// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation // The Microsoft Corporation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Abstractions; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading.Tasks; using global::PowerToys.GPOWrapper; using ManagedCommon; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Library; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Library.Helpers; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Library.Interfaces; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Library.Utilities; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Library.ViewModels.Commands; namespace Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.ViewModels { public class GeneralViewModel : Observable { private GeneralSettings GeneralSettingsConfig { get; set; } private UpdatingSettings UpdatingSettingsConfig { get; set; } public ButtonClickCommand CheckForUpdatesEventHandler { get; set; } public object ResourceLoader { get; set; } private Action HideBackupAndRestoreMessageAreaAction { get; set; } private Action DoBackupAndRestoreDryRun { get; set; } public ButtonClickCommand BackupConfigsEventHandler { get; set; } public ButtonClickCommand RestoreConfigsEventHandler { get; set; } public ButtonClickCommand RefreshBackupStatusEventHandler { get; set; } public ButtonClickCommand SelectSettingBackupDirEventHandler { get; set; } public ButtonClickCommand RestartElevatedButtonEventHandler { get; set; } public ButtonClickCommand UpdateNowButtonEventHandler { get; set; } public Func UpdateUIThemeCallBack { get; } public Func SendConfigMSG { get; } public Func SendRestartAsAdminConfigMSG { get; } public Func SendCheckForUpdatesConfigMSG { get; } public string RunningAsUserDefaultText { get; set; } public string RunningAsAdminDefaultText { get; set; } private string _settingsConfigFileFolder = string.Empty; private IFileSystemWatcher _fileWatcher; private Func> PickSingleFolderDialog { get; } private SettingsBackupAndRestoreUtils settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils = SettingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.Instance; public GeneralViewModel(ISettingsRepository settingsRepository, string runAsAdminText, string runAsUserText, bool isElevated, bool isAdmin, Func updateTheme, Func ipcMSGCallBackFunc, Func ipcMSGRestartAsAdminMSGCallBackFunc, Func ipcMSGCheckForUpdatesCallBackFunc, string configFileSubfolder = "", Action dispatcherAction = null, Action hideBackupAndRestoreMessageAreaAction = null, Action doBackupAndRestoreDryRun = null, Func> pickSingleFolderDialog = null, object resourceLoader = null) { CheckForUpdatesEventHandler = new ButtonClickCommand(CheckForUpdatesClick); RestartElevatedButtonEventHandler = new ButtonClickCommand(RestartElevated); UpdateNowButtonEventHandler = new ButtonClickCommand(UpdateNowClick); BackupConfigsEventHandler = new ButtonClickCommand(BackupConfigsClick); SelectSettingBackupDirEventHandler = new ButtonClickCommand(SelectSettingBackupDir); RestoreConfigsEventHandler = new ButtonClickCommand(RestoreConfigsClick); RefreshBackupStatusEventHandler = new ButtonClickCommand(RefreshBackupStatusEventHandlerClick); HideBackupAndRestoreMessageAreaAction = hideBackupAndRestoreMessageAreaAction; DoBackupAndRestoreDryRun = doBackupAndRestoreDryRun; PickSingleFolderDialog = pickSingleFolderDialog; ResourceLoader = resourceLoader; // To obtain the general settings configuration of PowerToys if it exists, else to create a new file and return the default configurations. if (settingsRepository == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settingsRepository)); } GeneralSettingsConfig = settingsRepository.SettingsConfig; UpdatingSettingsConfig = UpdatingSettings.LoadSettings(); if (UpdatingSettingsConfig == null) { UpdatingSettingsConfig = new UpdatingSettings(); } // set the callback functions value to hangle outgoing IPC message. SendConfigMSG = ipcMSGCallBackFunc; SendCheckForUpdatesConfigMSG = ipcMSGCheckForUpdatesCallBackFunc; SendRestartAsAdminConfigMSG = ipcMSGRestartAsAdminMSGCallBackFunc; // set the callback function value to update the UI theme. UpdateUIThemeCallBack = updateTheme; UpdateUIThemeCallBack(GeneralSettingsConfig.Theme); // Update Settings file folder: _settingsConfigFileFolder = configFileSubfolder; // Using Invariant here as these are internal strings and the analyzer // expects strings to be normalized to uppercase. While the theme names // are represented in lowercase everywhere else, we'll use uppercase // normalization for switch statements switch (GeneralSettingsConfig.Theme.ToUpperInvariant()) { case "DARK": _themeIndex = 0; break; case "LIGHT": _themeIndex = 1; break; case "SYSTEM": _themeIndex = 2; break; } _startup = GeneralSettingsConfig.Startup; _autoDownloadUpdates = GeneralSettingsConfig.AutoDownloadUpdates; _enableExperimentation = GeneralSettingsConfig.EnableExperimentation; _isElevated = isElevated; _runElevated = GeneralSettingsConfig.RunElevated; RunningAsUserDefaultText = runAsUserText; RunningAsAdminDefaultText = runAsAdminText; _isAdmin = isAdmin; _updatingState = UpdatingSettingsConfig.State; _newAvailableVersion = UpdatingSettingsConfig.NewVersion; _newAvailableVersionLink = UpdatingSettingsConfig.ReleasePageLink; _updateCheckedDate = UpdatingSettingsConfig.LastCheckedDateLocalized; _experimentationIsGpoDisallowed = GPOWrapper.GetAllowExperimentationValue() == GpoRuleConfigured.Disabled; _autoDownloadUpdatesIsGpoDisabled = GPOWrapper.GetDisableAutomaticUpdateDownloadValue() == GpoRuleConfigured.Enabled; if (dispatcherAction != null) { _fileWatcher = Helper.GetFileWatcher(string.Empty, UpdatingSettings.SettingsFile, dispatcherAction); } } private bool _startup; private bool _isElevated; private bool _runElevated; private bool _isAdmin; private int _themeIndex; private bool _autoDownloadUpdates; private bool _autoDownloadUpdatesIsGpoDisabled; private bool _enableExperimentation; private bool _experimentationIsGpoDisallowed; private UpdatingSettings.UpdatingState _updatingState = UpdatingSettings.UpdatingState.UpToDate; private string _newAvailableVersion = string.Empty; private string _newAvailableVersionLink = string.Empty; private string _updateCheckedDate = string.Empty; private bool _isNewVersionDownloading; private bool _isNewVersionChecked; private bool _isNoNetwork; private bool _settingsBackupRestoreMessageVisible; private string _settingsBackupMessage; private string _backupRestoreMessageSeverity; // Gets or sets a value indicating whether run powertoys on start-up. public bool Startup { get { return _startup; } set { if (_startup != value) { _startup = value; GeneralSettingsConfig.Startup = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public string RunningAsText { get { if (!IsElevated) { return RunningAsUserDefaultText; } else { return RunningAsAdminDefaultText; } } set { OnPropertyChanged("RunningAsAdminText"); } } // Gets or sets a value indicating whether the powertoy elevated. public bool IsElevated { get { return _isElevated; } set { if (_isElevated != value) { _isElevated = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IsElevated)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IsAdminButtonEnabled)); OnPropertyChanged("RunningAsAdminText"); } } } public bool IsAdminButtonEnabled { get { return !IsElevated; } set { OnPropertyChanged(nameof(IsAdminButtonEnabled)); } } // Gets or sets a value indicating whether powertoys should run elevated. public bool RunElevated { get { return _runElevated; } set { if (_runElevated != value) { _runElevated = value; GeneralSettingsConfig.RunElevated = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } // Gets a value indicating whether the user is part of administrators group. public bool IsAdmin { get { return _isAdmin; } } // Are we running a dev build? (Please note that we verify this in the code that gets the newest version from GitHub too.) public static bool AutoUpdatesDisabledOnDevBuild { get { return Helper.GetProductVersion() == "v0.0.1"; } } public bool AutoDownloadUpdates { get { return _autoDownloadUpdates && !_autoDownloadUpdatesIsGpoDisabled; } set { if (_autoDownloadUpdates != value) { _autoDownloadUpdates = value; GeneralSettingsConfig.AutoDownloadUpdates = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public bool IsAutoDownloadUpdatesCardEnabled { get => !AutoUpdatesDisabledOnDevBuild && !_autoDownloadUpdatesIsGpoDisabled; } // The settings card is hidden for users who are not a member of the Administrators group and in this case the GPO info should be hidden too. // We hide it, because we don't want a normal user to enable the setting. He can't install the updates. public bool ShowAutoDownloadUpdatesGpoInformation { get => _isAdmin && _autoDownloadUpdatesIsGpoDisabled; } public bool EnableExperimentation { get { return _enableExperimentation && !