using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Timers; using System.Windows.Controls; using Wox.Infrastructure.Logger; using Wox.Infrastructure.Storage; using Wox.Plugin; using Microsoft.Plugin.Program.Views; using Stopwatch = Wox.Infrastructure.Stopwatch; using Windows.ApplicationModel; using Microsoft.Plugin.Program.Storage; using Microsoft.Plugin.Program.Programs; namespace Microsoft.Plugin.Program { public class Main : IPlugin, IPluginI18n, IContextMenu, ISavable, IReloadable, IDisposable { private static readonly object IndexLock = new object(); internal static Programs.Win32[] _win32s { get; set; } internal static Settings _settings { get; set; } private static bool IsStartupIndexProgramsRequired => _settings.LastIndexTime.AddDays(3) < DateTime.Today; private static PluginInitContext _context; private static BinaryStorage _win32Storage; private readonly PluginJsonStorage _settingsStorage; private bool _disposed = false; private PackageRepository _packageRepository = new PackageRepository(new PackageCatalogWrapper(), new BinaryStorage>("UWP")); public Main() { _settingsStorage = new PluginJsonStorage(); _settings = _settingsStorage.Load(); Stopwatch.Normal("|Microsoft.Plugin.Program.Main|Preload programs cost", () => { _win32Storage = new BinaryStorage("Win32"); _win32s = _win32Storage.TryLoad(new Programs.Win32[] { }); _packageRepository.Load(); }); Log.Info($"|Microsoft.Plugin.Program.Main|Number of preload win32 programs <{_win32s.Length}>"); var a = Task.Run(() => { if (IsStartupIndexProgramsRequired || !_win32s.Any()) Stopwatch.Normal("|Microsoft.Plugin.Program.Main|Win32Program index cost", IndexWin32Programs); }); var b = Task.Run(() => { if (IsStartupIndexProgramsRequired || !_packageRepository.Any()) Stopwatch.Normal("|Microsoft.Plugin.Program.Main|Win32Program index cost", _packageRepository.IndexPrograms); }); Task.WaitAll(a, b); _settings.LastIndexTime = DateTime.Today; } public void Save() { _settingsStorage.Save(); _win32Storage.Save(_win32s); _packageRepository.Save(); } public List Query(Query query) { Programs.Win32[] win32; lock (IndexLock) { // just take the reference inside the lock to eliminate query time issues. win32 = _win32s; } var results1 = win32.AsParallel() .Where(p => p.Enabled) .Select(p => p.Result(query.Search, _context.API)); var results2 = _packageRepository.AsParallel() .Where(p => p.Enabled) .Select(p => p.Result(query.Search, _context.API)); var result = results1.Concat(results2).Where(r => r != null && r.Score > 0).ToList(); return result; } public void Init(PluginInitContext context) { _context = context; _context.API.ThemeChanged += OnThemeChanged; UpdateUWPIconPath(_context.API.GetCurrentTheme()); } public void OnThemeChanged(Theme _, Theme currentTheme) { UpdateUWPIconPath(currentTheme); } public void UpdateUWPIconPath(Theme theme) { foreach (UWP.Application app in _packageRepository) { app.UpdatePath(theme); } } public static void IndexWin32Programs() { var win32S = Programs.Win32.All(_settings); lock (IndexLock) { _win32s = win32S; } } public void IndexPrograms() { var t1 = Task.Run(() => IndexWin32Programs()); var t2 = Task.Run(() => _packageRepository.IndexPrograms()); Task.WaitAll(t1, t2); _settings.LastIndexTime = DateTime.Today; } public string GetTranslatedPluginTitle() { return _context.API.GetTranslation("wox_plugin_program_plugin_name"); } public string GetTranslatedPluginDescription() { return _context.API.GetTranslation("wox_plugin_program_plugin_description"); } public List LoadContextMenus(Result selectedResult) { var menuOptions = new List(); var program = selectedResult.ContextData as Programs.IProgram; if (program != null) { menuOptions = program.ContextMenus(_context.API); } return menuOptions; } public static void StartProcess(Func runProcess, ProcessStartInfo info) { try { runProcess(info); } catch (Exception) { var name = "Plugin: Program"; var message = $"Unable to start: {info.FileName}"; _context.API.ShowMsg(name, message, string.Empty); } } public void ReloadData() { IndexPrograms(); } public void UpdateSettings(PowerLauncherSettings settings) { } public void Dispose() { Dispose(disposing: true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_disposed) { if (disposing) { _context.API.ThemeChanged -= OnThemeChanged; _disposed = true; } } } } }