using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using Wox.Infrastructure.Logger; using Wox.Infrastructure.Image; using Wox.Plugin.SharedCommands; namespace Wox.Plugin.Folder { internal class ContextMenuLoader : IContextMenu { private readonly PluginInitContext _context; public ContextMenuLoader(PluginInitContext context) { _context = context; } public List LoadContextMenus(Result selectedResult) { var contextMenus = new List(); if (selectedResult.ContextData is SearchResult record) { if (record.Type == ResultType.File) { contextMenus.Add(CreateOpenWithEditorResult(record)); contextMenus.Add(CreateOpenContainingFolderResult(record)); } var icoPath = (record.Type == ResultType.File) ? Main.FileImagePath : Main.FolderImagePath; var fileOrFolder = (record.Type == ResultType.File) ? "file" : "folder"; contextMenus.Add(new Result { Title = "Copy path", SubTitle = $"Copy the current {fileOrFolder} path to clipboard", Action = (context) => { try { Clipboard.SetText(record.FullPath); return true; } catch (Exception e) { var message = "Fail to set text in clipboard"; LogException(message, e); _context.API.ShowMsg(message); return false; } }, IcoPath = Main.CopyImagePath }); contextMenus.Add(new Result { Title = $"Copy {fileOrFolder}", SubTitle = $"Copy the {fileOrFolder} to clipboard", Action = (context) => { try { Clipboard.SetFileDropList(new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection { record.FullPath }); return true; } catch (Exception e) { var message = $"Fail to set {fileOrFolder} in clipboard"; LogException(message, e); _context.API.ShowMsg(message); return false; } }, IcoPath = icoPath }); if (record.Type == ResultType.File || record.Type == ResultType.Folder) contextMenus.Add(new Result { Title = $"Delete {fileOrFolder}", SubTitle = $"Delete the selected {fileOrFolder}", Action = (context) => { try { if (record.Type == ResultType.File) File.Delete(record.FullPath); else Directory.Delete(record.FullPath); } catch(Exception e) { var message = $"Fail to delete {fileOrFolder} at {record.FullPath}"; LogException(message, e); _context.API.ShowMsg(message); return false; } return true; }, IcoPath = Main.DeleteFileFolderImagePath }); if (record.Type == ResultType.File && CanRunAsDifferentUser(record.FullPath)) contextMenus.Add(new Result { Title = "Run as different user", Action = (context) => { try { Task.Run(()=> ShellCommand.RunAsDifferentUser(record.FullPath.SetProcessStartInfo())); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { var name = "Plugin: Folder"; var message = $"File not found: {e.Message}"; _context.API.ShowMsg(name, message); } return true; }, IcoPath = "Images/user.png" }); } return contextMenus; } private Result CreateOpenContainingFolderResult(SearchResult record) { return new Result { Title = "Open containing folder", Action = _ => { try { Process.Start("explorer.exe", $" /select,\"{record.FullPath}\""); } catch(Exception e) { var message = $"Fail to open file at {record.FullPath}"; LogException(message, e); _context.API.ShowMsg(message); return false; } return true; }, IcoPath = Main.FolderImagePath }; } private Result CreateOpenWithEditorResult(SearchResult record) { string editorPath = "notepad.exe"; // TODO add the ability to create a custom editor var name = "Open With Editor: " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(editorPath); return new Result { Title = name, Action = _ => { try { Process.Start(editorPath, record.FullPath); return true; } catch (Exception e) { var message = $"Fail to editor for file at {record.FullPath}"; LogException(message, e); _context.API.ShowMsg(message); return false; } }, IcoPath = editorPath }; } public void LogException(string message, Exception e) { Log.Exception($"|Wox.Plugin.Folder.ContextMenu|{message}", e); } private bool CanRunAsDifferentUser(string path) { switch(Path.GetExtension(path)) { case ".exe": case ".bat": return true; default: return false; } } } public class SearchResult { public string FullPath { get; set; } public ResultType Type { get; set; } } public enum ResultType { Volume, Folder, File } }