_experimentationIsGpoDisallowed; } set { if (_enableExperimentation != value) { _enableExperimentation = value; GeneralSettingsConfig.EnableExperimentation = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public bool IsExperimentationGpoDisallowed { get => _experimentationIsGpoDisallowed; } public string SettingsBackupAndRestoreDir { get { return settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir(); } set { if (settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir() != value) { SettingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.SetRegSettingsBackupAndRestoreItem("SettingsBackupAndRestoreDir", value); NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public int ThemeIndex { get { return _themeIndex; } set { if (_themeIndex != value) { switch (value) { case 0: GeneralSettingsConfig.Theme = "dark"; break; case 1: GeneralSettingsConfig.Theme = "light"; break; case 2: GeneralSettingsConfig.Theme = "system"; break; } _themeIndex = value; try { UpdateUIThemeCallBack(GeneralSettingsConfig.Theme); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError("Exception encountered when changing Settings theme", e); } NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public string PowerToysVersion { get { return Helper.GetProductVersion(); } } public string UpdateCheckedDate { get { RequestUpdateCheckedDate(); return _updateCheckedDate; } set { if (_updateCheckedDate != value) { _updateCheckedDate = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public string LastSettingsBackupDate { get { try { var manifest = settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.GetLatestSettingsBackupManifest(); if (manifest != null) { if (manifest["CreateDateTime"] != null) { if (DateTime.TryParse(manifest["CreateDateTime"].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out var theDateTime)) { return theDateTime.ToString("G", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } else { Logger.LogError("Failed to parse time from backup"); return GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_FailedToParseTime"); } } else { return GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_UnknownBackupTime"); } } else { return GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NoBackupFound"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError("Error getting LastSettingsBackupDate", e); return GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_UnknownBackupTime"); } } } public string CurrentSettingMatchText { get { try { var results = settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.GetLastBackupSettingsResults(); var resultText = string.Empty; if (!results.LastRan.HasValue) { // not ran since started. return GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_CurrentSettingsNoChecked"); // "Current Settings Unknown"; } else { if (results.Success) { if (results.LastBackupExists) { // if true, it means a backup would have been made resultText = GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_CurrentSettingsDiffer"); // "Current Settings Differ"; } else { // would have done the backup, but there also was not an existing one there. resultText = GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NoBackupFound"); } } else { if (results.HadError) { // if false and error we don't really know resultText = GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_CurrentSettingsUnknown"); // "Current Settings Unknown"; } else { // if false, it means a backup would not have been needed/made resultText = GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_CurrentSettingsMatch"); // "Current Settings Match"; } } return $"{resultText} {GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_CurrentSettingsStatusAt")} {results.LastRan.Value.ToLocalTime().ToString("G", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)}"; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError("Error getting CurrentSettingMatchText", e); return string.Empty; } } } public string LastSettingsBackupSource { get { try { var manifest = settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.GetLatestSettingsBackupManifest(); if (manifest != null) { if (manifest["BackupSource"] != null) { if (manifest["BackupSource"].ToString().Equals(Environment.MachineName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_ThisMachine"); } else { return manifest["BackupSource"].ToString(); } } else { return GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_UnknownBackupSource"); } } else { return GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NoBackupFound"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError("Error getting LastSettingsBackupSource", e); return GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_UnknownBackupSource"); } } } public string LastSettingsBackupFileName { get { try { var fileName = settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.GetLatestBackupFileName(); return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) ? fileName : GetResourceString("General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NoBackupFound"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError("Error getting LastSettingsBackupFileName", e); return string.Empty; } } } public UpdatingSettings.UpdatingState PowerToysUpdatingState { get { return _updatingState; } private set { if (value != _updatingState) { _updatingState = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public string PowerToysNewAvailableVersion { get { return _newAvailableVersion; } private set { if (value != _newAvailableVersion) { _newAvailableVersion = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public string PowerToysNewAvailableVersionLink { get { return _newAvailableVersionLink; } private set { if (value != _newAvailableVersionLink) { _newAvailableVersionLink = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public bool IsNewVersionDownloading { get { return _isNewVersionDownloading; } set { if (value != _isNewVersionDownloading) { _isNewVersionDownloading = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); } } } public bool IsNewVersionCheckedAndUpToDate { get { return _isNewVersionChecked; } } public bool IsNoNetwork { get { return _isNoNetwork; } } public bool SettingsBackupRestoreMessageVisible { get { return _settingsBackupRestoreMessageVisible; } } public string BackupRestoreMessageSeverity { get { return _backupRestoreMessageSeverity; } } public string SettingsBackupMessage { get { return _settingsBackupMessage; } } public bool IsDownloadAllowed { get { return !AutoUpdatesDisabledOnDevBuild && !IsNewVersionDownloading; } } public bool IsUpdatePanelVisible { get { return PowerToysUpdatingState == UpdatingSettings.UpdatingState.UpToDate || PowerToysUpdatingState == UpdatingSettings.UpdatingState.NetworkError; } } public void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null, bool reDoBackupDryRun = true) { // Notify UI of property change OnPropertyChanged(propertyName); OutGoingGeneralSettings outsettings = new OutGoingGeneralSettings(GeneralSettingsConfig); SendConfigMSG(outsettings.ToString()); if (reDoBackupDryRun && DoBackupAndRestoreDryRun != null) { DoBackupAndRestoreDryRun(500); } } /// /// Method SelectSettingBackupDir opens folder browser to select a backup and retore location. /// private async void SelectSettingBackupDir() { var currentDir = settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir(); var newPath = await PickSingleFolderDialog(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPath)) { SettingsBackupAndRestoreDir = newPath; NotifyAllBackupAndRestoreProperties(); } } private void RefreshBackupStatusEventHandlerClick() { DoBackupAndRestoreDryRun(0); } /// /// Method RestoreConfigsClick starts the restore. /// private void RestoreConfigsClick() { string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir = settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir)) { SelectSettingBackupDir(); } var results = SettingsUtils.RestoreSettings(); _backupRestoreMessageSeverity = results.Severity; if (!results.Success) { _settingsBackupRestoreMessageVisible = true; _settingsBackupMessage = GetResourceString(results.Message); NotifyAllBackupAndRestoreProperties(); HideBackupAndRestoreMessageAreaAction(); } else { // make sure not to do NotifyPropertyChanged here, else it will persist the configs from memory and // undo the settings restore. SettingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.SetRegSettingsBackupAndRestoreItem("LastSettingsRestoreDate", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("u", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Restart(); } } /// /// Method BackupConfigsClick starts the backup. /// private void BackupConfigsClick() { string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir = settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir)) { SelectSettingBackupDir(); } var results = SettingsUtils.BackupSettings(); _settingsBackupRestoreMessageVisible = true; _backupRestoreMessageSeverity = results.Severity; _settingsBackupMessage = GetResourceString(results.Message) + results.OptionalMessage; // now we do a dry run to get the results for "setting match" var settingsUtils = new SettingsUtils(); var appBasePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(settingsUtils.GetSettingsFilePath()); settingsBackupAndRestoreUtils.BackupSettings(appBasePath, settingsBackupAndRestoreDir, true); NotifyAllBackupAndRestoreProperties(); HideBackupAndRestoreMessageAreaAction(); } public void NotifyAllBackupAndRestoreProperties() { NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(LastSettingsBackupDate), false); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(LastSettingsBackupSource), false); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(LastSettingsBackupFileName), false); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(CurrentSettingMatchText), false); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(SettingsBackupMessage), false); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(BackupRestoreMessageSeverity), false); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(SettingsBackupRestoreMessageVisible), false); } // callback function to launch the URL to check for updates. private void CheckForUpdatesClick() { GeneralSettingsConfig.CustomActionName = "check_for_updates"; OutGoingGeneralSettings outsettings = new OutGoingGeneralSettings(GeneralSettingsConfig); GeneralSettingsCustomAction customaction = new GeneralSettingsCustomAction(outsettings); SendCheckForUpdatesConfigMSG(customaction.ToString()); } private void UpdateNowClick() { IsNewVersionDownloading = string.IsNullOrEmpty(UpdatingSettingsConfig.DownloadedInstallerFilename); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(IsDownloadAllowed)); Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Helper.GetPowerToysInstallationFolder() + "\\PowerToys.exe") { Arguments = "powertoys://update_now/" }); } /// /// Class GetResourceString gets a localized text. /// /// /// To do: see if there is a betting way to do this, there should be. It does allow us to return missing localization in a way that makes it obvious they were missed. /// public string GetResourceString(string resource) { if (ResourceLoader != null) { var type = ResourceLoader.GetType(); MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod("GetString"); object classInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(type, null); object[] parametersArray = new object[] { resource }; var result = (string)methodInfo.Invoke(ResourceLoader, parametersArray); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { return resource.ToUpperInvariant() + "!!!"; } else { return result; } } else { return resource; } } public void RequestUpdateCheckedDate() { GeneralSettingsConfig.CustomActionName = "request_update_state_date"; OutGoingGeneralSettings outsettings = new OutGoingGeneralSettings(GeneralSettingsConfig); GeneralSettingsCustomAction customaction = new GeneralSettingsCustomAction(outsettings); SendCheckForUpdatesConfigMSG(customaction.ToString()); } public void RestartElevated() { GeneralSettingsConfig.CustomActionName = "restart_elevation"; OutGoingGeneralSettings outsettings = new OutGoingGeneralSettings(GeneralSettingsConfig); GeneralSettingsCustomAction customaction = new GeneralSettingsCustomAction(outsettings); SendRestartAsAdminConfigMSG(customaction.ToString()); } /// /// Class Restart begin a restart and signal we want to maintain elevation /// /// /// Other restarts either raised or lowered elevation /// public void Restart() { GeneralSettingsConfig.CustomActionName = "restart_maintain_elevation"; OutGoingGeneralSettings outsettings = new OutGoingGeneralSettings(GeneralSettingsConfig); GeneralSettingsCustomAction customaction = new GeneralSettingsCustomAction(outsettings); var dataToSend = customaction.ToString(); dataToSend = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { action = new { general = new { action_name = "restart_maintain_elevation" } } }); SendRestartAsAdminConfigMSG(dataToSend); } /// /// Class HideBackupAndRestoreMessageArea hides the backup/restore message area /// /// /// We want to have it go away after a short period. /// public void HideBackupAndRestoreMessageArea() { _settingsBackupRestoreMessageVisible = false; NotifyAllBackupAndRestoreProperties(); } public void RefreshUpdatingState() { object oLock = new object(); lock (oLock) { var config = UpdatingSettings.LoadSettings(); // Retry loading if failed for (int i = 0; i < 3 && config == null; i++) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); config = UpdatingSettings.LoadSettings(); } if (config == null) { return; } UpdatingSettingsConfig = config; if (PowerToysUpdatingState != config.State) { IsNewVersionDownloading = false; } else { bool dateChanged = UpdateCheckedDate == UpdatingSettingsConfig.LastCheckedDateLocalized; bool fileDownloaded = string.IsNullOrEmpty(UpdatingSettingsConfig.DownloadedInstallerFilename); IsNewVersionDownloading = !(dateChanged || fileDownloaded); } PowerToysUpdatingState = UpdatingSettingsConfig.State; PowerToysNewAvailableVersion = UpdatingSettingsConfig.NewVersion; PowerToysNewAvailableVersionLink = UpdatingSettingsConfig.ReleasePageLink; UpdateCheckedDate = UpdatingSettingsConfig.LastCheckedDateLocalized; _isNoNetwork = PowerToysUpdatingState == UpdatingSettings.UpdatingState.NetworkError; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(IsNoNetwork)); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(IsNewVersionDownloading)); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(IsUpdatePanelVisible)); _isNewVersionChecked = PowerToysUpdatingState == UpdatingSettings.UpdatingState.UpToDate && !IsNewVersionDownloading; NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(IsNewVersionCheckedAndUpToDate)); NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(IsDownloadAllowed)); } } } }