#pragma once #include "FancyZones.h" #include "lib/ZoneSet.h" namespace ZoneWindowUtils { const std::wstring& GetActiveZoneSetTmpPath(); const std::wstring& GetAppliedZoneSetTmpPath(); const std::wstring& GetCustomZoneSetsTmpPath(); std::wstring GenerateUniqueId(HMONITOR monitor, PCWSTR deviceId, PCWSTR virtualDesktopId); } /** * Class representing single work area, which is defined by monitor and virtual desktop. */ interface __declspec(uuid("{7F017528-8110-4FB3-BE41-F472969C2560}")) IZoneWindow : public IUnknown { /** * A window is being moved or resized. Track down window position and give zone layout * hints if dragging functionality is enabled. * * @param window Handle of window being moved or resized. * @param dragEnabled Boolean indicating is giving hints about active zone layout enabled. * Hints are given while dragging window while holding SHIFT key. */ IFACEMETHOD(MoveSizeEnter)(HWND window, bool dragEnabled) = 0; /** * A window has changed location, shape, or size. Track down window position and give zone layout * hints if dragging functionality is enabled. * * @param ptScreen Cursor coordinates. * @param dragEnabled Boolean indicating is giving hints about active zone layout enabled. * Hints are given while dragging window while holding SHIFT key. */ IFACEMETHOD(MoveSizeUpdate)(POINT const& ptScreen, bool dragEnabled) = 0; /** * The movement or resizing of a window has finished. Assign window to the zone of it * is dropped within zone borders. * * @param window Handle of window being moved or resized. * @param ptScreen Cursor coordinates where window is dropped. */ IFACEMETHOD(MoveSizeEnd)(HWND window, POINT const& ptScreen) = 0; /** * @returns Boolean indicating is giving hints about active zone layout enabled. Hints are * given while dragging window while holding SHIFT key. */ IFACEMETHOD_(bool, IsDragEnabled)() = 0; /** * Assign window to the zone based on zone index inside zone layout. * * @param window Handle of window which should be assigned to zone. * @param index Zone index within zone layout. */ IFACEMETHOD_(void, MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndex)(HWND window, int index) = 0; /** * Assign window to the zones based on the set of zone indices inside zone layout. * * @param window Handle of window which should be assigned to zone. * @param indexSet The set of zone indices within zone layout. */ IFACEMETHOD_(void, MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndexSet)(HWND window, const std::vector& indexSet) = 0; /** * Assign window to the zone based on direction (using WIN + LEFT/RIGHT arrow). * * @param window Handle of window which should be assigned to zone. * @param vkCode Pressed arrow key. * @param cycle Whether we should move window to the first zone if we reached last zone in layout. * * @returns Boolean which is always true if cycle argument is set, otherwise indicating if there is more * zones left in the zone layout in which window can move. */ IFACEMETHOD_(bool, MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirection)(HWND window, DWORD vkCode, bool cycle) = 0; /** * Cycle through active zone layouts (giving hints about each layout). * * @param vkCode Pressed key representing layout index. */ IFACEMETHOD_(void, CycleActiveZoneSet)(DWORD vkCode) = 0; /** * Restore original transaprency of dragged window. */ IFACEMETHOD_(void, RestoreOriginalTransparency) () = 0; /** * Save information about zone in which window was assigned, when closing the window. * Used once we open same window again to assign it to its previous zone. * * @param window Window handle. */ IFACEMETHOD_(void, SaveWindowProcessToZoneIndex)(HWND window) = 0; /** * @returns Unique work area identifier. Format: __ */ IFACEMETHOD_(std::wstring, UniqueId)() = 0; /** * @returns Work area resolution (not same as monitor resolution). */ IFACEMETHOD_(std::wstring, WorkAreaKey)() = 0; /** * @returns Active zone layout for this work area. */ IFACEMETHOD_(IZoneSet*, ActiveZoneSet)() = 0; IFACEMETHOD_(void, ShowZoneWindow)() = 0; IFACEMETHOD_(void, HideZoneWindow)() = 0; /** * Update currently active zone layout for this work area. */ IFACEMETHOD_(void, UpdateActiveZoneSet)() = 0; }; winrt::com_ptr MakeZoneWindow(IZoneWindowHost* host, HINSTANCE hinstance, HMONITOR monitor, const std::wstring& uniqueId, bool flashZones, bool newWorkArea) noexcept;