/* We basically follow the Json-RPC 2.0 spec (http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification) to invoke methods between Wox and other plugins, * like python or other self-execute program. But, we added addtional infos (proxy and so on) into rpc request. Also, we didn't use the * "id" and "jsonrpc" in the request, since it's not so useful in our request model. * * When execute a query: * Wox -------JsonRPCServerRequestModel--------> client * Wox <------JsonRPCQueryResponseModel--------- client * * When execute a action (which mean user select an item in reulst item): * Wox -------JsonRPCServerRequestModel--------> client * Wox <------JsonRPCResponseModel-------------- client * */ using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Wox.Plugin; namespace Wox.Core.Plugin { public class JsonRPCErrorModel { public int Code { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } public string Data { get; set; } } public class JsonRPCModelBase { public int Id { get; set; } } public class JsonRPCResponseModel : JsonRPCModelBase { public string Result { get; set; } public JsonRPCErrorModel Error { get; set; } } public class JsonRPCQueryResponseModel : JsonRPCResponseModel { public new List Result { get; set; } } public class JsonRPCRequestModel : JsonRPCModelBase { public string Method { get; set; } public object[] Parameters { get; set; } public override string ToString() { string rpc = string.Empty; if (Parameters != null && Parameters.Length > 0) { string parameters = Parameters.Aggregate("[", (current, o) => current + (GetParamterByType(o) + ",")); parameters = parameters.Substring(0, parameters.Length - 1) + "]"; rpc = string.Format(@"{{\""method\"":\""{0}\"",\""parameters\"":{1}", Method, parameters); } else { rpc = string.Format(@"{{\""method\"":\""{0}\"",\""parameters\"":[]", Method); } return rpc; } private string GetParamterByType(object paramter) { if (paramter is string) { return string.Format(@"\""{0}\""", RepalceEscapes(paramter.ToString())); } if (paramter is int || paramter is float || paramter is double) { return string.Format(@"{0}", paramter); } if (paramter is bool) { return string.Format(@"{0}", paramter.ToString().ToLower()); } return paramter.ToString(); } private string RepalceEscapes(string str) { return str.Replace(@"\", @"\\") //Escapes in ProcessStartInfo .Replace(@"\", @"\\") //Escapes itself when passed to client .Replace(@"""", @"\\"""""); } } /// /// Json RPC Request that Wox sent to client /// public class JsonRPCServerRequestModel : JsonRPCRequestModel { } /// /// Json RPC Request(in query response) that client sent to Wox /// public class JsonRPCClientRequestModel : JsonRPCRequestModel { public bool DontHideAfterAction { get; set; } public override string ToString() { string rpc = base.ToString(); return rpc + "}"; } } /// /// Represent the json-rpc result item that client send to Wox /// Typically, we will send back this request model to client after user select the result item /// But if the request method starts with "Wox.", we will invoke the public APIs we expose. /// public class JsonRPCResult : Result { public JsonRPCClientRequestModel JsonRPCAction { get; set; } } }