#include "pch.h" #include "FancyZones.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "on_thread_executor.h" #include "trace.h" #include "VirtualDesktop.h" #include "MonitorWorkAreaHandler.h" #include "util.h" #include "CallTracer.h" #include enum class DisplayChangeType { WorkArea, DisplayChange, VirtualDesktop, Initialization }; // Non-localizable strings namespace NonLocalizable { const wchar_t ToolWindowClassName[] = L"SuperFancyZones"; const wchar_t FZEditorExecutablePath[] = L"modules\\FancyZones\\FancyZonesEditor.exe"; } struct FancyZones : public winrt::implements { public: FancyZones(HINSTANCE hinstance, const winrt::com_ptr& settings, std::function disableModuleCallback) noexcept : m_hinstance(hinstance), m_settings(settings), m_windowMoveHandler(settings, [this]() { PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_LOCATIONCHANGE, NULL, NULL); }), m_zonesSettingsFileWatcher(FancyZonesDataInstance().GetZonesSettingsFileName(), [this]() { PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_FILE_UPDATE, NULL, NULL); }), m_settingsFileWatcher(FancyZonesDataInstance().GetSettingsFileName(), [this]() { PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_SETTINGS_CHANGED, NULL, NULL); }), m_virtualDesktop([this]() { PostMessage(m_window, WM_PRIV_VD_INIT, 0, 0); }, [this]() { PostMessage(m_window, WM_PRIV_VD_UPDATE, 0, 0); }) { this->disableModuleCallback = std::move(disableModuleCallback); } // IFancyZones IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) Run() noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) Destroy() noexcept; void MoveSizeStart(HWND window, HMONITOR monitor, POINT const& ptScreen) noexcept { if (m_settings->GetSettings()->spanZonesAcrossMonitors) { monitor = NULL; } m_windowMoveHandler.MoveSizeStart(window, monitor, ptScreen, m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkAreasByDesktopId(m_currentDesktopId)); } void MoveSizeUpdate(HMONITOR monitor, POINT const& ptScreen) noexcept { if (m_settings->GetSettings()->spanZonesAcrossMonitors) { monitor = NULL; } m_windowMoveHandler.MoveSizeUpdate(monitor, ptScreen, m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkAreasByDesktopId(m_currentDesktopId)); } void MoveSizeEnd(HWND window, POINT const& ptScreen) noexcept { _TRACER_; m_windowMoveHandler.MoveSizeEnd(window, ptScreen, m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkAreasByDesktopId(m_currentDesktopId)); } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) HandleWinHookEvent(const WinHookEvent* data) noexcept { const auto wparam = reinterpret_cast(data->hwnd); const LONG lparam = 0; switch (data->event) { case EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZESTART: PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_MOVESIZESTART, wparam, lparam); break; case EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZEEND: PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_MOVESIZEEND, wparam, lparam); break; case EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE: PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_LOCATIONCHANGE, wparam, lparam); break; case EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE: PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_NAMECHANGE, wparam, lparam); break; case EVENT_OBJECT_UNCLOAKED: case EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW: case EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE: if (data->idObject == OBJID_WINDOW) { PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_WINDOWCREATED, wparam, lparam); } break; } } IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) VirtualDesktopChanged() noexcept; IFACEMETHODIMP_(bool) OnKeyDown(PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT info) noexcept; void WindowCreated(HWND window) noexcept; void ToggleEditor() noexcept; LRESULT WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) noexcept; void OnDisplayChange(DisplayChangeType changeType) noexcept; void AddZoneWindow(HMONITOR monitor, const std::wstring& deviceId) noexcept; protected: static LRESULT CALLBACK s_WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) noexcept; private: void UpdateZoneWindows() noexcept; void UpdateWindowsPositions() noexcept; bool OnSnapHotkeyBasedOnZoneNumber(HWND window, DWORD vkCode) noexcept; bool OnSnapHotkeyBasedOnPosition(HWND window, DWORD vkCode) noexcept; bool OnSnapHotkey(DWORD vkCode) noexcept; bool ProcessDirectedSnapHotkey(HWND window, DWORD vkCode, bool cycle, winrt::com_ptr zoneWindow) noexcept; void RegisterVirtualDesktopUpdates() noexcept; void