using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; using WinAlfred.Commands; using WinAlfred.Helper; using WinAlfred.Plugin; using WinAlfred.PluginLoader; using KeyEventArgs = System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs; using MessageBox = System.Windows.MessageBox; namespace WinAlfred { public partial class MainWindow { private KeyboardHook hook = new KeyboardHook(); private NotifyIcon notifyIcon; private Command cmdDispatcher; Storyboard progressBarStoryboard = new Storyboard(); private bool queryHasReturn = false; SelectedRecords selectedRecords = new SelectedRecords(); public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); hook.KeyPressed += OnHotKey; hook.RegisterHotKey(XModifierKeys.Alt, Keys.Space); resultCtrl.resultItemChangedEvent += resultCtrl_resultItemChangedEvent; ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(30, 10); InitProgressbarAnimation(); } private void WakeupApp() { //After hide winalfred in the background for a long time. It will become very slow in the next show. //This is caused by the Virtual Mermory Page Mechanisam. So, our solution is execute some codes in every min //which may prevent sysetem uninstall memory from RAM to disk. System.Timers.Timer t = new System.Timers.Timer(1000 * 60 * 3) { AutoReset = true, Enabled = true }; t.Elapsed += (o, e) => Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { if (Visibility != Visibility.Visible) { double oldLeft = Left; Left = 20000; ShowWinAlfred(); cmdDispatcher.DispatchCommand(new Query("qq"),false); HideWinAlfred(); Left = oldLeft; } })); } private void InitProgressbarAnimation() { DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation(progressBar.X2, Width + 100, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1600))); DoubleAnimation da1 = new DoubleAnimation(progressBar.X1, Width, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1600))); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da, new PropertyPath("(Line.X2)")); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da1, new PropertyPath("(Line.X1)")); progressBarStoryboard.Children.Add(da); progressBarStoryboard.Children.Add(da1); progressBarStoryboard.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; progressBar.BeginStoryboard(progressBarStoryboard); } private void InitialTray() { notifyIcon = new NotifyIcon { Text = "WinAlfred", Icon =, Visible = true }; notifyIcon.Click += (o, e) => ShowWinAlfred(); System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem open = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Open"); open.Click += (o, e) => ShowWinAlfred(); System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem exit = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Exit"); exit.Click += (o, e) => CloseApp(); System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] childen = { open, exit }; notifyIcon.ContextMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu(childen); } private void resultCtrl_resultItemChangedEvent() { Height = resultCtrl.pnlContainer.ActualHeight + tbQuery.Height + tbQuery.Margin.Top + tbQuery.Margin.Bottom; resultCtrl.Margin = resultCtrl.GetCurrentResultCount() > 0 ? new Thickness { Bottom = 10, Left = 10, Right = 10 } : new Thickness { Bottom = 0, Left = 10, Right = 10 }; } private void OnHotKey(object sender, KeyPressedEventArgs e) { if (!IsVisible) { ShowWinAlfred(); } else { HideWinAlfred(); } } private void TextBoxBase_OnTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { resultCtrl.Dirty = true; Dispatcher.DelayInvoke("UpdateSearch", o => { Dispatcher.DelayInvoke("ClearResults", i => { // first try to use clear method inside resultCtrl, which is more closer to the add new results // and this will not bring splash issues.After waiting 30ms, if there still no results added, we // must clear the result. otherwise, it will be confused why the query changed, but the results // didn't. if (resultCtrl.Dirty) resultCtrl.Clear(); }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(30), null); var q = new Query(tbQuery.Text); cmdDispatcher.DispatchCommand(q); queryHasReturn = false; if (Plugins.HitThirdpartyKeyword(q)) { Dispatcher.DelayInvoke("ShowProgressbar", originQuery => { if (!queryHasReturn && originQuery == tbQuery.Text) { StartProgress(); } }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), tbQuery.Text); } }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)); } private void StartProgress() { progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } private void StopProgress() { progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } private void HideWinAlfred() { Hide(); } private void ShowWinAlfred() { Show(); Activate(); tbQuery.Focus(); tbQuery.SelectAll(); } public void ParseArgs(string[] args) { if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { switch (args[0]) { case "reloadWorkflows": Plugins.Init(this); break; case "query": if (args.Length > 1) { string query = args[1]; tbQuery.Text = query; tbQuery.SelectAll(); } break; } } } private void SetAutoStart(bool IsAtuoRun) { //string LnkPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup) + "//WinAlfred.lnk"; //if (IsAtuoRun) //{ // WshShell shell = new WshShell(); // IWshShortcut shortcut = (IWshShortcut)shell.CreateShortcut(LnkPath); // shortcut.TargetPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; // shortcut.WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; // shortcut.WindowStyle = 1; //normal window // shortcut.Description = "WinAlfred"; // shortcut.Save(); //} //else //{ // System.IO.File.Delete(LnkPath); //} } private void MainWindow_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Plugins.Init(this); cmdDispatcher = new Command(this); InitialTray(); selectedRecords.LoadSelectedRecords(); SetAutoStart(true); WakeupApp(); //var engine = new Jurassic.ScriptEngine(); //MessageBox.Show(engine.Evaluate("5 * 10 + 2").ToString()); } private void TbQuery_OnPreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.Key) { case Key.Escape: HideWinAlfred(); e.Handled = true; break; case Key.Down: resultCtrl.SelectNext(); e.Handled = true; break; case Key.Up: resultCtrl.SelectPrev(); e.Handled = true; break; case Key.Enter: Result result = resultCtrl.AcceptSelect(); if (result != null) { selectedRecords.AddSelect(result); if (!result.DontHideWinAlfredAfterAction) { HideWinAlfred(); } } e.Handled = true; break; } } public void OnUpdateResultView(List list) { queryHasReturn = true; progressBar.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(StopProgress)); if (list.Count > 0) { list.ForEach(o => { o.Score += selectedRecords.GetSelectedCount(o); }); resultCtrl.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { List l = list.Where(o => o.OriginQuery != null && o.OriginQuery.RawQuery == tbQuery.Text).OrderByDescending(o => o.Score).ToList(); resultCtrl.AddResults(l); })); } } #region Public API //Those method can be invoked by plugins public void ChangeQuery(string query) { tbQuery.Text = query; tbQuery.CaretIndex = tbQuery.Text.Length; } public void CloseApp() { notifyIcon.Visible = false; Environment.Exit(0); } public void HideApp() { HideWinAlfred(); } public void ShowApp() { ShowWinAlfred(); } public void ShowMsg(string title, string subTitle, string iconPath) { Msg m = new Msg { Owner = GetWindow(this) }; m.Show(title, subTitle, iconPath); } #endregion } }