#include "pch.h" #include #include "ZoneWindow.h" #include "trace.h" #include "util.h" #include "RegistryHelpers.h" #include #include namespace ZoneWindowUtils { const std::wstring& GetActiveZoneSetTmpPath() { static std::wstring activeZoneSetTmpFileName; static std::once_flag flag; std::call_once(flag, []() { wchar_t fileName[L_tmpnam_s]; if (_wtmpnam_s(fileName, L_tmpnam_s) != 0) abort(); activeZoneSetTmpFileName = std::wstring{ fileName }; }); return activeZoneSetTmpFileName; } const std::wstring& GetAppliedZoneSetTmpPath() { static std::wstring appliedZoneSetTmpFileName; static std::once_flag flag; std::call_once(flag, []() { wchar_t fileName[L_tmpnam_s]; if (_wtmpnam_s(fileName, L_tmpnam_s) != 0) abort(); appliedZoneSetTmpFileName = std::wstring{ fileName }; }); return appliedZoneSetTmpFileName; } const std::wstring& GetCustomZoneSetsTmpPath() { static std::wstring customZoneSetsTmpFileName; static std::once_flag flag; std::call_once(flag, []() { wchar_t fileName[L_tmpnam_s]; if (_wtmpnam_s(fileName, L_tmpnam_s) != 0) abort(); customZoneSetsTmpFileName = std::wstring{ fileName }; }); return customZoneSetsTmpFileName; } std::wstring GenerateUniqueId(HMONITOR monitor, PCWSTR deviceId, PCWSTR virtualDesktopId) { wchar_t uniqueId[256]{}; // Parsed deviceId + resolution + virtualDesktopId MONITORINFOEXW mi; mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); if (virtualDesktopId && GetMonitorInfo(monitor, &mi)) { wchar_t parsedId[256]{}; ParseDeviceId(deviceId, parsedId, 256); Rect const monitorRect(mi.rcMonitor); StringCchPrintf(uniqueId, ARRAYSIZE(uniqueId), L"%s_%d_%d_%s", parsedId, monitorRect.width(), monitorRect.height(), virtualDesktopId); } return std::wstring{ uniqueId }; } } namespace ZoneWindowDrawUtils { struct ColorSetting { BYTE fillAlpha{}; COLORREF fill{}; BYTE borderAlpha{}; COLORREF border{}; int thickness{}; }; bool IsOccluded(const std::vector>& zones, POINT pt, size_t index) noexcept { size_t i = 1; for (auto iter = zones.begin(); iter != zones.end(); iter++) { if (winrt::com_ptr zone = iter->try_as()) { if (i < index) { if (PtInRect(&zone->GetZoneRect(), pt)) { return true; } } } i++; } return false; } void DrawBackdrop(wil::unique_hdc& hdc, RECT const& clientRect) noexcept { FillRectARGB(hdc, &clientRect, 0, RGB(0, 0, 0), false); } void DrawIndex(wil::unique_hdc& hdc, POINT offset, size_t index, int padding, int size, bool flipX, bool flipY, COLORREF colorFill) { RECT rect = { offset.x, offset.y, offset.x + size, offset.y + size }; for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { RECT useRect = rect; if (flipX) { if (x == 0) useRect.left += (size + padding + size + padding); else if (x == 2) useRect.left -= (size + padding + size + padding); useRect.right = useRect.left + size; } if (flipY) { if (y == 0) useRect.top += (size + padding + size + padding); else if (y == 2) useRect.top -= (size + padding + size + padding); useRect.bottom = useRect.top + size; } FillRectARGB(hdc, &useRect, 200, RGB(50, 50, 50), true); RECT inside = useRect; InflateRect(&inside, -2, -2); FillRectARGB(hdc, &inside, 100, colorFill, true); rect.left += (size + padding); rect.right = rect.left + size; if (--index == 0) { return; } } rect.left = offset.x; rect.right = rect.left + size; rect.top += (size + padding); rect.bottom = rect.top + size; } } void DrawZone(wil::unique_hdc& hdc, ColorSetting const& colorSetting, winrt::com_ptr zone, const std::vector>& zones, bool flashMode) noexcept { RECT zoneRect = zone->GetZoneRect(); if (colorSetting.borderAlpha > 0) { FillRectARGB(hdc, &zoneRect, colorSetting.borderAlpha, colorSetting.border, false); InflateRect(&zoneRect, colorSetting.thickness, colorSetting.thickness); } FillRectARGB(hdc, &zoneRect, colorSetting.fillAlpha, colorSetting.fill, false); if (flashMode) { return; } COLORREF const colorFill = RGB(255, 255, 255); size_t const index = zone->Id(); int const padding = 5; int