OnSettingsChanged() noexcept; std::pair, ZoneIndexSet> GetAppZoneHistoryInfo(HWND window, HMONITOR monitor, bool isPrimaryMonitor) noexcept; void MoveWindowIntoZone(HWND window, winrt::com_ptr zoneWindow, const ZoneIndexSet& zoneIndexSet) noexcept; void OnEditorExitEvent() noexcept; void UpdateZoneSets() noexcept; bool ShouldProcessSnapHotkey(DWORD vkCode) noexcept; void ApplyQuickLayout(int key) noexcept; void FlashZones() noexcept; std::vector> GetRawMonitorData() noexcept; std::vector GetMonitorsSorted() noexcept; HMONITOR WorkAreaKeyFromWindow(HWND window) noexcept; ZoneColors GetZoneColors() const noexcept; const HINSTANCE m_hinstance{}; HWND m_window{}; WindowMoveHandler m_windowMoveHandler; MonitorWorkAreaHandler m_workAreaHandler; VirtualDesktop m_virtualDesktop; FileWatcher m_zonesSettingsFileWatcher; FileWatcher m_settingsFileWatcher; winrt::com_ptr m_settings{}; GUID m_previousDesktopId{}; // UUID of previously active virtual desktop. GUID m_currentDesktopId{}; // UUID of the current virtual desktop. wil::unique_handle m_terminateEditorEvent; // Handle of FancyZonesEditor.exe we launch and wait on OnThreadExecutor m_dpiUnawareThread; EventWaiter m_toggleEditorEventWaiter; // If non-recoverable error occurs, trigger disabling of entire FancyZones. static std::function disableModuleCallback; // Did we terminate the editor or was it closed cleanly? enum class EditorExitKind : byte { Exit, Terminate }; }; std::function FancyZones::disableModuleCallback = {}; // IFancyZones IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) FancyZones::Run() noexcept { WNDCLASSEXW wcex{}; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.lpfnWndProc = s_WndProc; wcex.hInstance = m_hinstance; wcex.lpszClassName = NonLocalizable::ToolWindowClassName; RegisterClassExW(&wcex); BufferedPaintInit(); m_window = CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, NonLocalizable::ToolWindowClassName, L"", WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, m_hinstance, this); if (!m_window) { return; } RegisterHotKey(m_window, 1, m_settings->GetSettings()->editorHotkey.get_modifiers(), m_settings->GetSettings()->editorHotkey.get_code()); m_virtualDesktop.Init(); m_dpiUnawareThread.submit(OnThreadExecutor::task_t{ [] { SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE); SetThreadDpiHostingBehavior(DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR_MIXED); } }) .wait(); m_toggleEditorEventWaiter = EventWaiter(CommonSharedConstants::FANCY_ZONES_EDITOR_TOGGLE_EVENT, [&](int err) { if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Logger::trace(L"{} event was signaled", CommonSharedConstants::FANCY_ZONES_EDITOR_TOGGLE_EVENT); PostMessage(m_window, WM_HOTKEY, 1, 0); } }); } // IFancyZones IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) FancyZones::Destroy() noexcept { m_workAreaHandler.Clear(); BufferedPaintUnInit(); if (m_window) { DestroyWindow(m_window); m_window = nullptr; } m_virtualDesktop.UnInit(); } // IFancyZonesCallback IFACEMETHODIMP_(void) FancyZones::VirtualDesktopChanged() noexcept { // VirtualDesktopChanged is called from a reentrant WinHookProc function, therefore we must postpone the actual logic // until we're in FancyZones::WndProc, which is not reentrant. PostMessage(m_window, WM_PRIV_VD_SWITCH, 0, 0); } std::pair, ZoneIndexSet> FancyZones::GetAppZoneHistoryInfo(HWND window, HMONITOR monitor, bool isPrimaryMonitor) noexcept { std::pair, ZoneIndexSet> appZoneHistoryInfo{ nullptr, {} }; auto workAreaMap = m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkAreasByDesktopId(m_currentDesktopId); if (workAreaMap.empty()) { Logger::debug(L"No work area for the current desktop."); } // Search application history on currently active monitor. if (workAreaMap.contains(monitor)) { auto workArea = workAreaMap[monitor]; appZoneHistoryInfo = { workArea, workArea->GetWindowZoneIndexes(window) }; } else { Logger::debug(L"No work area for the currently active monitor."); } if (isPrimaryMonitor && appZoneHistoryInfo.second.empty()) { // No application history on primary monitor, search on remaining monitors. for (const auto& [monitor, workArea] : workAreaMap) { auto zoneIndexSet = workArea->GetWindowZoneIndexes(window); if (!zoneIndexSet.empty()) { return { workArea, zoneIndexSet }; } } } return appZoneHistoryInfo; } void FancyZones::MoveWindowIntoZone(HWND window, winrt::com_ptr zoneWindow, const ZoneIndexSet& zoneIndexSet) noexcept { _TRACER_; auto& fancyZonesData = FancyZonesDataInstance(); if (!fancyZonesData.IsAnotherWindowOfApplicationInstanceZoned(window, zoneWindow->UniqueId())) { m_windowMoveHandler.MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndexSet(window, zoneIndexSet, zoneWindow); fancyZonesData.UpdateProcessIdToHandleMap(window, zoneWindow->UniqueId()); } } void FancyZones::WindowCreated(HWND window) noexcept { auto desktopId = m_virtualDesktop.GetWindowDesktopId(window); if (desktopId.has_value() && *desktopId != m_currentDesktopId) { // Switch between virtual desktops results with posting same windows messages that also indicate // creation of new window. We need to check if window being processed is on currently active desktop. return; } const bool moveToAppLastZone = m_settings->GetSettings()->appLastZone_moveWindows; const bool openOnActiveMonitor = m_settings->GetSettings()->openWindowOnActiveMonitor; // Avoid processing splash screens, already stamped (zoned) windows, or those windows // that belong to excluded applications list. const bool isSplashScreen = FancyZonesUtils::IsSplashScreen(window); const bool isZoned = reinterpret_cast(::GetProp(window, ZonedWindowProperties::PropertyMultipleZoneID)) != 0; const bool isCandidateForLastKnownZone = FancyZonesUtils::IsCandidateForLastKnownZone(window, m_settings->GetSettings()->excludedAppsArray); const bool shouldProcessNewWindow = !isSplashScreen && !isZoned && isCandidateForLastKnownZone; if ((moveToAppLastZone || openOnActiveMonitor) && shouldProcessNewWindow) { HMONITOR primary = MonitorFromWindow(nullptr, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); HMONITOR active = primary; POINT cursorPosition{}; if (GetCursorPos(&cursorPosition)) { active = MonitorFromPoint(cursorPosition, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); } bool windowZoned{ false }; if (moveToAppLastZone) { const bool primaryActive = (primary == active); std::pair, ZoneIndexSet> appZoneHistoryInfo = GetAppZoneHistoryInfo(window, active, primaryActive); if (!appZoneHistoryInfo.second.empty()) { const bool windowMinimized = IsIconic(window); if (!windowMinimized) { MoveWindowIntoZone(window, appZoneHistoryInfo.first, appZoneHistoryInfo.second); windowZoned = true; } } else { Logger::warn(L"App zone history is empty for the processing window on a current virtual desktop"); } } if (!windowZoned && openOnActiveMonitor) { m_dpiUnawareThread.submit(OnThreadExecutor::task_t{ [&] { MonitorUtils::OpenWindowOnActiveMonitor(window, active); } }).wait(); } } } // IFancyZonesCallback IFACEMETHODIMP_(bool) FancyZones::OnKeyDown(PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT info) noexcept { // Return true to swallow the keyboard event bool const shift = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000; bool const win = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LWIN) & 0x8000 || GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RWIN) & 0x8000; bool const alt = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; bool const ctrl = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000; if ((win && !shift && !ctrl) || (win && ctrl && alt)) { if ((info->vkCode == VK_RIGHT) || (info->vkCode == VK_LEFT) || (info->vkCode == VK_UP) || (info->vkCode == VK_DOWN)) { if (ShouldProcessSnapHotkey(info->vkCode)) { Trace::FancyZones::OnKeyDown(info->vkCode, win, ctrl, false /*inMoveSize*/); // Win+Left, Win+Right will cycle through Zones in the active ZoneSet when WM_PRIV_SNAP_HOTKEY's handled PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_SNAP_HOTKEY, 0, info->vkCode); return true; } } } if (m_settings->GetSettings()->quickLayoutSwitch) { int digitPressed = -1; if ('0' <= info->vkCode && info->vkCode <= '9') { digitPressed = info->vkCode - '0'; } else if (VK_NUMPAD0 <= info->vkCode && info->vkCode <= VK_NUMPAD9) { digitPressed = info->vkCode - VK_NUMPAD0; } bool dragging = m_windowMoveHandler.InMoveSize(); bool changeLayoutWhileNotDragging = !dragging && !shift && win && ctrl && alt && digitPressed != -1; bool changeLayoutWhileDragging = dragging && digitPressed != -1; if (changeLayoutWhileNotDragging || changeLayoutWhileDragging) { auto quickKeysMap = FancyZonesDataInstance().GetLayoutQuickKeys(); if (std::any_of(quickKeysMap.begin(), quickKeysMap.end(), [=](auto item) { return item.second == digitPressed; })) { PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_QUICK_LAYOUT_KEY, 0, static_cast(digitPressed)); Trace::FancyZones::QuickLayoutSwitched(changeLayoutWhileNotDragging); return true; } } } if (m_windowMoveHandler.IsDragEnabled() && shift) { return true; } return false; } void FancyZones::ToggleEditor() noexcept { _TRACER_; if (m_terminateEditorEvent) { SetEvent(m_terminateEditorEvent.get()); return; } m_terminateEditorEvent.reset(CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr)); HMONITOR targetMonitor{}; const bool use_cursorpos_editor_startupscreen = m_settings->GetSettings()->use_cursorpos_editor_startupscreen; if (use_cursorpos_editor_startupscreen) { POINT currentCursorPos{}; GetCursorPos(¤tCursorPos); targetMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(currentCursorPos, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); } else { targetMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(GetForegroundWindow(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); } if (!targetMonitor) { return; } wil::unique_cotaskmem_string virtualDesktopId; if (!SUCCEEDED(StringFromCLSID(m_currentDesktopId, &virtualDesktopId))) { return; } /* * Divider: / * Parts: * (1) Process id * (2) Span zones across monitors * (3) Monitor id where the Editor should be opened * (4) Monitors count * * Data for each monitor: * (5) Monitor id * (6) DPI * (7) work area left * (8) work area top * (9) work area width * (10) work area height * ... */ std::wstring params; const std::wstring divider = L"/"; params += std::to_wstring(GetCurrentProcessId()) + divider; /* Process id */ const bool spanZonesAcrossMonitors = m_settings->GetSettings()->spanZonesAcrossMonitors; params += std::to_wstring(spanZonesAcrossMonitors) + divider; /* Span zones */ std::vector> allMonitors; m_dpiUnawareThread.submit(OnThreadExecutor::task_t{ [&] { allMonitors = FancyZonesUtils::GetAllMonitorInfo<&MONITORINFOEX::rcWork>(); } }).wait(); if (spanZonesAcrossMonitors) { params += FancyZonesUtils::GenerateUniqueIdAllMonitorsArea(virtualDesktopId.get()) + divider; /* Monitor id where the Editor should be opened */ } // device id map std::unordered_map displayDeviceIdxMap; bool showDpiWarning = false; int prevDpi = -1; std::wstring monitorsDataStr; for (auto& monitorData : allMonitors) { HMONITOR monitor = monitorData.first; auto monitorInfo = monitorData.second; std::wstring deviceId = FancyZonesUtils::GetDisplayDeviceId(monitorInfo.szDevice, displayDeviceIdxMap); std::wstring monitorId = FancyZonesUtils::GenerateUniqueId(monitor, deviceId, virtualDesktopId.get()); if (monitor == targetMonitor && !spanZonesAcrossMonitors) { params += monitorId + divider; /* Monitor id where the Editor should be opened */ } UINT dpi = 0; if (DPIAware::GetScreenDPIForMonitor(monitor, dpi) != S_OK) { continue; } if (spanZonesAcrossMonitors && prevDpi != -1 && prevDpi != dpi) { showDpiWarning = true; } monitorsDataStr += std::move(monitorId) + divider; /* Monitor id */ monitorsDataStr += std::to_wstring(dpi) + divider; /* DPI */ monitorsDataStr += std::to_wstring(monitorInfo.rcWork.left) + divider; /* Top coordinate */ monitorsDataStr += std::to_wstring(monitorInfo.rcWork.top) + divider; /* Left coordinate */ monitorsDataStr += std::to_wstring(monitorInfo.rcWork.right - monitorInfo.rcWork.left) + divider; /* Width */ monitorsDataStr += std::to_wstring(monitorInfo.rcWork.bottom - monitorInfo.rcWork.top) + divider; /* Height */ } params += std::to_wstring(allMonitors.size()) + divider; /* Monitors count */ params += monitorsDataStr; FancyZonesDataInstance().SaveFancyZonesEditorParameters(spanZonesAcrossMonitors, virtualDesktopId.get(), targetMonitor, allMonitors); /* Write parameters to json file */ if (showDpiWarning) { // We must show the message box in a separate thread, since this code is called from a low-level // keyboard hook callback, and launching messageboxes from it has unexpected side effects //std::thread{ [] { // MessageBoxW(nullptr, // GET_RESOURCE_STRING(IDS_SPAN_ACROSS_ZONES_WARNING).c_str(), // GET_RESOURCE_STRING(IDS_POWERTOYS_FANCYZONES).c_str(), // MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); //} }.detach(); } SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei{ sizeof(sei) }; sei.fMask = { SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI }; sei.lpFile = NonLocalizable::FZEditorExecutablePath; sei.lpParameters = params.c_str(); sei.nShow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT; ShellExecuteEx(&sei); Trace::FancyZones::EditorLaunched(1); // Launch the editor on a background thread // Wait for the editor's process to exit // Post back to the main thread to update std::thread waitForEditorThread([window = m_window, processHandle = sei.hProcess, terminateEditorEvent = m_terminateEditorEvent.get()]() { HANDLE waitEvents[2] = { processHandle, terminateEditorEvent }; auto result = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, waitEvents, false, INFINITE); if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0) { // Editor