#pragma once #include "Zone.h" namespace FancyZonesDataTypes { enum class ZoneSetLayoutType; } /** * Class representing single zone layout. ZoneSet is responsible for actual calculation of rectangle coordinates * (whether is grid or canvas layout) and moving windows through them. */ interface __declspec(uuid("{E4839EB7-669D-49CF-84A9-71A2DFD851A3}")) IZoneSet : public IUnknown { /** * @returns Unique identifier of zone layout. */ IFACEMETHOD_(GUID, Id)() const = 0; /** * @returns Type of the zone layout. Layout type can be focus, columns, rows, grid, priority grid or custom. */ IFACEMETHOD_(FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetLayoutType, LayoutType)() const = 0; /** * Add zone to the zone layout. * * @param zone Zone object (defining coordinates of the zone). */ IFACEMETHOD(AddZone)(winrt::com_ptr zone) = 0; /** * Get zones from cursor coordinates. * * @param pt Cursor coordinates. * @returns Vector of indices, corresponding to the current set of zones - the zones considered active. */ IFACEMETHOD_(std::vector, ZonesFromPoint)(POINT pt) const = 0; /** * Get index set of the zones to which the window was assigned. * * @param window Handle of the window. * @returns A vector of size_t, 0-based index set. */ IFACEMETHOD_(std::vector, GetZoneIndexSetFromWindow) (HWND window) const = 0; /** * @returns Array of zone objects (defining coordinates of the zone) inside this zone layout. */ IFACEMETHOD_(std::vector>, GetZones)() const = 0; /** * Assign window to the zone based on zone index inside zone layout. * * @param window Handle of window which should be assigned to zone. * @param workAreaWindow The m_window of a ZoneWindow, it's a hidden window representing the * current monitor desktop work area. * @param index Zone index within zone layout. */ IFACEMETHOD_(void, MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndex) (HWND window, HWND workAreaWindow, size_t index) = 0; /** * Assign window to the zones based on the set of zone indices inside zone layout. * * @param window Handle of window which should be assigned to zone. * @param workAreaWindow The m_window of a ZoneWindow, it's a hidden window representing the * current monitor desktop work area. * @param indexSet The set of zone indices within zone layout. */ IFACEMETHOD_(void, MoveWindowIntoZoneByIndexSet) (HWND window, HWND workAreaWindow, const std::vector& indexSet) = 0; /** * Assign window to the zone based on direction (using WIN + LEFT/RIGHT arrow), based on zone index numbers, * not their on-screen position. * * @param window Handle of window which should be assigned to zone. * @param workAreaWindow The m_window of a ZoneWindow, it's a hidden window representing the * current monitor desktop work area. * @param vkCode Pressed arrow key. * @param cycle Whether we should move window to the first zone if we reached last zone in layout. * * @returns Boolean which is always true if cycle argument is set, otherwise indicating if there is more * zones left in the zone layout in which window can move. */ IFACEMETHOD_(bool, MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirectionAndIndex) (HWND window, HWND workAreaWindow, DWORD vkCode, bool cycle) = 0; /** * Assign window to the zone based on direction (using WIN + LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN arrow), based on * their on-screen position. * * @param window Handle of window which should be assigned to zone. * @param workAreaWindow The m_window of a ZoneWindow, it's a hidden window representing the * current monitor desktop work area. * @param vkCode Pressed arrow key. * @param cycle Whether we should move window to the first zone if we reached last zone in layout. * * @returns Boolean which is always true if cycle argument is set, otherwise indicating if there is more * zones left in the zone layout in which window can move. */ IFACEMETHOD_(bool, MoveWindowIntoZoneByDirectionAndPosition) (HWND window, HWND workAreaWindow, DWORD vkCode, bool cycle) = 0; /** * Extend or shrink the window to an adjacent zone based on direction (using CTRL+WIN+ALT + LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN arrow), based on * their on-screen position. * * @param window Handle of window which should be assigned to zone. * @param workAreaWindow The m_window of a ZoneWindow, it's a hidden window representing the * current monitor desktop work area. * @param vkCode Pressed arrow key. * * @returns Boolean indicating whether the window was rezoned. False could be returned when there are no more * zones available in the given direction. */ IFACEMETHOD_(bool, ExtendWindowByDirectionAndPosition) (HWND window, HWND workAreaWindow, DWORD vkCode) = 0; /** * Assign window to the zone based on cursor coordinates. * * @param window Handle of window which should be assigned to zone. * @param workAreaWindow The m_window of a ZoneWindow, it's a hidden window representing the * current monitor desktop work area. * @param pt Cursor coordinates. */ IFACEMETHOD_(void, MoveWindowIntoZoneByPoint) (HWND window, HWND workAreaWindow, POINT ptClient) = 0; /** * Calculate zone coordinates within zone layout based on number of zones and spacing. * * @param workAreaRect The rectangular area on the screen on which the zone layout is applied. * @param zoneCount Number of zones inside zone layout. * @param spacing Spacing between zones in pixels. * * @returns Boolean indicating if calculation was successful. */ IFACEMETHOD_(bool, CalculateZones)(RECT workAreaRect, int zoneCount, int spacing) = 0; /** * Check if the zone with the specified index is empty. Returns true if the zone with passed zoneIndex does not exist. * * @param zoneIndex The index of of the zone within this zone set. * * @returns Boolean indicating whether the zone is empty. */ IFACEMETHOD_(bool, IsZoneEmpty)(int zoneIndex) const = 0; /** * Returns all zones spanned by the minimum bounding rectangle containing the two given zone index sets. * * @param initialZones The indices of the first chosen zone (the anchor). * @param finalZones The indices of the last chosen zone (the current window position). * * @returns A vector indicating describing the chosen zone index set. */ IFACEMETHOD_(std::vector, GetCombinedZoneRange)(const std::vector& initialZones, const std::vector& finalZones) const = 0; }; struct ZoneSetConfig { ZoneSetConfig( GUID id, FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetLayoutType layoutType, HMONITOR monitor, int sensitivityRadius) noexcept : Id(id), LayoutType(layoutType), Monitor(monitor), SensitivityRadius(sensitivityRadius) { } GUID Id{}; FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetLayoutType LayoutType{}; HMONITOR Monitor{}; int SensitivityRadius; }; winrt::com_ptr MakeZoneSet(ZoneSetConfig const& config) noexcept;