// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation // The Microsoft Corporation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "Generated Files/resource.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../runner/tray_icon.h" #include "../runner/UpdateUtils.h" using namespace cmdArg; namespace fs = std::filesystem; std::optional CopySelfToTempDir() { std::error_code error; auto dst_path = fs::temp_directory_path() / "PowerToys.Update.exe"; fs::copy_file(get_module_filename(), dst_path, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, error); if (error) { return std::nullopt; } return std::move(dst_path); } std::optional ObtainInstallerPath() { using namespace updating; auto state = UpdateState::read(); if (state.state == UpdateState::readyToDownload || state.state == UpdateState::errorDownloading) { const auto new_version_info = get_github_version_info_async().get(); if (!new_version_info) { Logger::error(L"Couldn't obtain github version info: {}", new_version_info.error()); return std::nullopt; } if (!std::holds_alternative(*new_version_info)) { Logger::error("Invoked with -update_now argument, but no update was available"); return std::nullopt; } auto downloaded_installer = download_new_version(std::get(*new_version_info)).get(); if (!downloaded_installer) { Logger::error("Couldn't download new installer"); } return downloaded_installer; } else if (state.state == UpdateState::readyToInstall) { fs::path installer{ get_pending_updates_path() / state.downloadedInstallerFilename }; if (fs::is_regular_file(installer)) { return std::move(installer); } else { Logger::error(L"Couldn't find a downloaded installer {}", installer.native()); return std::nullopt; } } else { Logger::error("Invoked with -update_now argument, but update state was invalid"); return std::nullopt; } } bool InstallNewVersionStage1() { const auto installer = ObtainInstallerPath(); if (!installer) { return false; } if (auto copy_in_temp = CopySelfToTempDir()) { // Detect if PT was running const auto pt_main_window = FindWindowW(pt_tray_icon_window_class, nullptr); const bool launch_powertoys = pt_main_window != nullptr; if (pt_main_window != nullptr) { SendMessageW(pt_main_window, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } std::wstring arguments{ UPDATE_NOW_LAUNCH_STAGE2 }; arguments += L" \""; arguments += installer->c_str(); arguments += L"\" \""; arguments += get_module_folderpath(); arguments += L"\" "; arguments += launch_powertoys ? UPDATE_STAGE2_RESTART_PT : UPDATE_STAGE2_DONT_START_PT; SHELLEXECUTEINFOW sei{ sizeof(sei) }; sei.fMask = { SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI | SEE_MASK_NOASYNC }; sei.lpFile = copy_in_temp->c_str(); sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; sei.lpParameters = arguments.c_str(); return ShellExecuteExW(&sei) == TRUE; } else { return false; } } bool InstallNewVersionStage2(std::wstring installer_path, std::wstring_view install_path, bool launch_powertoys) { std::transform(begin(installer_path), end(installer_path), begin(installer_path), ::towlower); bool success = true; if (installer_path.ends_with(L".msi")) { success = MsiInstallProductW(installer_path.data(), nullptr) == ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { // If it's not .msi, then it's a wix bootstrapper SHELLEXECUTEINFOW sei{ sizeof(sei) }; sei.fMask = { SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI | SEE_MASK_NOASYNC | SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE }; sei.lpFile = installer_path.c_str(); sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; std::wstring parameters = L"/passive"; sei.lpParameters = parameters.c_str(); success = ShellExecuteExW(&sei) == TRUE; // Wait for the install completion if (success) { WaitForSingleObject(sei.hProcess, INFINITE); DWORD exitCode = 0; GetExitCodeProcess(sei.hProcess, &exitCode); success = exitCode == 0; CloseHandle(sei.hProcess); } } if (!success) { return false; } std::error_code _; fs::remove(installer_path, _); UpdateState::store([&](UpdateState& state) { state = {}; state.githubUpdateLastCheckedDate.emplace(timeutil::now()); state.state = UpdateState::upToDate; }); if (launch_powertoys) { std::wstring new_pt_path{ install_path }; new_pt_path += L"\\PowerToys.exe"; SHELLEXECUTEINFOW sei{ sizeof(sei) }; sei.fMask = { SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI | SEE_MASK_NOASYNC }; sei.lpFile = new_pt_path.c_str(); sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; sei.lpParameters = UPDATE_REPORT_SUCCESS; return ShellExecuteExW(&sei) == TRUE; } return true; } int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int) { int nArgs = 0; LPWSTR* args = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgs); if (!args || nArgs < 2) { return 1; } std::wstring_view action{ args[1] }; std::filesystem::path logFilePath(PTSettingsHelper::get_root_save_folder_location()); logFilePath.append(LogSettings::updateLogPath); Logger::init(LogSettings::updateLoggerName, logFilePath.wstring(), PTSettingsHelper::get_log_settings_file_location()); if (action == UPDATE_NOW_LAUNCH_STAGE1) { const bool failed = !InstallNewVersionStage1(); if (failed) { UpdateState::store([&](UpdateState& state) { state.downloadedInstallerFilename = {}; state.githubUpdateLastCheckedDate.emplace(timeutil::now()); state.state = UpdateState::errorDownloading; }); } return failed; } else if (action == UPDATE_NOW_LAUNCH_STAGE2) { using namespace std::string_view_literals; const bool failed = !InstallNewVersionStage2(args[2], args[3], args[4] == std::wstring_view{ UPDATE_STAGE2_RESTART_PT }); if (failed) { UpdateState::store([&](UpdateState& state) { state.downloadedInstallerFilename = {}; state.githubUpdateLastCheckedDate.emplace(timeutil::now()); state.state = UpdateState::errorDownloading; }); } return failed; } return 0; }