Failed to register hotkey: {0} Could not start {0} Invalid Wox plugin file format Set as topmost in this query Cancel topmost in this query Execute query: {0} Last execution time: {0} Open Settings About Exit Wox Settings General Start Wox on system startup Hide Wox when focus is lost Do not show new version notifications Remember last launch location Language Maximum results shown Ignore hotkeys in fullscreen mode Python Directory Auto Update Select Hide Wox on startup Plugin Find more plugins Disable Action keywords Plugin Directory Author Init time: {0}ms Query time: {0}ms Theme Browse for more themes Hello Wox Query Box Font Result Item Font Window Mode Opacity Hotkey Wox Hotkey Custom Query Hotkey Delete Edit Add Please select an item Are you sure you want to delete {0} plugin hotkey? Proxy Enable Proxy Server Port User Name Password Test Proxy Save Server field can't be empty Port field can't be empty Invalid port format Proxy configuration saved successfully Proxy configured correctly Proxy connection failed About Website Version You have activated Wox {0} times Check for Updates New version {0} is available, please restart Wox Release Notes: Old Action Keyword New Action Keyword Cancel Done Can't find specified plugin New Action Keyword can't be empty New Action Keywords have been assigned to another plugin, please assign other new action keyword Succeed Use * if you don't want to specify an action keyword Preview Hotkey is unavailable, please select a new hotkey Invalid plugin hotkey Update Hotkey unavailable Version Time Please tell us how application crashed so we can fix it Send Report Cancel General Exceptions Exception Type Source Stack Trace Sending Report sent successfully Failed to send report Wox got an error New Wox release {0} is now available An error occurred while trying to install software updates Update Cancel This upgrade will restart Wox Following files will be updated Update files Update description