# This script is used to move the resources from all the resx files in the directory (args[0]) to a .rc and .h file for use in C++ projects. # Root directory which contains the resx files $parentDirectory = $args[0] # File name of the base resource.h which contains all the non-localized resource definitions $baseHeaderFileName = $args[1] # Target file name of the resource header file, which will be used in code - Example: resource.h $generatedHeaderFileName = $args[2] # File name of the base ProjectName.rc which contains all the non-localized resources $baseRCFileName = $args[3] # Target file name of the resource rc file, which will be used in code - Example: ProjectName.rc $generatedRCFileName = $args[4] # Optional argument: Initial resource id in the resource header file. By default it is 101 if ($args.Count -eq 6) { $initResourceID = $args[5] } else { $initResourceID = 101 } # Temporary file created used for resgen $tempFile = "temporaryResourceFile.txt" # Flags to check if the first updated has occurred $headerFileUpdated = $false $rcFileUpdated = $false # Output folder for the new resource files. It will be in ProjectDir\Generated Files so that the files are ignored by .gitignore $generatedFilesFolder = $parentDirectory + "\Generated Files" # Create Generated Files folder if it doesn't exist if (!(Test-Path -Path $generatedFilesFolder)) { $paramNewItem = @{ Path = $generatedFilesFolder ItemType = 'Directory' Force = $true } New-Item @paramNewItem } # Hash table to get the language codes from the code used in the file name $languageHashTable = @{ "en" = @("ENU", "ENGLISH", "ENGLISH_US", "English (United States)"); "zh-Hans" = @("CHS", "CHINESE", "NEUTRAL", "Chinese (Simplified)"); "cs" = @("CSY", "CZECH", "NEUTRAL", "Czech"); "hu" = @("HUN", "HUNGARIAN", "NEUTRAL", "Hungarian"); "pl" = @("PLK", "POLISH", "NEUTRAL", "Polish"); "ro" = @("ROM", "ROMANIAN", "NEUTRAL", "Romanian"); "sk" = @("SKY", "SLOVAK", "NEUTRAL", "Slovak"); "bg" = @("BGR", "BULGARIAN", "NEUTRAL", "Bulgarian"); "ru" = @("RUS", "RUSSIAN", "NEUTRAL", "Russian"); "ca" = @("CAT", "CATALAN", "NEUTRAL", "Catalan"); "de" = @("DEU", "GERMAN", "NEUTRAL", "German"); "es" = @("ESN", "SPANISH", "NEUTRAL", "Spanish"); "fr" = @("FRA", "FRENCH", "NEUTRAL", "French"); "it" = @("ITA", "ITALIAN", "NEUTRAL", "Italian"); "nl" = @("NLD", "DUTCH", "NEUTRAL", "Dutch"); "nb-NO" = @("NOR", "NORWEGIAN", "NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL", "Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)"); "pt-BR" = @("PTB", "PORTUGUESE", "PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN", "Portuguese (Brazil)"); "eu-ES" = @("EUQ", "BASQUE", "DEFAULT", "Basque (Basque)"); "tr" = @("TRK", "TURKISH", "NEUTRAL", "Turkish"); "he" = @("HEB", "HEBREW", "NEUTRAL", "Hebrew"); "ar" = @("ARA", "ARABIC", "NEUTRAL", "Arabic"); "ja" = @("JPN", "JAPANESE", "NEUTRAL", "Japanese"); "ko" = @("KOR", "KOREAN", "NEUTRAL", "Korean"); "sv" = @("SVE", "SWEDISH", "NEUTRAL", "Swedish"); "pt-PT" = @("PTG", "PORTUGUESE", "PORTUGUESE", "Portuguese (Portugal)"); "zh-Hant" = @("CHT", "CHINESE", "CHINESE_TRADITIONAL", "Chinese (Traditional)") } # Store the content to be written to a buffer $headerFileContent = "" $rcFileContent = "" # Iterate over all resx files in parent directory Get-ChildItem $parentDirectory -Filter *.resx | Foreach-Object { # Use resgen to parse resx to txt. More details at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/resgen-exe-resource-file-generator#converting-between-resource-file-types try { resgen $_.FullName $tempFile } catch { echo "resgen failed to convert resx file" exit 0 } # Get language code from file name $lang = "en" $tokens = $_.Name -split "\." if ($tokens.Count -eq 3) { $lang = $tokens[1] } $langData = $languageHashTable[$lang] $newLinesForRCFile = "" $newLinesForHeaderFile = "" $count = $initResourceID try { foreach ($line in (Get-Content $tempFile -Encoding unicode)) { # Each line of the resgen text file is of the form ResourceName=ResourceValue with no spaces. $content = $line -split "=", 2 $culture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo('en-US') # Each resource is named as IDS_ResxResourceName, in uppercase. Escape occurrences of double quotes in the string $lineInRCFormat = "IDS_" + $content[0].ToUpper($culture) + " L`"" + $content[1].Replace("`"", "`"`"") + "`"" $newLinesForRCFile = $newLinesForRCFile + "`r`n " + $lineInRCFormat # Resource header file needs to be updated only for one language if (!$headerFileUpdated) { $lineInHeaderFormat = "#define IDS_" + $content[0].ToUpper($culture) + " " + $count.ToString() $newLinesForHeaderFile = $newLinesForHeaderFile + "`r`n" + $lineInHeaderFormat $count++ } } } catch { echo "Failed to read temporary file." exit 0 } # Delete temporary text file used by resgen Remove-Item $tempFile # Add string table syntax $newLinesForRCFile = "`r`nSTRINGTABLE`r`nBEGIN" + $newLinesForRCFile + "`r`nEND" $langStart = "`r`n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////`r`n// " + $langData[3] + " resources`r`n`r`n" $langStart += "#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_" + $langData[0] + ")`r`nLANGUAGE LANG_" + $langData[1] + ", SUBLANG_" + $langData[2] + "`r`n" $langEnd = "`r`n`r`n#endif // " + $langData[3] + " resources`r`n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////`r`n" $newLinesForRCFile = $langStart + $newLinesForRCFile + $langEnd # Initialize the rc file with an auto-generation warning and content from the base rc if (!$rcFileUpdated) { $rcFileContent = "// This file was auto-generated. Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.`r`n" try { $rcFileContent += (Get-Content $parentDirectory\$baseRCFileName -Raw) } catch { echo "Failed to read base rc file." exit 0 } $rcFileUpdated = $true } # Add in the new string table to the rc file $rcFileContent += $newLinesForRCFile # Resource header file needs to be set only once, with an auto-generation warning, content from the base resource header followed by #define for all the resources if (!$headerFileUpdated) { $headerFileContent = "// This file was auto-generated. Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.`r`n" try { $headerFileContent += (Get-Content $parentDirectory\$baseHeaderFileName -Raw) } catch { echo "Failed to read base header file." exit 0 } $headerFileContent += $newLinesForHeaderFile $headerFileUpdated = $true } } # Write to header file if the content has changed or if the file doesnt exist try { if (!(Test-Path -Path $generatedFilesFolder\$generatedHeaderFileName) -or (($headerFileContent + "`r`n") -ne (Get-Content $generatedFilesFolder\$generatedHeaderFileName -Raw))) { Set-Content -Path $generatedFilesFolder\$generatedHeaderFileName -Value $headerFileContent } else { echo "Skipping write to generated header file" } } catch { echo "Failed to access generated header file." exit 0 } # Write to rc file if the content has changed or if the file doesnt exist try { if (!(Test-Path -Path $generatedFilesFolder\$generatedRCFileName) -or (($rcFileContent + "`r`n") -ne (Get-Content $generatedFilesFolder\$generatedRCFileName -Raw))) { Set-Content -Path $generatedFilesFolder\$generatedRCFileName -Value $rcFileContent -Encoding unicode } else { echo "Skipping write to generated rc file" } } catch { echo "Failed to access generated rc file." exit 0 }