using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using NHotkey; using NHotkey.Wpf; using Wox.Core.Plugin; using Wox.Core.Resource; using Wox.Helper; using Wox.Infrastructure; using Wox.Infrastructure.Hotkey; using Wox.Infrastructure.Storage; using Wox.Infrastructure.UserSettings; using Wox.Plugin; using Microsoft.PowerLauncher.Telemetry; using Wox.Storage; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Telemetry; namespace Wox.ViewModel { public class MainViewModel : BaseModel, ISavable { #region Private Fields private bool _isQueryRunning; private Query _lastQuery; private string _queryTextBeforeLeaveResults; private readonly WoxJsonStorage _historyItemsStorage; private readonly WoxJsonStorage _userSelectedRecordStorage; private readonly WoxJsonStorage _topMostRecordStorage; private readonly Settings _settings; private readonly History _history; private readonly UserSelectedRecord _userSelectedRecord; private readonly TopMostRecord _topMostRecord; private CancellationTokenSource _updateSource; private CancellationToken _updateToken; private bool _saved; private readonly Internationalization _translator = InternationalizationManager.Instance; #endregion #region Constructor public MainViewModel(Settings settings) { _saved = false; _queryTextBeforeLeaveResults = ""; _lastQuery = new Query(); _settings = settings; _historyItemsStorage = new WoxJsonStorage(); _userSelectedRecordStorage = new WoxJsonStorage(); _topMostRecordStorage = new WoxJsonStorage(); _history = _historyItemsStorage.Load(); _userSelectedRecord = _userSelectedRecordStorage.Load(); _topMostRecord = _topMostRecordStorage.Load(); ContextMenu = new ResultsViewModel(_settings); Results = new ResultsViewModel(_settings); History = new ResultsViewModel(_settings); _selectedResults = Results; InitializeKeyCommands(); RegisterResultsUpdatedEvent(); _settings.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == nameof(Settings.Hotkey)) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (_settings.PreviousHotkey != "") { RemoveHotkey(_settings.PreviousHotkey); } if (_settings.Hotkey != "") { SetHotkey(_settings.Hotkey, OnHotkey); } }); } }; SetHotkey(_settings.Hotkey, OnHotkey); SetCustomPluginHotkey(); } private void RegisterResultsUpdatedEvent() { foreach (var pair in PluginManager.GetPluginsForInterface()) { var plugin = (IResultUpdated)pair.Plugin; plugin.ResultsUpdated += (s, e) => { Task.Run(() => { PluginManager.UpdatePluginMetadata(e.Results, pair.Metadata, e.Query); UpdateResultView(e.Results, pair.Metadata, e.Query); }, _updateToken); }; } } private void InitializeKeyCommands() { EscCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { if (!SelectedIsFromQueryResults()) { SelectedResults = Results; } else { MainWindowVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } }); SelectNextItemCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { SelectedResults.SelectNextResult(); }); SelectPrevItemCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { SelectedResults.SelectPrevResult(); }); SelectNextTabItemCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { SelectedResults.SelectNextTabItem(); }); SelectPrevTabItemCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { SelectedResults.SelectPrevTabItem(); }); SelectNextPageCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { SelectedResults.SelectNextPage(); }); SelectPrevPageCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { SelectedResults.SelectPrevPage(); }); SelectFirstResultCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => SelectedResults.SelectFirstResult()); StartHelpCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { Process.Start(""); }); OpenResultCommand = new RelayCommand(index => { var results = SelectedResults; if (index != null) { results.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(index.ToString()); } if(results.SelectedItem != null) { //If there is a context button selected fire the action for that button before the main command. bool didExecuteContextButton = results.SelectedItem.ExecuteSelectedContextButton(); if (!didExecuteContextButton) { var result = results.SelectedItem.Result; if (result != null && result.Action != null) // SelectedItem returns null if selection is empty. { MainWindowVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Task.Run(() => { result.Action(new ActionContext { SpecialKeyState = GlobalHotkey.Instance.CheckModifiers() }); }); if (SelectedIsFromQueryResults()) { _userSelectedRecord.Add(result); _history.Add(result.OriginQuery.RawQuery); } else { SelectedResults = Results; } } } } }); LoadContextMenuCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { if (SelectedIsFromQueryResults()) { SelectedResults = ContextMenu; } else { SelectedResults = Results; } }); LoadHistoryCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => { if (SelectedIsFromQueryResults()) { SelectedResults = History; History.SelectedIndex = _history.Items.Count - 1; } else { SelectedResults = Results; } }); } #endregion #region ViewModel Properties public Brush MainWindowBackground { get; set; } public Brush MainWindowBorderBrush { get; set; } public ResultsViewModel Results { get; private set; } public ResultsViewModel ContextMenu { get; private set; } public ResultsViewModel History { get; private set; } public string SystemQueryText { get; set; } = String.Empty; public string QueryText { get; set; } = String.Empty; /// /// we need move cursor to end when we manually changed query /// but we don't want to move cursor to end when query is updated from TextBox. /// Also we don't want to force the results to change unless explicitly told to. /// /// /// Optional Parameter that if true, will automatically execute a query against the updated text public void ChangeQueryText(string queryText, bool requery=false) { SystemQueryText = queryText; if(requery) { QueryText = queryText; Query(); } } public bool LastQuerySelected { get; set; } private ResultsViewModel _selectedResults; private ResultsViewModel SelectedResults { get { return _selectedResults; } set { _selectedResults = value; if (SelectedIsFromQueryResults()) { ContextMenu.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; History.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ChangeQueryText(_queryTextBeforeLeaveResults); } else { Results.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; _queryTextBeforeLeaveResults = QueryText; // Because of Fody's optimization // setter won't be called when property value is not changed. // so we need manually call Query() // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryText)) { Query(); } else { QueryText = string.Empty; } } _selectedResults.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } public Visibility ProgressBarVisibility { get; set; } private Visibility _visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; public Visibility MainWindowVisibility { get { return _visibility; } set { _visibility = value; if(value == Visibility.Visible) { PowerToysTelemetry.Log.WriteEvent(new LauncherShowEvent()); } else { PowerToysTelemetry.Log.WriteEvent(new LauncherHideEvent()); } } } public ICommand EscCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectNextItemCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectPrevItemCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectNextTabItemCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectPrevTabItemCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectNextPageCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectPrevPageCommand { get; set; } public ICommand SelectFirstResultCommand { get; set; } public ICommand StartHelpCommand { get; set; } public ICommand LoadContextMenuCommand { get; set; } public ICommand LoadHistoryCommand { get; set; } public ICommand OpenResultCommand { get; set; } #endregion public void Query() { if (SelectedIsFromQueryResults()) { QueryResults(); } else if (HistorySelected()) { QueryHistory(); } } private void QueryHistory() { const string id = "Query History ID"; var query = QueryText.ToLower().Trim(); History.Clear(); var results = new List(); foreach (var h in _history.Items) { var title = _translator.GetTranslation("executeQuery"); var time = _translator.GetTranslation("lastExecuteTime"); var result = new Result { Title = string.Format(title, h.Query), SubTitle = string.Format(time, h.ExecutedDateTime), IcoPath = "Images\\history.png", OriginQuery = new Query { RawQuery = h.Query }, Action = _ => { SelectedResults = Results; ChangeQueryText(h.Query); return false; } }; results.Add(result); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { var filtered = results.Where ( r => StringMatcher.FuzzySearch(query, r.Title).IsSearchPrecisionScoreMet() || StringMatcher.FuzzySearch(query, r.SubTitle).IsSearchPrecisionScoreMet() ).ToList(); History.AddResults(filtered, id); } else { History.AddResults(results, id); } } private void QueryResults() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryText)) { var queryTimer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); queryTimer.Start(); _updateSource?.Cancel(); var currentUpdateSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _updateSource = currentUpdateSource; var currentCancellationToken = _updateSource.Token; _updateToken = currentCancellationToken; ProgressBarVisibility = Visibility.Hidden; _isQueryRunning = true; var query = QueryBuilder.Build(QueryText.Trim(), PluginManager.NonGlobalPlugins); if (query != null) { // handle the exclusiveness of plugin using action keyword RemoveOldQueryResults(query); _lastQuery = query; var plugins = PluginManager.ValidPluginsForQuery(query); Task.Run(() => { // so looping will stop once it was cancelled var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions { CancellationToken = currentCancellationToken }; try { Parallel.ForEach(plugins, parallelOptions, plugin => { if (!plugin.Metadata.Disabled) { var results = PluginManager.QueryForPlugin(plugin, query); if (Application.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) { UpdateResultView(results, plugin.Metadata, query); } else { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateResultView(results, plugin.Metadata, query); })); } } }); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { // nothing to do here } // this should happen once after all queries are done so progress bar should continue // until the end of all querying _isQueryRunning = false; if (currentUpdateSource == _updateSource) { // update to hidden if this is still the current query ProgressBarVisibility = Visibility.Hidden; } queryTimer.Stop(); var queryEvent = new LauncherQueryEvent() { QueryTimeMs = queryTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds, NumResults = Results.Results.Count, QueryLength = query.RawQuery.Length }; PowerToysTelemetry.Log.WriteEvent(queryEvent); }, currentCancellationToken); } } else { Results.SelectedItem = null; Results.Clear(); Results.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } private void RemoveOldQueryResults(Query query) { string lastKeyword = _lastQuery.ActionKeyword; string keyword = query.ActionKeyword; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastKeyword)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { Results.RemoveResultsExcept(PluginManager.NonGlobalPlugins[keyword].Metadata); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { Results.RemoveResultsFor(PluginManager.NonGlobalPlugins[lastKeyword].Metadata); } else if (lastKeyword != keyword) { Results.RemoveResultsExcept(PluginManager.NonGlobalPlugins[keyword].Metadata); } } } private bool SelectedIsFromQueryResults() { var selected = SelectedResults == Results; return selected; } private bool ContextMenuSelected() { var selected = SelectedResults == ContextMenu; return selected; } private bool HistorySelected() { var selected = SelectedResults == History; return selected; } #region Hotkey private void SetHotkey(string hotkeyStr, EventHandler action) { var hotkey = new HotkeyModel(hotkeyStr); SetHotkey(hotkey, action); } private void SetHotkey(HotkeyModel hotkey, EventHandler action) { string hotkeyStr = hotkey.ToString(); try { HotkeyManager.Current.AddOrReplace(hotkeyStr, hotkey.CharKey, hotkey.ModifierKeys, action); } catch (Exception) { string errorMsg = string.Format(InternationalizationManager.Instance.GetTranslation("registerHotkeyFailed"), hotkeyStr); MessageBox.Show(errorMsg); } } public void RemoveHotkey(string hotkeyStr) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hotkeyStr)) { HotkeyManager.Current.Remove(hotkeyStr); } } /// /// Checks if Wox should ignore any hotkeys /// /// private bool ShouldIgnoreHotkeys() { //double if to omit calling win32 function if (_settings.IgnoreHotkeysOnFullscreen) if (WindowsInteropHelper.IsWindowFullscreen()) return true; return false; } private void SetCustomPluginHotkey() { if (_settings.CustomPluginHotkeys == null) return; foreach (CustomPluginHotkey hotkey in _settings.CustomPluginHotkeys) { SetHotkey(hotkey.Hotkey, (s, e) => { if (ShouldIgnoreHotkeys()) return; MainWindowVisibility = Visibility.Visible; ChangeQueryText(hotkey.ActionKeyword); }); } } private void OnHotkey(object sender, HotkeyEventArgs e) { if (!ShouldIgnoreHotkeys()) { if (_settings.LastQueryMode == LastQueryMode.Empty) { ChangeQueryText(string.Empty); } else if (_settings.LastQueryMode == LastQueryMode.Preserved) { LastQuerySelected = true; } else if (_settings.LastQueryMode == LastQueryMode.Selected) { LastQuerySelected = false; } else { throw new ArgumentException($"wrong LastQueryMode: <{_settings.LastQueryMode}>"); } ToggleWox(); e.Handled = true; } } private void ToggleWox() { if (MainWindowVisibility != Visibility.Visible) { MainWindowVisibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { MainWindowVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } #endregion #region Public Methods public void Save() { if (!_saved) { _historyItemsStorage.Save(); _userSelectedRecordStorage.Save(); _topMostRecordStorage.Save(); _saved = true; } } /// /// To avoid deadlock, this method should not called from main thread /// public void UpdateResultView(List list, PluginMetadata metadata, Query originQuery) { foreach (var result in list) { if (_topMostRecord.IsTopMost(result)) { result.Score = int.MaxValue; } else { result.Score += _userSelectedRecord.GetSelectedCount(result) * 5; } } if (originQuery.RawQuery == _lastQuery.RawQuery) { Results.AddResults(list, metadata.ID); } if (Results.Visibility != Visibility.Visible && list.Count > 0) { Results.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } public void ColdStartFix() { // Fix Cold start for List view xaml island List list = new List(); Result r = new Result { Title = "hello" }; list.Add(r); Results.AddResults(list, "0"); Results.Clear(); MainWindowVisibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; // Fix Cold start for plugins string s = "m"; var query = QueryBuilder.Build(s.Trim(), PluginManager.NonGlobalPlugins); var plugins = PluginManager.ValidPluginsForQuery(query); foreach (PluginPair plugin in plugins) { if (!plugin.Metadata.Disabled && plugin.Metadata.Name != "Window Walker") { var _ = PluginManager.QueryForPlugin(plugin, query); } }; } #endregion } }