exited // Update any changes it may have made PostMessage(window, WM_PRIV_EDITOR, 0, static_cast(EditorExitKind::Exit)); } else if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { // User hit Win+~ while editor is already running // Shut it down TerminateProcess(processHandle, 2); PostMessage(window, WM_PRIV_EDITOR, 0, static_cast(EditorExitKind::Terminate)); } CloseHandle(processHandle); }); waitForEditorThread.detach(); } LRESULT FancyZones::WndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) noexcept { switch (message) { case WM_HOTKEY: { if (wparam == 1) { ToggleEditor(); } } break; case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: { if (wparam == SPI_SETWORKAREA) { // Changes in taskbar position resulted in different size of work area. // Invalidate cached work-areas so they can be recreated with latest information. m_workAreaHandler.Clear(); OnDisplayChange(DisplayChangeType::WorkArea); } } break; case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: { // Display resolution changed. Invalidate cached work-areas so they can be recreated with latest information. m_workAreaHandler.Clear(); OnDisplayChange(DisplayChangeType::DisplayChange); } break; default: { POINT ptScreen; GetPhysicalCursorPos(&ptScreen); if (message == WM_PRIV_SNAP_HOTKEY) { OnSnapHotkey(static_cast(lparam)); } else if (message == WM_PRIV_VD_INIT) { OnDisplayChange(DisplayChangeType::Initialization); } else if (message == WM_PRIV_VD_SWITCH) { OnDisplayChange(DisplayChangeType::VirtualDesktop); } else if (message == WM_PRIV_VD_UPDATE) { RegisterVirtualDesktopUpdates(); } else if (message == WM_PRIV_EDITOR) { if (lparam == static_cast(EditorExitKind::Exit)) { OnEditorExitEvent(); } { // Clean up the event either way m_terminateEditorEvent.release(); } } else if (message == WM_PRIV_MOVESIZESTART) { auto hwnd = reinterpret_cast(wparam); if (auto monitor = MonitorFromPoint(ptScreen, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL)) { MoveSizeStart(hwnd, monitor, ptScreen); } } else if (message == WM_PRIV_MOVESIZEEND) { auto hwnd = reinterpret_cast(wparam); MoveSizeEnd(hwnd, ptScreen); } else if (message == WM_PRIV_LOCATIONCHANGE) { if (m_windowMoveHandler.InMoveSize()) { if (auto monitor = MonitorFromPoint(ptScreen, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL)) { MoveSizeUpdate(monitor, ptScreen); } } } else if (message == WM_PRIV_WINDOWCREATED) { auto hwnd = reinterpret_cast(wparam); WindowCreated(hwnd); } else if (message == WM_PRIV_FILE_UPDATE) { FancyZonesDataInstance().LoadFancyZonesData(); UpdateZoneSets(); } else if (message == WM_PRIV_QUICK_LAYOUT_KEY) { ApplyQuickLayout(static_cast(lparam)); } else if (message == WM_PRIV_SETTINGS_CHANGED) { OnSettingsChanged(); } else { return DefWindowProc(window, message, wparam, lparam); } } break; } return 0; } void FancyZones::OnDisplayChange(DisplayChangeType changeType) noexcept { _TRACER_; if (changeType == DisplayChangeType::VirtualDesktop || changeType == DisplayChangeType::Initialization) { m_previousDesktopId = m_currentDesktopId; auto currentVirtualDesktopId = m_virtualDesktop.GetCurrentVirtualDesktopId(); if (currentVirtualDesktopId.has_value()) { m_currentDesktopId = *currentVirtualDesktopId; if (m_previousDesktopId != GUID_NULL && m_currentDesktopId != m_previousDesktopId) { Trace::VirtualDesktopChanged(); } } if (changeType == DisplayChangeType::Initialization) { RegisterVirtualDesktopUpdates(); } } UpdateZoneWindows(); if ((changeType == DisplayChangeType::WorkArea) || (changeType == DisplayChangeType::DisplayChange)) { if (m_settings->GetSettings()->displayChange_moveWindows) { UpdateWindowsPositions(); } } } void FancyZones::AddZoneWindow(HMONITOR monitor, const std::wstring& deviceId) noexcept { _TRACER_; if (m_workAreaHandler.IsNewWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, monitor)) { wil::unique_cotaskmem_string virtualDesktopId; if (SUCCEEDED(StringFromCLSID(m_currentDesktopId, &virtualDesktopId))) { std::wstring uniqueId; if (monitor) { uniqueId = FancyZonesUtils::GenerateUniqueId(monitor, deviceId, virtualDesktopId.get()); } else { uniqueId = FancyZonesUtils::GenerateUniqueIdAllMonitorsArea(virtualDesktopId.get()); } std::wstring parentId{}; auto parentArea = m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(m_previousDesktopId, monitor); if (parentArea) { parentId = parentArea->UniqueId(); } auto workArea = MakeWorkArea(m_hinstance, monitor, uniqueId, parentId, GetZoneColors(), m_settings->GetSettings()->overlappingZonesAlgorithm); if (workArea) { m_workAreaHandler.AddWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, monitor, workArea); FancyZonesDataInstance().SaveZoneSettings(); } } } } LRESULT CALLBACK FancyZones::s_WndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) noexcept { auto thisRef = reinterpret_cast(GetWindowLongPtr(window, GWLP_USERDATA)); if (!thisRef && (message == WM_CREATE)) { const auto createStruct = reinterpret_cast(lparam); thisRef = reinterpret_cast(createStruct->lpCreateParams); SetWindowLongPtr(window, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast(thisRef)); } return thisRef ? thisRef->WndProc(window, message, wparam, lparam) : DefWindowProc(window, message, wparam, lparam); } void FancyZones::UpdateZoneWindows() noexcept { // Mapping between display device name and device index (operating system identifies each display device with an index value). std::unordered_map displayDeviceIdxMap; struct capture { FancyZones* fancyZones; std::unordered_map* displayDeviceIdx; }; auto callback = [](HMONITOR monitor, HDC, RECT*, LPARAM data) -> BOOL { capture* params = reinterpret_cast(data); MONITORINFOEX mi{ { .cbSize = sizeof(mi) } }; if (GetMonitorInfoW(monitor, &mi)) { auto& displayDeviceIdxMap = *(params->displayDeviceIdx); FancyZones* fancyZones = params->fancyZones; std::wstring deviceId = FancyZonesUtils::GetDisplayDeviceId(mi.szDevice, displayDeviceIdxMap); fancyZones->AddZoneWindow(monitor, deviceId); } return TRUE; }; if (m_settings->GetSettings()->spanZonesAcrossMonitors) { AddZoneWindow(nullptr, {}); } else { capture capture{ this, &displayDeviceIdxMap }; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, callback, reinterpret_cast(&capture)); } } void FancyZones::UpdateWindowsPositions() noexcept { auto callback = [](HWND window, LPARAM data) -> BOOL { auto zoneIndexSet = GetZoneIndexSet(window); auto strongThis = reinterpret_cast(data); auto desktopId = strongThis->m_virtualDesktop.GetWindowDesktopId(window); if (desktopId.has_value()) { auto zoneWindow = strongThis->m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(window, *desktopId); if (zoneWindow) { strongThis->m_windowMoveHandler.MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndexSet(window, zoneIndexSet, zoneWindow); } } return TRUE; }; EnumWindows(callback, reinterpret_cast(this)); } bool FancyZones::OnSnapHotkeyBasedOnZoneNumber(HWND window, DWORD vkCode) noexcept { _TRACER_; HMONITOR current = WorkAreaKeyFromWindow(window); std::vector monitorInfo = GetMonitorsSorted(); if (current && monitorInfo.size() > 1 && m_settings->GetSettings()->moveWindowAcrossMonitors) { // Multi monitor environment. auto currMonitorInfo = std::find(std::begin(monitorInfo), std::end(monitorInfo), current); do { if (m_windowMoveHandler.MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirectionAndIndex(window, vkCode, false /* cycle through zones */, m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, *currMonitorInfo))) { return true; } // We iterated through all zones in current monitor zone layout, move on to next one (or previous depending on direction). if (vkCode == VK_RIGHT) { currMonitorInfo = std::next(currMonitorInfo); if (currMonitorInfo == std::end(monitorInfo)) { currMonitorInfo = std::begin(monitorInfo); } } else if (vkCode == VK_LEFT) { if (currMonitorInfo == std::begin(monitorInfo)) { currMonitorInfo = std::end(monitorInfo); } currMonitorInfo = std::prev(currMonitorInfo); } } while (*currMonitorInfo != current); } else { // Single monitor environment, or combined multi-monitor environment. if (m_settings->GetSettings()->restoreSize) { bool moved = m_windowMoveHandler.MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirectionAndIndex(window, vkCode, false /* cycle through zones */, m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, current)); if (!moved) { FancyZonesUtils::RestoreWindowOrigin(window); FancyZonesUtils::RestoreWindowSize(window); } return true; } else { return m_windowMoveHandler.MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirectionAndIndex(window, vkCode, true /* cycle through zones */, m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, current)); } } return false; } bool FancyZones::OnSnapHotkeyBasedOnPosition(HWND window, DWORD vkCode) noexcept { HMONITOR current = WorkAreaKeyFromWindow(window); auto allMonitors = FancyZonesUtils::GetAllMonitorRects<&MONITORINFOEX::rcWork>(); if (current && allMonitors.size() > 1 && m_settings->GetSettings()->moveWindowAcrossMonitors) { // Multi monitor environment. // First, try to stay on the same monitor bool success = ProcessDirectedSnapHotkey(window, vkCode, false, m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, current)); if (success) { return true; } // If that didn't work, extract zones from all other monitors and target one of them std::vector zoneRects; std::vector>> zoneRectsInfo; RECT currentMonitorRect{ .top = 0, .bottom = -1 }; for (const auto& [monitor, monitorRect] : allMonitors) { if (monitor == current) { currentMonitorRect = monitorRect; } else { auto workArea = m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, monitor); if (workArea) { auto zoneSet = workArea->ActiveZoneSet(); if (zoneSet) { const auto zones = zoneSet->GetZones(); for (const auto& [zoneId, zone] : zones) { RECT zoneRect = zone->GetZoneRect(); zoneRect.left += monitorRect.left; zoneRect.right += monitorRect.left; zoneRect.top += monitorRect.top; zoneRect.bottom += monitorRect.top; zoneRects.emplace_back(zoneRect); zoneRectsInfo.emplace_back(zoneId, workArea); } } } } } // Ensure we can get the windowRect, if not, just quit RECT windowRect; if (!GetWindowRect(window, &windowRect)) { return false; } auto chosenIdx = FancyZonesUtils::ChooseNextZoneByPosition(vkCode, windowRect, zoneRects); if (chosenIdx < zoneRects.size()) { // Moving to another monitor succeeded const auto& [trueZoneIdx, zoneWindow] = zoneRectsInfo[chosenIdx]; m_windowMoveHandler.MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndexSet(window, { trueZoneIdx }, zoneWindow); return true; } // We reached the end of all monitors. // Try again, cycling on all monitors. // First, add zones from the origin monitor to zoneRects // Sanity check: the current monitor is valid if (currentMonitorRect.top <= currentMonitorRect.bottom) { auto workArea = m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, current); if (workArea) { auto zoneSet = workArea->ActiveZoneSet(); if (zoneSet) { const auto zones = zoneSet->GetZones(); for (const auto& [zoneId, zone] : zones) { RECT zoneRect = zone->GetZoneRect(); zoneRect.left += currentMonitorRect.left; zoneRect.right += currentMonitorRect.left; zoneRect.top += currentMonitorRect.top; zoneRect.bottom += currentMonitorRect.top; zoneRects.emplace_back(zoneRect); zoneRectsInfo.emplace_back(zoneId, workArea); } } } } else { return false; } RECT combinedRect = FancyZonesUtils::GetAllMonitorsCombinedRect<&MONITORINFOEX::rcWork>(); windowRect = FancyZonesUtils::PrepareRectForCycling(windowRect, combinedRect, vkCode); chosenIdx = FancyZonesUtils::ChooseNextZoneByPosition(vkCode, windowRect, zoneRects); if (chosenIdx < zoneRects.size()) { // Moving to another monitor succeeded const auto& [trueZoneIdx, zoneWindow] = zoneRectsInfo[chosenIdx]; m_windowMoveHandler.MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndexSet(window, { trueZoneIdx }, zoneWindow); return true; } else { // Giving up return false; } } else { // Single monitor environment, or combined multi-monitor environment. return ProcessDirectedSnapHotkey(window, vkCode, true, m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, current)); } } bool FancyZones::OnSnapHotkey(DWORD vkCode) noexcept { // We already checked in ShouldProcessSnapHotkey whether the foreground window is a candidate for zoning auto window = GetForegroundWindow(); if (m_settings->GetSettings()->moveWindowsBasedOnPosition) { return OnSnapHotkeyBasedOnPosition(window, vkCode); } else { return (vkCode == VK_LEFT || vkCode == VK_RIGHT) && OnSnapHotkeyBasedOnZoneNumber(window, vkCode); } return false; } bool FancyZones::ProcessDirectedSnapHotkey(HWND window, DWORD vkCode, bool cycle, winrt::com_ptr zoneWindow) noexcept { // Check whether Alt is used in the shortcut key combination if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000) { return m_windowMoveHandler.ExtendWindowByDirectionAndPosition(window, vkCode, zoneWindow); } else { return m_windowMoveHandler.MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirectionAndPosition(window, vkCode, cycle, zoneWindow); } } void FancyZones::RegisterVirtualDesktopUpdates() noexcept { _TRACER_; auto guids = m_virtualDesktop.GetVirtualDesktopIds(); std::vector guidStrings{}; if (guids.has_value()) { m_workAreaHandler.RegisterUpdates(*guids); for (auto& guid : *guids) { auto guidString = FancyZonesUtils::GuidToString(guid); if (guidString.has_value()) { guidStrings.push_back(*guidString); } } if (!guidStrings.empty()) { FancyZonesDataInstance().UpdatePrimaryDesktopData(guidStrings[0]); } FancyZonesDataInstance().RemoveDeletedDesktops(guidStrings); } } void FancyZones::OnSettingsChanged() noexcept { _TRACER_; m_settings->ReloadSettings(); // Update the hotkey UnregisterHotKey(m_window, 1); auto modifiers = m_settings->GetSettings()->editorHotkey.get_modifiers(); auto code = m_settings->GetSettings()->editorHotkey.get_code(); auto result = RegisterHotKey(m_window, 1, modifiers, code); if (!result) { Logger::error(L"Failed to register hotkey: {}", get_last_error_or_default(GetLastError())); } // Needed if we toggled spanZonesAcrossMonitors m_workAreaHandler.Clear(); // update zone colors m_workAreaHandler.UpdateZoneColors(GetZoneColors()); // update overlapping algorithm m_workAreaHandler.UpdateOverlappingAlgorithm(m_settings->GetSettings()->overlappingZonesAlgorithm); PostMessageW(m_window, WM_PRIV_VD_INIT, NULL, NULL); } void FancyZones::OnEditorExitEvent() noexcept { // Collect information about changes in zone layout after editor exited. FancyZonesDataInstance().LoadFancyZonesData(); UpdateZoneSets(); } void FancyZones::UpdateZoneSets() noexcept { for (auto workArea : m_workAreaHandler.GetAllWorkAreas()) { workArea->UpdateActiveZoneSet(); } if (m_settings->GetSettings()->zoneSetChange_moveWindows) { UpdateWindowsPositions(); } } bool FancyZones::ShouldProcessSnapHotkey(DWORD vkCode) noexcept { auto window = GetForegroundWindow(); if (m_settings->GetSettings()->overrideSnapHotkeys && FancyZonesUtils::IsCandidateForZoning(window, m_settings->GetSettings()->excludedAppsArray)) { HMONITOR monitor = WorkAreaKeyFromWindow(window); auto zoneWindow = m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkArea(m_currentDesktopId, monitor); if (zoneWindow && zoneWindow->ActiveZoneSet() && zoneWindow->ActiveZoneSet()->LayoutType() != FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetLayoutType::Blank) { if (vkCode == VK_UP || vkCode == VK_DOWN) { return m_settings->GetSettings()->moveWindowsBasedOnPosition; } else { return true; } } } return false; } void FancyZones::ApplyQuickLayout(int key) noexcept { std::wstring uuid; for (auto [zoneUuid, hotkey] : FancyZonesDataInstance().GetLayoutQuickKeys()) { if (hotkey == key) { uuid = zoneUuid; } } auto workArea = m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkAreaFromCursor(m_currentDesktopId); // Find a custom zone set with this uuid and apply it auto customZoneSets = FancyZonesDataInstance().GetCustomZoneSetsMap(); if (!customZoneSets.contains(uuid)) { return; } FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetData data{ .uuid = uuid, .type = FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetLayoutType::Custom }; FancyZonesDataInstance().SetActiveZoneSet(workArea->UniqueId(), data); FancyZonesDataInstance().SaveZoneSettings(); UpdateZoneSets(); FlashZones(); } void FancyZones::FlashZones() noexcept { if (m_settings->GetSettings()->flashZonesOnQuickSwitch && !m_windowMoveHandler.IsDragEnabled()) { for (auto [monitor, workArea] : m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkAreasByDesktopId(m_currentDesktopId)) { workArea->FlashZones(); } } } std::vector FancyZones::GetMonitorsSorted() noexcept { auto monitorInfo = GetRawMonitorData(); FancyZonesUtils::OrderMonitors(monitorInfo); std::vector output; std::transform(std::begin(monitorInfo), std::end(monitorInfo), std::back_inserter(output), [](const auto& info) { return info.first; }); return output; } std::vector> FancyZones::GetRawMonitorData() noexcept { _TRACER_; std::vector> monitorInfo; const auto& activeWorkAreaMap = m_workAreaHandler.GetWorkAreasByDesktopId(m_currentDesktopId); for (const auto& [monitor, workArea] : activeWorkAreaMap) { if (workArea->ActiveZoneSet() != nullptr) { MONITORINFOEX mi; mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); GetMonitorInfo(monitor, &mi); monitorInfo.push_back({ monitor, mi.rcMonitor }); } } return monitorInfo; } HMONITOR FancyZones::WorkAreaKeyFromWindow(HWND window) noexcept { if (m_settings->GetSettings()->spanZonesAcrossMonitors) { return NULL; } else { return MonitorFromWindow(window, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); } } ZoneColors FancyZones::GetZoneColors() const noexcept { return ZoneColors { .primaryColor = FancyZonesUtils::HexToRGB(m_settings->GetSettings()->zoneColor), .borderColor = FancyZonesUtils::HexToRGB(m_settings->GetSettings()->zoneBorderColor), .highlightColor = FancyZonesUtils::HexToRGB(m_settings->GetSettings()->zoneHighlightColor), .highlightOpacity = m_settings->GetSettings()->zoneHighlightOpacity }; } winrt::com_ptr MakeFancyZones(HINSTANCE hinstance, const winrt::com_ptr& settings, std::function disableCallback) noexcept { if (!settings) { return nullptr; } return winrt::make_self(hinstance, settings, disableCallback); }