#include "pch.h" #include "FancyZonesData.h" #include "FancyZonesDataTypes.h" #include "JsonHelpers.h" #include "ZoneSet.h" #include "Settings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Non-localizable strings namespace NonLocalizable { const wchar_t FancyZonesStr[] = L"FancyZones"; const wchar_t LayoutsStr[] = L"Layouts"; const wchar_t NullStr[] = L"null"; const wchar_t FancyZonesDataFile[] = L"zones-settings.json"; const wchar_t FancyZonesAppZoneHistoryFile[] = L"app-zone-history.json"; const wchar_t DefaultGuid[] = L"{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"; const wchar_t RegistryPath[] = L"Software\\SuperFancyZones"; const wchar_t ActiveZoneSetsTmpFileName[] = L"FancyZonesActiveZoneSets.json"; const wchar_t AppliedZoneSetsTmpFileName[] = L"FancyZonesAppliedZoneSets.json"; const wchar_t DeletedCustomZoneSetsTmpFileName[] = L"FancyZonesDeletedCustomZoneSets.json"; } namespace { std::wstring ExtractVirtualDesktopId(const std::wstring& deviceId) { // Format: __ return deviceId.substr(deviceId.rfind('_') + 1); } const std::wstring& GetTempDirPath() { static std::wstring tmpDirPath; static std::once_flag flag; std::call_once(flag, []() { wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH]; auto charsWritten = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, buffer); if (charsWritten > MAX_PATH || (charsWritten == 0)) { abort(); } tmpDirPath = std::wstring{ buffer }; }); return tmpDirPath; } } FancyZonesData& FancyZonesDataInstance() { static FancyZonesData instance; return instance; } FancyZonesData::FancyZonesData() { std::wstring saveFolderPath = PTSettingsHelper::get_module_save_folder_location(NonLocalizable::FancyZonesStr); zonesSettingsFileName = saveFolderPath + L"\\" + std::wstring(NonLocalizable::FancyZonesDataFile); appZoneHistoryFileName = saveFolderPath + L"\\" + std::wstring(NonLocalizable::FancyZonesAppZoneHistoryFile); activeZoneSetTmpFileName = GetTempDirPath() + NonLocalizable::ActiveZoneSetsTmpFileName; appliedZoneSetTmpFileName = GetTempDirPath() + NonLocalizable::AppliedZoneSetsTmpFileName; deletedCustomZoneSetsTmpFileName = GetTempDirPath() + NonLocalizable::DeletedCustomZoneSetsTmpFileName; } std::optional FancyZonesData::FindDeviceInfo(const std::wstring& zoneWindowId) const { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; auto it = deviceInfoMap.find(zoneWindowId); return it != end(deviceInfoMap) ? std::optional{ it->second } : std::nullopt; } std::optional FancyZonesData::FindCustomZoneSet(const std::wstring& guid) const { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; auto it = customZoneSetsMap.find(guid); return it != end(customZoneSetsMap) ? std::optional{ it->second } : std::nullopt; } void FancyZonesData::AddDevice(const std::wstring& deviceId) { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; if (!deviceInfoMap.contains(deviceId)) { // Creates default entry in map when ZoneWindow is created deviceInfoMap[deviceId] = FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceInfoData{ FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetData{ NonLocalizable::NullStr, FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetLayoutType::Blank } }; } } void FancyZonesData::CloneDeviceInfo(const std::wstring& source, const std::wstring& destination) { if (source == destination) { return; } std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; // The source virtual desktop is deleted, simply ignore it. if (!deviceInfoMap.contains(source)) { return; } // Clone information from source device if destination device is uninitialized (Blank). auto& destInfo = deviceInfoMap[destination]; if (destInfo.activeZoneSet.type == FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetLayoutType::Blank) { destInfo = deviceInfoMap[source]; } } void FancyZonesData::UpdatePrimaryDesktopData(const std::wstring& desktopId) { // Explorer persists current virtual desktop identifier to registry on a per session basis, // but only after first virtual desktop switch happens. If the user hasn't switched virtual // desktops in this session value in registry will be empty and we will use default GUID in // that case (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000). // This