// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation // The Microsoft Corporation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker.Components; using Wox.Plugin; namespace Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker { public class Main : IPlugin, IPluginI18n { private static List _results = new List(); private string IconPath { get; set; } private PluginInitContext Context { get; set; } static Main() { SearchController.Instance.OnSearchResultUpdate += SearchResultUpdated; OpenWindows.Instance.UpdateOpenWindowsList(); } public List Query(Query query) { SearchController.Instance.UpdateSearchText(query.RawQuery).Wait(); OpenWindows.Instance.UpdateOpenWindowsList(); return _results.Select(x => new Result() { Title = x.Result.Title, IcoPath = IconPath, SubTitle = Properties.Resources.wox_plugin_windowwalker_running + ": " + x.Result.ProcessName, Action = c => { x.Result.SwitchToWindow(); return true; }, }).ToList(); } public void Init(PluginInitContext context) { Context = context; Context.API.ThemeChanged += OnThemeChanged; UpdateIconPath(Context.API.GetCurrentTheme()); } // Todo : Update with theme based IconPath private void UpdateIconPath(Theme theme) { if (theme == Theme.Light || theme == Theme.HighContrastWhite) { IconPath = "Images/windowwalker.light.png"; } else { IconPath = "Images/windowwalker.dark.png"; } } private void OnThemeChanged(Theme currentTheme, Theme newTheme) { UpdateIconPath(newTheme); } public string GetTranslatedPluginTitle() { return Properties.Resources.wox_plugin_windowwalker_plugin_name; } public string GetTranslatedPluginDescription() { return Properties.Resources.wox_plugin_windowwalker_plugin_description; } private static void SearchResultUpdated(object sender, SearchController.SearchResultUpdateEventArgs e) { _results = SearchController.Instance.SearchMatches; } } }