[CmdletBinding()] # todo: send in arch / conf, could send in actual path Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$targetDir = $PSScriptRoot + '/../extractedMsi/File' ) $DirPath = $targetDir; #this file is in pipeline, we need root. $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $DirPath -File -Include *.exe, *.dll, *.ttf, PTCustomActions -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $versionExceptions = @( "Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.DynamicDependency.Projection.dll", "Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Projection.dll", "Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.WindowsAppRuntime.Projection.dll", "Microsoft.Windows.AppLifecycle.Projection.dll", "Microsoft.Windows.System.Power.Projection.dll", "Microsoft.Windows.Widgets.Providers.Projection.dll", "Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.Bootstrap.Net.dll", "Microsoft.Xaml.Interactions.dll", "Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity.dll", "hyjiacan.py4n.dll", "Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.Release.Net.dll", "Microsoft.Windows.Widgets.Projection.dll") -join '|'; $nullVersionExceptions = @( "codicon.ttf", "e_sqlite3.dll", "vcamp140_app.dll", "marshal.dll", "Microsoft.UI.Composition.OSSupport.dll", "Microsoft.UI.Windowing.dll", "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Internal.dll", "Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.dll", "Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.dll", "Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.Bootstrap.dll", "MRM.dll", "PushNotificationsLongRunningTask.ProxyStub.dll", "WindowsAppSdk.AppxDeploymentExtensions.Desktop.dll", "System.Diagnostics.EventLog.Messages.dll", "Microsoft.Windows.Widgets.dll") -join '|'; $totalFailure = 0; Write-Host $DirPath; if (-not (Test-Path $DirPath)) { Write-Host "Folder does not exist!" } Write-Host "Total items: " $items.Count if ($items.Count -eq 0) { # no items means something bad happened. We should fail ASAP exit 1; } $items | ForEach-Object { if ($_.VersionInfo.FileVersion -eq "" -and $_.Name -notmatch $versionExceptions) { # These items are exceptions that actually have the version. Write-Host "Version set to " + $_.FullName $totalFailure++; } elseif ($_.VersionInfo.FileVersion -eq $null -and $_.Name -notmatch $nullVersionExceptions) { # These items are exceptions that actually a version not set. Write-Host "Version not set: " + $_.FullName $totalFailure++; } elseif ($_.VersionInfo.ProductName -contains "PowerToys" -and $_.VersionInfo.LegalCopyright -notmatch "Copyright \(C\) $((Get-Date).Year)") { # PowerToys assemblies that aren't updated to the current year in the copyright Write-Host "Copyright year out of date: " + $_.FullName $totalFailure++; } else { $auth = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $_.FullName if ($auth.SignerCertificate -eq $null) { Write-Host "Not Signed: " + $_.FullName $totalFailure++; } } } if ($totalFailure -gt 0) { exit 1 } exit 0