method will go through all our persisted data with default GUID and update it with // valid one. auto replaceDesktopId = [&desktopId](const std::wstring& deviceId) { return deviceId.substr(0, deviceId.rfind('_') + 1) + desktopId; }; std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; for (auto& [path, perDesktopData] : appZoneHistoryMap) { for (auto& data : perDesktopData) { if (ExtractVirtualDesktopId(data.deviceId) == NonLocalizable::DefaultGuid) { data.deviceId = replaceDesktopId(data.deviceId); } } } std::vector toReplace{}; for (const auto& [id, data] : deviceInfoMap) { if (ExtractVirtualDesktopId(id) == NonLocalizable::DefaultGuid) { toReplace.push_back(id); } } for (const auto& id : toReplace) { auto mapEntry = deviceInfoMap.extract(id); mapEntry.key() = replaceDesktopId(id); deviceInfoMap.insert(std::move(mapEntry)); } SaveFancyZonesData(); } void FancyZonesData::RemoveDeletedDesktops(const std::vector& activeDesktops) { std::unordered_set active(std::begin(activeDesktops), std::end(activeDesktops)); std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; for (auto it = std::begin(deviceInfoMap); it != std::end(deviceInfoMap);) { std::wstring desktopId = ExtractVirtualDesktopId(it->first); auto foundId = active.find(desktopId); if (foundId == std::end(active)) { RemoveDesktopAppZoneHistory(desktopId); it = deviceInfoMap.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } SaveFancyZonesData(); } bool FancyZonesData::IsAnotherWindowOfApplicationInstanceZoned(HWND window, const std::wstring_view& deviceId) const { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; auto processPath = get_process_path(window); if (!processPath.empty()) { auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath); if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap)) { auto& perDesktopData = history->second; for (auto& data : perDesktopData) { if (data.deviceId == deviceId) { DWORD processId = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &processId); auto processIdIt = data.processIdToHandleMap.find(processId); if (processIdIt == std::end(data.processIdToHandleMap)) { return false; } else if (processIdIt->second != window && IsWindow(processIdIt->second)) { return true; } } } } } return false; } void FancyZonesData::UpdateProcessIdToHandleMap(HWND window, const std::wstring_view& deviceId) { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; auto processPath = get_process_path(window); if (!processPath.empty()) { auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath); if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap)) { auto& perDesktopData = history->second; for (auto& data : perDesktopData) { if (data.deviceId == deviceId) { DWORD processId = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &processId); data.processIdToHandleMap[processId] = window; break; } } } } } std::vector FancyZonesData::GetAppLastZoneIndexSet(HWND window, const std::wstring_view& deviceId, const std::wstring_view& zoneSetId) const { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; auto processPath = get_process_path(window); if (!processPath.empty()) { auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath); if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap)) { const auto& perDesktopData = history->second; for (const auto& data : perDesktopData) { if (data.zoneSetUuid == zoneSetId && data.deviceId == deviceId) { return data.zoneIndexSet; } } } } return {}; } bool FancyZonesData::RemoveAppLastZone(HWND window, const std::wstring_view& deviceId, const std::wstring_view& zoneSetId) { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; auto processPath = get_process_path(window); if (!processPath.empty()) { auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath); if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap)) { auto& perDesktopData = history->second; for (auto data = std::begin(perDesktopData); data != std::end(perDesktopData);) { if (data->deviceId == deviceId && data->zoneSetUuid == zoneSetId) { if (!IsAnotherWindowOfApplicationInstanceZoned(window, deviceId)) { DWORD processId = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &processId); data->processIdToHandleMap.erase(processId); } // if