using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Wox.Infrastructure; using System.Reflection; using Wox.Plugin.Everything.Everything; namespace Wox.Plugin.Everything { public class Main : IPlugin { PluginInitContext context; EverythingAPI api = new EverythingAPI(); private static List imageExts = new List() { ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".ico" }; private static List executableExts = new List() { ".exe" }; public List Query(Query query) { var results = new List(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Search)) { var keyword = query.Search; if (ContextMenuStorage.Instance.MaxSearchCount <= 0) { ContextMenuStorage.Instance.MaxSearchCount = 100; ContextMenuStorage.Instance.Save(); } try { var searchList = api.Search(keyword, maxCount: ContextMenuStorage.Instance.MaxSearchCount).ToList(); var fuzzyMather = FuzzyMatcher.Create(keyword); searchList.Sort( (x, y) => fuzzyMather.Evaluate(Path.GetFileName(y.FullPath)).Score - fuzzyMather.Evaluate(Path.GetFileName(x.FullPath)).Score); foreach (var s in searchList) { var path = s.FullPath; Result r = new Result(); r.Title = Path.GetFileName(path); r.SubTitle = path; r.IcoPath = GetIconPath(s); r.Action = (c) => { context.API.HideApp(); context.API.ShellRun(path); return true; }; r.ContextMenu = GetContextMenu(s); results.Add(r); } } catch (IPCErrorException) { StartEverything(); results.Add(new Result() { Title = "Everything is not running, we already run it for you now. Try search again", IcoPath = "Images\\warning.png" }); } catch (Exception e) { results.Add(new Result() { Title = "Everything plugin has an error (enter to copy error message)", SubTitle = e.Message, Action = _ => { System.Windows.Clipboard.SetText(e.Message + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace); context.API.ShowMsg("Copied", "Error message has copied to your clipboard", string.Empty); return false; }, IcoPath = "Images\\error.png" }); } } api.Reset(); return results; } private string GetIconPath(SearchResult s) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(s.FullPath); if (s.Type == ResultType.Folder) { return "Images\\folder.png"; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext)) { if (imageExts.Contains(ext.ToLower())) { return "Images\\image.png"; } else if (executableExts.Contains(ext.ToLower())) { return s.FullPath; } } return "Images\\file.png"; } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32.dll")] private static extern int LoadLibrary(string name); private List GetContextMenu(SearchResult record) { List contextMenus = new List(); if (record.Type == ResultType.File) { foreach (ContextMenu contextMenu in ContextMenuStorage.Instance.ContextMenus) { contextMenus.Add(new Result() { Title = contextMenu.Name, Action = _ => { string argument = contextMenu.Argument.Replace("{path}", record.FullPath); try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(contextMenu.Command, argument); } catch { context.API.ShowMsg("Can't start " + record.FullPath, string.Empty, string.Empty); return false; } return true; }, IcoPath = contextMenu.ImagePath }); } } return contextMenus; } public void Init(PluginInitContext context) { this.context = context; LoadLibrary(Path.Combine( Path.Combine(context.CurrentPluginMetadata.PluginDirectory, (IntPtr.Size == 4) ? "x86" : "x64"), "Everything.dll" )); StartEverything(); } private void StartEverything() { if (!CheckEverythingIsRunning()) { Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.Verb = "runas"; p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; p.StartInfo.FileName = GetEverythingPath(); p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; p.Start(); } } private bool CheckEverythingIsRunning() { return Process.GetProcessesByName("Everything").Length > 0; } private string GetEverythingPath() { string everythingFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "PortableEverything"); return Path.Combine(everythingFolder, "Everything.exe"); } } }