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutOneActionKey; } } else if (selectedKeyCode == CommonSharedConstants::VK_DISABLED && dropDownIndex) { // Disable can not be selected if one modifier key has already been selected errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutDisableAsActionKey; } // If none of the above, then the action key will be set } else { // If it is not the last drop down if (Helpers::IsModifierKey(selectedKeyCode)) { // If it matched any of the previous modifiers then reset that drop down if (EditorHelpers::CheckRepeatedModifier(selectedCodes, selectedKeyCode)) { // warn and reset the drop down errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutCannotHaveRepeatedModifier; } // If not, the modifier key will be set } else if (selectedKeyCode == 0 && dropDownCount > EditorConstants::MinShortcutSize) { // If None is selected and there are more than 2 drop downs // set delete drop down flag dropDownAction = BufferValidationHelpers::DropDownAction::DeleteDropDown; // do not delete the drop down now since there may be some other error which would cause the drop down to be invalid after removal } else if (selectedKeyCode == 0 && dropDownCount <= EditorConstants::MinShortcutSize) { // If it is a hybrid control and there are 2 drop downs then deletion is allowed if (isHybridControl && dropDownCount == EditorConstants::MinShortcutSize) { // set delete drop down flag dropDownAction = BufferValidationHelpers::DropDownAction::DeleteDropDown; // do not delete the drop down now since there may be some other error which would cause the drop down to be invalid after removal } else { // warn and reset the drop down errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutAtleast2Keys; } } else if (selectedKeyCode == CommonSharedConstants::VK_DISABLED && dropDownIndex) { // Allow selection of VK_DISABLE only in first dropdown errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutDisableAsActionKey; } else if (dropDownIndex != 0 || isHybridControl) { // If the user tries to set an action key check if all drop down menus after this are empty if it is not the first key. // If it is a hybrid control, this can be done even on the first key bool isClear = true; for (int i = dropDownIndex + 1; i < (int)dropDownCount; i++) { if (selectedCodes[i] != -1) { isClear = false; break; } } if (isClear) { dropDownAction = BufferValidationHelpers::DropDownAction::ClearUnusedDropDowns; } else { // warn and reset the drop down errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutNotMoreThanOneActionKey; } } else { // If there an action key is chosen on the first drop down and there are more than one drop down menus // warn and reset the drop down errorType = ShortcutErrorType::ShortcutStartWithModifier; } } } // After validating the shortcut, now for errors like remap to same shortcut, remap shortcut more than once, Win L and Ctrl Alt Del if (errorType == ShortcutErrorType::NoError) { KeyShortcutUnion tempShortcut; if (isHybridControl && KeyDropDownControl::GetNumberOfSelectedKeys(selectedCodes) == 1) { tempShortcut = (DWORD)*std::find_if(selectedCodes.begin(), selectedCodes.end(), [](int32_t a) { return a != -1 && a != 0; }); } else { tempShortcut = Shortcut(); std::get(tempShortcut).SetKeyCodes(selectedCodes); } // Convert app name to lower case std::transform(appName.begin(), appName.end(), appName.begin(), towlower); std::wstring lowercaseDefAppName = KeyboardManagerEditorStrings::DefaultAppName; std::transform(lowercaseDefAppName.begin(), lowercaseDefAppName.end(), lowercaseDefAppName.begin(), towlower); if (appName == lowercaseDefAppName) { appName = L""; } // Check if the value being set is the same as the other column - index of other column does not have to be checked since only one column is hybrid if (tempShortcut.index() == 1) { // If shortcut to shortcut if (remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[std::abs(int(colIndex) - 1)].index() == 1) { auto& shortcut = std::get(remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[std::abs(int(colIndex) - 1)]); if (shortcut == std::get(tempShortcut) && EditorHelpers::IsValidShortcut(shortcut) && EditorHelpers::IsValidShortcut(std::get(tempShortcut))) { errorType = ShortcutErrorType::MapToSameShortcut; } } // If one column is shortcut and other is key no warning required } else { // If key to key if (remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[std::abs(int(colIndex) - 1)].index() == 0) { if (std::get(remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[std::abs(int(colIndex) - 1)]) == std::get(tempShortcut) && std::get(remapBuffer[rowIndex].first[std::abs(int(colIndex) - 1)]) != NULL && std::get(tempShortcut) != NULL) { errorType = ShortcutErrorType::MapToSameKey; } } // If one column is shortcut and other is key no warning required } if (errorType == ShortcutErrorType::NoError && colIndex == 0) { // Check if the key is already remapped to something else for the same target app for (int i = 0; i < remapBuffer.size(); i++) { std::wstring currAppName = remapBuffer[i].second; std::transform(currAppName.begin(), currAppName.end(), currAppName.begin(), towlower); if (i != rowIndex && currAppName == appName) { ShortcutErrorType result = ShortcutErrorType::NoError; if (!isHybridControl) { result = EditorHelpers::DoShortcutsOverlap(std::get(remapBuffer[i].first[colIndex]), std::get(tempShortcut)); } else { if (tempShortcut.index() == 0 && remapBuffer[i].first[colIndex].index() == 0) { if (std::get(tempShortcut) != NULL && std::get(remapBuffer[i].first[colIndex]) != NULL) { result = EditorHelpers::DoKeysOverlap(std::get(remapBuffer[i].first[colIndex]), std::get(tempShortcut)); } } else if (tempShortcut.index() == 1 && remapBuffer[i].first[colIndex].index() == 1) { auto& shortcut = std::get(remapBuffer[i].first[colIndex]); if (EditorHelpers::IsValidShortcut(std::get(tempShortcut)) && EditorHelpers::IsValidShortcut(shortcut)) { result = EditorHelpers::DoShortcutsOverlap(std::get(remapBuffer[i].first[colIndex]), std::get(tempShortcut)); } } // Other scenarios not possible since key to shortcut is with key to key, and shortcut to key is with shortcut to shortcut } if (result != ShortcutErrorType::NoError) { errorType = result; break; } } } } if (errorType == ShortcutErrorType::NoError && tempShortcut.index() == 1) { errorType = EditorHelpers::IsShortcutIllegal(std::get(tempShortcut)); } } return std::make_pair(errorType, dropDownAction); } }