there is another instance of same application placed in the same zone don't erase history size_t windowZoneStamp = reinterpret_cast(::GetProp(window, ZonedWindowProperties::PropertyMultipleZoneID)); for (auto placedWindow : data->processIdToHandleMap) { size_t placedWindowZoneStamp = reinterpret_cast(::GetProp(placedWindow.second, ZonedWindowProperties::PropertyMultipleZoneID)); if (IsWindow(placedWindow.second) && (windowZoneStamp == placedWindowZoneStamp)) { return false; } } data = perDesktopData.erase(data); if (perDesktopData.empty()) { appZoneHistoryMap.erase(processPath); } SaveFancyZonesData(); return true; } else { ++data; } } } } return false; } bool FancyZonesData::SetAppLastZones(HWND window, const std::wstring& deviceId, const std::wstring& zoneSetId, const std::vector& zoneIndexSet) { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; if (IsAnotherWindowOfApplicationInstanceZoned(window, deviceId)) { return false; } auto processPath = get_process_path(window); if (processPath.empty()) { return false; } DWORD processId = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &processId); auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath); if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap)) { auto& perDesktopData = history->second; for (auto& data : perDesktopData) { if (data.deviceId == deviceId) { // application already has history on this work area, update it with new window position data.processIdToHandleMap[processId] = window; data.zoneSetUuid = zoneSetId; data.zoneIndexSet = zoneIndexSet; SaveFancyZonesData(); return true; } } } std::unordered_map processIdToHandleMap{}; processIdToHandleMap[processId] = window; FancyZonesDataTypes::AppZoneHistoryData data{ .processIdToHandleMap = processIdToHandleMap, .zoneSetUuid = zoneSetId, .deviceId = deviceId, .zoneIndexSet = zoneIndexSet }; if (appZoneHistoryMap.contains(processPath)) { // application already has history but on other desktop, add with new desktop info appZoneHistoryMap[processPath].push_back(data); } else { // new application, create entry in app zone history map appZoneHistoryMap[processPath] = std::vector{ data }; } SaveFancyZonesData(); return true; } void FancyZonesData::SetActiveZoneSet(const std::wstring& deviceId, const FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetData& data) { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; auto it = deviceInfoMap.find(deviceId); if (it != deviceInfoMap.end()) { it->second.activeZoneSet = data; } } bool FancyZonesData::SerializeDeviceInfoToTmpFile(const std::wstring& uniqueId) const { const auto deviceInfo = FindDeviceInfo(uniqueId); if (!deviceInfo.has_value()) { return false; } JSONHelpers::DeviceInfoJSON deviceInfoJson{ uniqueId, *deviceInfo }; JSONHelpers::SerializeDeviceInfoToTmpFile(deviceInfoJson, activeZoneSetTmpFileName); return true; } void FancyZonesData::ParseDataFromTmpFiles() { ParseDeviceInfoFromTmpFile(activeZoneSetTmpFileName); ParseDeletedCustomZoneSetsFromTmpFile(deletedCustomZoneSetsTmpFileName); ParseCustomZoneSetFromTmpFile(appliedZoneSetTmpFileName); SaveFancyZonesData(); } void FancyZonesData::ParseDeviceInfoFromTmpFile(std::wstring_view tmpFilePath) { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; const auto& deviceInfo = JSONHelpers::ParseDeviceInfoFromTmpFile(tmpFilePath); if (deviceInfo) { deviceInfoMap[deviceInfo->deviceId] = std::move(deviceInfo->data); } } void FancyZonesData::ParseCustomZoneSetFromTmpFile(std::wstring_view tmpFilePath) { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; const auto& customZoneSet = JSONHelpers::ParseCustomZoneSetFromTmpFile(tmpFilePath); if (customZoneSet) { customZoneSetsMap[customZoneSet->uuid] = std::move(customZoneSet->data); } } void FancyZonesData::ParseDeletedCustomZoneSetsFromTmpFile(std::wstring_view tmpFilePath) { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; const auto& deletedCustomZoneSets = JSONHelpers::ParseDeletedCustomZoneSetsFromTmpFile(tmpFilePath); for (const auto& zoneSet : deletedCustomZoneSets) { customZoneSetsMap.erase(zoneSet); } } json::JsonObject FancyZonesData::GetPersistFancyZonesJSON() { return