const size = 10; POINT offset = { zoneRect.left + padding, zoneRect.top + padding }; if (!IsOccluded(zones, offset, index)) { DrawIndex(hdc, offset, index, padding, size, false, false, colorFill); // top left return; } offset.x = zoneRect.right - ((padding + size) * 3); if (!IsOccluded(zones, offset, index)) { DrawIndex(hdc, offset, index, padding, size, true, false, colorFill); // top right return; } offset.y = zoneRect.bottom - ((padding + size) * 3); if (!IsOccluded(zones, offset, index)) { DrawIndex(hdc, offset, index, padding, size, true, true, colorFill); // bottom right return; } offset.x = zoneRect.left + padding; DrawIndex(hdc, offset, index, padding, size, false, true, colorFill); // bottom left } void DrawActiveZoneSet(wil::unique_hdc& hdc, COLORREF highlightColor, int highlightOpacity, const std::vector>& zones, const winrt::com_ptr& highlightZone, bool flashMode, bool drawHints) noexcept { static constexpr std::array colors{ RGB(75, 75, 85), RGB(150, 150, 160), RGB(100, 100, 110), RGB(125, 125, 135), RGB(225, 225, 235), RGB(25, 25, 35), RGB(200, 200, 210), RGB(50, 50, 60), RGB(175, 175, 185), }; // ColorSetting { fillAlpha, fill, borderAlpha, border, thickness } ColorSetting const colorHints{ 225, RGB(81, 92, 107), 255, RGB(104, 118, 138), -2 }; ColorSetting colorViewer{ OpacitySettingToAlpha(highlightOpacity), 0, 255, RGB(40, 50, 60), -2 }; ColorSetting colorHighlight{ OpacitySettingToAlpha(highlightOpacity), 0, 255, 0, -2 }; ColorSetting const colorFlash{ 200, RGB(81, 92, 107), 200, RGB(104, 118, 138), -2 }; const size_t maxColorIndex = min(size(zones) - 1, size(colors) - 1); size_t colorIndex = maxColorIndex; for (auto iter = zones.begin(); iter != zones.end(); iter++) { winrt::com_ptr zone = iter->try_as(); if (!zone) { continue; } if (zone != highlightZone) { if (flashMode) { DrawZone(hdc, colorFlash, zone, zones, flashMode); } else if (drawHints) { DrawZone(hdc, colorHints, zone, zones, flashMode); } { colorViewer.fill = colors[colorIndex]; DrawZone(hdc, colorViewer, zone, zones, flashMode); } } colorIndex = colorIndex != 0 ? colorIndex - 1 : maxColorIndex; } if (highlightZone) { colorHighlight.fill = highlightColor; colorHighlight.border = RGB( max(0, GetRValue(colorHighlight.fill) - 25), max(0, GetGValue(colorHighlight.fill) - 25), max(0, GetBValue(colorHighlight.fill) - 25)); DrawZone(hdc, colorHighlight, highlightZone, zones, flashMode); } } } struct ZoneWindow : public winrt::implements { public: ZoneWindow(HINSTANCE hinstance); bool Init(IZoneWindowHost* host, HINSTANCE hinstance, HMONITOR monitor, const std::wstring& uniqueId, bool flashZones); IFACEMETHODIMP MoveSizeEnter(HWND window, bool dragEnabled) noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP MoveSizeUpdate(POINT const& ptScreen, bool dragEnabled) noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP MoveSizeEnd(HWND window, POINT const& ptScreen) noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP_(bool) IsDragEnabled() noexcept { return m_dragEnabled; } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndex(HWND window, int index) noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirection(HWND window, DWORD vkCode) noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) CycleActiveZoneSet(DWORD vkCode) noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP_(std::wstring) UniqueId() noexcept { return { m_uniqueId }; } IFACEMETHODIMP_(std::wstring) WorkAreaKey() noexcept { return { m_workArea }; } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) SaveWindowProcessToZoneIndex(HWND window) noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP_(IZoneSet*) ActiveZoneSet() noexcept { return m_activeZoneSet.get(); } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) ShowZoneWindow() noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) HideZoneWindow() noexcept; protected: static LRESULT CALLBACK s_WndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) noexcept; private: void LoadSettings() noexcept; void InitializeZoneSets(MONITORINFO const& mi) noexcept; void CalculateZoneSet() noexcept; void UpdateActiveZoneSet(_In_opt_ IZoneSet* zoneSet) noexcept; LRESULT WndProc(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) noexcept; void OnPaint(wil::unique_hdc& hdc) noexcept; void OnKeyUp(WPARAM wparam) noexcept; winrt::com_ptr ZoneFromPoint(POINT pt) noexcept; void CycleActiveZoneSetInternal(DWORD wparam, Trace::ZoneWindow::InputMode mode) noexcept; void FlashZones() noexcept; winrt::com_ptr m_host; HMONITOR m_monitor{}; std::wstring m_uniqueId; // Parsed deviceId + resolution + virtualDesktopId wchar_t m_workArea[256]{}; wil::unique_hwnd m_window{}; // Hidden tool window used to represent current monitor desktop work area. HWND m_windowMoveSize{}; bool m_drawHints{}; bool m_flashMode{}; bool m_dragEnabled{}; winrt::com_ptr m_activeZoneSet; std::vector> m_zoneSets; winrt::com_ptr m_highlightZone; WPARAM m_keyLast{}; size_t m_keyCycle{}; static const UINT m_showAnimationDuration = 200; // ms static const UINT m_flashDuration = 700; // ms }; ZoneWindow::ZoneWindow(HINSTANCE hinstance) { WNDCLASSEXW wcex{}; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.lpfnWndProc = s_WndProc; wcex.hInstance = hinstance; wcex.lpszClassName = L"SuperFancyZones_ZoneWindow"; wcex.hCursor = LoadCursorW(nullptr, IDC_ARROW); RegisterClassExW(&wcex); } bool ZoneWindow::Init(IZoneWindowHost* host, HINSTANCE hinstance, HMONITOR monitor, const std::wstring& uniqueId, bool flashZones) { m_host.copy_from(host); MONITORINFO mi{}; mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); if (!GetMonitorInfoW(monitor, &mi)) { return false; } m_monitor = monitor; const UINT dpi = GetDpiForMonitor(m_monitor); const Rect monitorRect(mi.rcMonitor); const Rect workAreaRect(mi.rcWork, dpi); StringCchPrintf(m_workArea, ARRAYSIZE(m_workArea), L"%d_%d", monitorRect.width(), monitorRect.height()); m_uniqueId = uniqueId; LoadSettings(); InitializeZoneSets(mi); m_window = wil::unique_hwnd{ CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, L"SuperFancyZones_ZoneWindow", L"", WS_POPUP, workAreaRect.left(), workAreaRect.top(), workAreaRect.width(), workAreaRect.height(), nullptr, nullptr, hinstance, this) }; if (!m_window) { return false; } MakeWindowTransparent(m_window.get()); if (flashZones) { // Don't flash if the foreground window is in full screen mode RECT windowRect; if (!(GetWindowRect(GetForegroundWindow(), &windowRect) && windowRect.left == mi.rcMonitor.left && windowRect.top == mi.rcMonitor.top && windowRect.right == mi.rcMonitor.right && windowRect.bottom == mi.rcMonitor.bottom)) { FlashZones(); } } return true; } IFACEMETHODIMP ZoneWindow::MoveSizeEnter(HWND window, bool dragEnabled) noexcept { if (m_windowMoveSize) { return E_INVALIDARG; } m_dragEnabled = dragEnabled; m_windowMoveSize = window; m_drawHints = true; m_highlightZone = nullptr; ShowZoneWindow(); return S_OK; } IFACEMETHODIMP ZoneWindow::MoveSizeUpdate(POINT const& ptScreen, bool dragEnabled) noexcept { bool redraw = false; POINT ptClient = ptScreen; MapWindowPoints(nullptr, m_window.get(), &ptClient, 1); m_dragEnabled = dragEnabled; if (dragEnabled) { auto highlightZone = ZoneFromPoint(ptClient); redraw = (highlightZone != m_highlightZone); m_highlightZone = std::move(highlightZone); } else if (m_highlightZone) { m_highlightZone = nullptr; redraw = true; } if (redraw) { InvalidateRect(m_window.get(), nullptr, true); } return S_OK; } IFACEMETHODIMP ZoneWindow::MoveSizeEnd(HWND window, POINT const& ptScreen) noexcept { if (m_windowMoveSize != window) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (m_activeZoneSet) { POINT ptClient = ptScreen; MapWindowPoints(nullptr, m_window.get(), &ptClient, 1); m_activeZoneSet->MoveWindowIntoZoneByPoint(window, m_window.get(), ptClient); SaveWindowProcessToZoneIndex(window); } Trace::ZoneWindow::MoveSizeEnd(m_activeZoneSet); HideZoneWindow(); m_windowMoveSize = nullptr; return S_OK; } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) ZoneWindow::MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndex(HWND window, int index) noexcept { if (m_activeZoneSet) { m_activeZoneSet->MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndex(window, m_window.get(), index); } } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) ZoneWindow::MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirection(HWND window, DWORD vkCode) noexcept { if (m_activeZoneSet) { m_activeZoneSet->MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirection(window, m_window.get(), vkCode); SaveWindowProcessToZoneIndex(window); } } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) ZoneWindow::CycleActiveZoneSet(DWORD wparam) noexcept { CycleActiveZoneSetInternal(wparam, Trace::ZoneWindow::InputMode::Keyboard); if (m_windowMoveSize) { InvalidateRect(m_window.get(), nullptr, true); } else { FlashZones(); } } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) ZoneWindow::SaveWindowProcessToZoneIndex(HWND window) noexcept { if (m_activeZoneSet) { DWORD zoneIndex = static_cast(m_activeZoneSet->GetZoneIndexFromWindow(window)); if (zoneIndex != -1) { OLECHAR* guidString; if (StringFromCLSID(m_activeZoneSet->Id(), &guidString) == S_OK) { JSONHelpers::FancyZonesDataInstance().SetAppLastZone(window, m_uniqueId, guidString, zoneIndex); } CoTaskMemFree(guidString); } } } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) ZoneWindow::ShowZoneWindow() noexcept { if (m_window) { m_flashMode = false; UINT flags = SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE; HWND windowInsertAfter = m_windowMoveSize; if (windowInsertAfter == nullptr) { windowInsertAfter = HWND_TOPMOST; } SetWindowPos(m_window.get(), windowInsertAfter, 0, 0, 0, 0, flags); AnimateWindow(m_window.get(), m_showAnimationDuration, AW_BLEND); InvalidateRect(m_window.get(), nullptr, true); } } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) ZoneWindow::HideZoneWindow() noexcept { if (m_window) { ShowWindow(m_window.get(), SW_HIDE); m_keyLast = 0; m_windowMoveSize = nullptr; m_drawHints = false; m_highlightZone = nullptr; } } #pragma region private void ZoneWindow::LoadSettings() noexcept { JSONHelpers::FancyZonesDataInstance().AddDevice(m_uniqueId); } void ZoneWindow::InitializeZoneSets(MONITORINFO const& mi) noexcept { auto parent = m_host->GetParentZoneWindow(m_monitor); if (parent) { // Update device info with device info from parent virtual desktop (if empty). JSONHelpers::FancyZonesDataInstance().CloneDeviceInfo(parent->UniqueId(), m_uniqueId); } CalculateZoneSet(); } void ZoneWindow::CalculateZoneSet() noexcept { const auto& fancyZonesData = JSONHelpers::FancyZonesDataInstance(); const auto deviceInfoData = fancyZonesData.FindDeviceInfo(m_uniqueId); const auto& activeDeviceId = fancyZonesData.GetActiveDeviceId(); if (!activeDeviceId.empty() && activeDeviceId != m_uniqueId) { return; } if (!deviceInfoData.has_value()) { return; } const auto& activeZoneSet = deviceInfoData->activeZoneSet; if (activeZoneSet.uuid.empty() || activeZoneSet.type == JSONHelpers::ZoneSetLayoutType::Blank) { return; } GUID zoneSetId; if (SUCCEEDED_LOG(CLSIDFromString(activeZoneSet.uuid.c_str(), &zoneSetId))) { auto zoneSet = MakeZoneSet(ZoneSetConfig( zoneSetId, activeZoneSet.type, m_monitor, m_workArea)); MONITORINFO monitorInfo{}; monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(monitorInfo); if (GetMonitorInfoW(m_monitor, &monitorInfo)) { bool showSpacing = deviceInfoData->showSpacing; int spacing = showSpacing ? deviceInfoData->spacing : 0; int zoneCount = deviceInfoData->zoneCount; zoneSet->CalculateZones(monitorInfo, zoneCount, spacing); UpdateActiveZoneSet(zoneSet.get()); } } } void ZoneWindow::UpdateActiveZoneSet(_In_opt_ IZoneSet* zoneSet) noexcept { m_activeZoneSet.copy_from(zoneSet); if (m_activeZoneSet) { wil::unique_cotaskmem_string zoneSetId; if (SUCCEEDED_LOG(StringFromCLSID(m_activeZoneSet->Id(), &zoneSetId))) { JSONHelpers::ZoneSetData data{ .uuid = zoneSetId.get(), .type = m_activeZoneSet->LayoutType() }; JSONHelpers::FancyZonesDataInstance().SetActiveZoneSet(m_uniqueId, data); } } } LRESULT ZoneWindow::WndProc(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) noexcept { switch (message) { case WM_NCDESTROY: { ::DefWindowProc(m_window.get(), message, wparam, lparam); SetWindowLongPtr(m_window.get(), GWLP_USERDATA, 0); } break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: return 1; case WM_PRINTCLIENT: case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; wil::unique_hdc hdc{ reinterpret_cast(wparam) }; if (!hdc) { hdc.reset(BeginPaint(m_window.get(), &ps)); } OnPaint(hdc); if (wparam == 0) { EndPaint(m_window.get(), &ps); } hdc.release(); } break; default: { return DefWindowProc(m_window.get(), message, wparam, lparam); } } return 0; } void ZoneWindow::OnPaint(wil::unique_hdc& hdc) noexcept { RECT clientRect; GetClientRect(m_window.get(), &clientRect); wil::unique_hdc hdcMem; HPAINTBUFFER bufferedPaint = BeginBufferedPaint(hdc.get(), &clientRect, BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, nullptr, &hdcMem); if (bufferedPaint) { ZoneWindowDrawUtils::DrawBackdrop(hdcMem, clientRect); if (m_activeZoneSet && m_host) { ZoneWindowDrawUtils::DrawActiveZoneSet(hdcMem, m_host->GetZoneHighlightColor(), m_host->GetZoneHighlightOpacity(), m_activeZoneSet->GetZones(), m_highlightZone, m_flashMode, m_drawHints); } EndBufferedPaint(bufferedPaint, TRUE); } } void ZoneWindow::OnKeyUp(WPARAM wparam) noexcept { bool fRedraw = false; Trace::ZoneWindow::KeyUp(wparam); if ((wparam >= '0') && (wparam <= '9')) { CycleActiveZoneSetInternal(static_cast(wparam), Trace::ZoneWindow::InputMode::Keyboard); InvalidateRect(m_window.get(), nullptr, true); } } winrt::com_ptr ZoneWindow::ZoneFromPoint(POINT pt) noexcept { if (m_activeZoneSet) { return m_activeZoneSet->ZoneFromPoint(pt); } return nullptr; } void ZoneWindow::CycleActiveZoneSetInternal(DWORD wparam, Trace::ZoneWindow::InputMode mode) noexcept { Trace::ZoneWindow::CycleActiveZoneSet(m_activeZoneSet, mode); if (m_keyLast != wparam) { m_keyCycle = 0; } m_keyLast = wparam; bool loopAround = true; size_t const val = static_cast(wparam - L'0'); size_t i = 0; for (auto zoneSet : m_zoneSets) { if (zoneSet->GetZones().size() == val) { if (i < m_keyCycle) { i++; } else { UpdateActiveZoneSet(zoneSet.get()); loopAround = false; break; } } } if ((m_keyCycle > 0) && loopAround) { // Cycling through a non-empty group and hit the end m_keyCycle = 0; OnKeyUp(wparam); } else { m_keyCycle++; } if (m_host) { m_host->MoveWindowsOnActiveZoneSetChange(); } m_highlightZone = nullptr; } void ZoneWindow::FlashZones() noexcept { m_flashMode = true; ShowWindow(m_window.get(), SW_SHOWNA); std::thread([window = m_window.get()]() { AnimateWindow(window, m_flashDuration, AW_HIDE | AW_BLEND); }).detach(); } #pragma endregion LRESULT CALLBACK ZoneWindow::s_WndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) noexcept { auto thisRef = reinterpret_cast(GetWindowLongPtr(window, GWLP_USERDATA)); if ((thisRef == nullptr) && (message == WM_CREATE)) { auto createStruct = reinterpret_cast(lparam); thisRef = reinterpret_cast(createStruct->lpCreateParams); SetWindowLongPtr(window, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast(thisRef)); } return (thisRef != nullptr) ? thisRef->WndProc(message, wparam, lparam) : DefWindowProc(window, message, wparam, lparam); } winrt::com_ptr MakeZoneWindow(IZoneWindowHost* host, HINSTANCE hinstance, HMONITOR monitor, const std::wstring& uniqueId, bool flashZones) noexcept { auto self = winrt::make_self(hinstance); if (self->Init(host, hinstance, monitor, uniqueId, flashZones)) { return self; } return nullptr; }