using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using PropertyChanged; using Wox.Core.Plugin; using Wox.Core.Resource; using Wox.Core.UserSettings; using Wox.Helper; using Wox.Infrastructure.Storage; using Wox.Plugin; using static System.String; namespace Wox.ViewModel { [ImplementPropertyChanged] public class SettingWindowViewModel { public Settings Settings { get; set; } private readonly JsonStrorage _storage; #region general public List Languages => _translater.LoadAvailableLanguages(); private Internationalization _translater => InternationalizationManager.Instance; public IEnumerable MaxResultsRange => Enumerable.Range(2, 16); #endregion #region plugin public static string Plugin => ""; public PluginViewModel SelectedPlugin { get; set; } public IList PluginViewModels { get { var plugins = PluginManager.AllPlugins; var settings = Settings.PluginSettings.Plugins; plugins.Sort((a, b) => { var d1 = settings[a.Metadata.ID].Disabled; var d2 = settings[b.Metadata.ID].Disabled; if (d1 == d2) { return Compare(a.Metadata.Name, b.Metadata.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCulture); } else { return d1.CompareTo(d2); } }); var metadatas = plugins.Select(p => new PluginViewModel { PluginPair = p, Metadata = p.Metadata, Plugin = p.Plugin }).ToList(); return metadatas; } } public Control SettingProvider { get { var settingProvider = SelectedPlugin.Plugin as ISettingProvider; if (settingProvider != null) { var multipleActionKeywordsProvider = settingProvider as IMultipleActionKeywords; if (multipleActionKeywordsProvider != null) { multipleActionKeywordsProvider.ActionKeywordsChanged += (o, e) => { // update in-memory data PluginManager.UpdateActionKeywordForPlugin(SelectedPlugin.PluginPair, e.OldActionKeyword, e.NewActionKeyword); // update persistant data Settings.PluginSettings.UpdateActionKeyword(SelectedPlugin.Metadata); MessageBox.Show(_translater.GetTranslation("succeed")); }; } var control = settingProvider.CreateSettingPanel(); control.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; control.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch; return control; } else { return new Control(); } } } #endregion #region theme public static string Theme => @""; public string SelectedTheme { get { return Settings.Theme; } set { Settings.Theme = value; ThemeManager.Instance.ChangeTheme(value); } } public List Themes => ThemeManager.Instance.LoadAvailableThemes().Select(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension).ToList(); public Brush PreviewBackground { get { var wallpaper = WallpaperPathRetrieval.GetWallpaperPath(); if (wallpaper != null && File.Exists(wallpaper)) { var memStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(wallpaper)); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.StreamSource = memStream; bitmap.EndInit(); var brush = new ImageBrush(bitmap) { Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill }; return brush; } else { var wallpaperColor = WallpaperPathRetrieval.GetWallpaperColor(); var brush = new SolidColorBrush(wallpaperColor); return brush; } } } public ResultsViewModel PreviewResults { get { const string image = "app.png"; List results = new List { new Result { Title = "WoX is a launcher for Windows that simply works.", SubTitle = "You can call it Windows omni-eXecutor if you want a long name.", IcoPath = image, }, new Result { Title = "Search for everything—applications, folders, files and more.", SubTitle = "Use pinyin to search for programs. (yyy / wangyiyun → 网易云音乐)", IcoPath = image, }, new Result { Title = "Keyword plugin search.", SubTitle = "search google with g search_term.", IcoPath = image, }, new Result { Title = "Build custom themes at: ", SubTitle = Theme, }, new Result { Title = "Install plugins from: ", SubTitle = Plugin, IcoPath = image, }, new Result { Title = $"Open Source: {Infrastructure.Constant.Github}", SubTitle = "Please star it!", IcoPath = image, } }; var vm = new ResultsViewModel(6); vm.AddResults(results, "PREVIEW"); return vm; } } public FontFamily SelectedQueryBoxFont { get { if (Fonts.SystemFontFamilies.Count(o => o.FamilyNames.Values != null && o.FamilyNames.Values.Contains(Settings.QueryBoxFont)) > 0) { var font = new FontFamily(Settings.QueryBoxFont); return font; } else { var font = new FontFamily("Segoe UI"); return font; } } set { Settings.QueryBoxFont = value.ToString(); ThemeManager.Instance.ChangeTheme(Settings.Theme); } } public FamilyTypeface SelectedQueryBoxFontFaces { get { var typeface = SyntaxSugars.CallOrRescueDefault( () => SelectedQueryBoxFont.ConvertFromInvariantStringsOrNormal( Settings.QueryBoxFontStyle, Settings.QueryBoxFontWeight, Settings.QueryBoxFontStretch )); return typeface; } set { Settings.QueryBoxFontStretch = value.Stretch.ToString(); Settings.QueryBoxFontWeight = value.Weight.ToString(); Settings.QueryBoxFontStyle = value.Style.ToString(); ThemeManager.Instance.ChangeTheme(Settings.Theme); } } public FontFamily SelectedResultFont { get { if (Fonts.SystemFontFamilies.Count(o => o.FamilyNames.Values != null && o.FamilyNames.Values.Contains(Settings.ResultFont)) > 0) { var font = new FontFamily(Settings.ResultFont); return font; } else { var font = new FontFamily("Segoe UI"); return font; } } set { Settings.ResultFont = value.ToString(); ThemeManager.Instance.ChangeTheme(Settings.Theme); } } public FamilyTypeface SelectedResultFontFaces { get { var typeface = SyntaxSugars.CallOrRescueDefault( () => SelectedQueryBoxFont.ConvertFromInvariantStringsOrNormal( Settings.ResultFontStyle, Settings.ResultFontWeight, Settings.ResultFontStretch )); return typeface; } set { Settings.ResultFontStretch = value.Stretch.ToString(); Settings.ResultFontWeight = value.Weight.ToString(); Settings.ResultFontStyle = value.Style.ToString(); ThemeManager.Instance.ChangeTheme(Settings.Theme); } } #endregion #region hotkey public CustomPluginHotkey SelectedCustomPluginHotkey { get; set; } #endregion #region about public static string Github => Infrastructure.Constant.Github; public static string ReleaseNotes => @""; public static string Version => Infrastructure.Constant.Version; public string ActivatedTimes => Format(_translater.GetTranslation("about_activate_times"), Settings.ActivateTimes); private string _newVersionTips; public string NewVersionTips { get { return _newVersionTips; } set { _newVersionTips = Format(_translater.GetTranslation("newVersionTips"), value); NewVersionTipsVisibility = Visibility.Visible; } } public Visibility NewVersionTipsVisibility { get; set; } #endregion public SettingWindowViewModel() { _storage = new JsonStrorage(); Settings = _storage.Load(); } //todo happlebao save public void Save() { _storage.Save(); } } }