JSONHelpers::GetPersistFancyZonesJSON(zonesSettingsFileName, appZoneHistoryFileName); } void FancyZonesData::LoadFancyZonesData() { if (!std::filesystem::exists(zonesSettingsFileName)) { MigrateCustomZoneSetsFromRegistry(); SaveFancyZonesData(); } else { json::JsonObject fancyZonesDataJSON = GetPersistFancyZonesJSON(); appZoneHistoryMap = JSONHelpers::ParseAppZoneHistory(fancyZonesDataJSON); deviceInfoMap = JSONHelpers::ParseDeviceInfos(fancyZonesDataJSON); customZoneSetsMap = JSONHelpers::ParseCustomZoneSets(fancyZonesDataJSON); } } void FancyZonesData::SaveFancyZonesData() const { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; JSONHelpers::SaveFancyZonesData(zonesSettingsFileName, appZoneHistoryFileName, deviceInfoMap, customZoneSetsMap, appZoneHistoryMap); } void FancyZonesData::MigrateCustomZoneSetsFromRegistry() { std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock }; wchar_t key[256]; StringCchPrintf(key, ARRAYSIZE(key), L"%s\\%s", NonLocalizable::RegistryPath, NonLocalizable::LayoutsStr); HKEY hkey; if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { BYTE data[256]; DWORD dataSize = ARRAYSIZE(data); wchar_t value[256]{}; DWORD valueLength = ARRAYSIZE(value); DWORD i = 0; while (RegEnumValueW(hkey, i++, value, &valueLength, nullptr, nullptr, reinterpret_cast(&data), &dataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { FancyZonesDataTypes::CustomZoneSetData zoneSetData; zoneSetData.name = std::wstring{ value }; zoneSetData.type = static_cast(data[2]); GUID guid; auto result = CoCreateGuid(&guid); if (result != S_OK) { continue; } wil::unique_cotaskmem_string guidString; if (!SUCCEEDED(StringFromCLSID(guid, &guidString))) { continue; } std::wstring uuid = guidString.get(); switch (zoneSetData.type) { case FancyZonesDataTypes::CustomLayoutType::Grid: { // Visit https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/v0.14.0/src/modules/fancyzones/editor/FancyZonesEditor/Models/GridLayoutModel.cs#L183 // To see how custom Grid layout was packed in registry int j = 5; FancyZonesDataTypes::GridLayoutInfo zoneSetInfo(FancyZonesDataTypes::GridLayoutInfo::Minimal{ .rows = data[j++], .columns = data[j++] }); for (int row = 0; row < zoneSetInfo.rows(); row++, j += 2) { zoneSetInfo.rowsPercents()[row] = data[j] * 256 + data[j + 1]; } for (int col = 0; col < zoneSetInfo.columns(); col++, j += 2) { zoneSetInfo.columnsPercents()[col] = data[j] * 256 + data[j + 1]; } for (int row = 0; row < zoneSetInfo.rows(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < zoneSetInfo.columns(); col++) { zoneSetInfo.cellChildMap()[row][col] = data[j++]; } } zoneSetData.info = zoneSetInfo; break; } case FancyZonesDataTypes::CustomLayoutType::Canvas: { // Visit https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/blob/v0.14.0/src/modules/fancyzones/editor/FancyZonesEditor/Models/CanvasLayoutModel.cs#L128 // To see how custom Canvas layout was packed in registry int j = 5; FancyZonesDataTypes::CanvasLayoutInfo info; info.lastWorkAreaWidth = data[j] * 256 + data[j + 1]; j += 2; info.lastWorkAreaHeight = data[j] * 256 + data[j + 1]; j += 2; int count = data[j++]; info.zones.reserve(count); while (count-- > 0) { int x = data[j] * 256 + data[j + 1]; j += 2; int y = data[j] * 256 + data[j + 1]; j += 2; int width = data[j] * 256 + data[j + 1]; j += 2; int height = data[j] * 256 + data[j + 1]; j += 2; info.zones.push_back(FancyZonesDataTypes::CanvasLayoutInfo::Rect{ x, y, width, height }); } zoneSetData.info = info; break; } default: continue; } customZoneSetsMap[uuid] = zoneSetData; valueLength = ARRAYSIZE(value); dataSize = ARRAYSIZE(data); } } } void FancyZonesData::RemoveDesktopAppZoneHistory(const std::wstring& desktopId) { for (auto it = std::begin(appZoneHistoryMap); it != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap);) { auto& perDesktopData = it->second; for (auto desktopIt = std::begin(perDesktopData); desktopIt != std::end(perDesktopData);) { if (ExtractVirtualDesktopId(desktopIt->deviceId) == desktopId) { desktopIt = perDesktopData.erase(desktopIt); } else { ++desktopIt; } } if (perDesktopData.empty()) { it = appZoneHistoryMap.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } }