#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../logger/logger.h" #include "../utils/winapi_error.h" #include "../version/version.h" namespace registry { namespace detail { struct on_exit { std::function f; on_exit(std::function f) : f{ std::move(f) } {} ~on_exit() { f(); } }; template inline constexpr bool always_false_v = false; template struct overloaded : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; }; template overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded; inline const wchar_t* getScopeName(HKEY scope) { if (scope == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { return L"HKLM"; } else if (scope == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) { return L"HKCU"; } else if (scope == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) { return L"HKCR"; } else { return L"HK??"; } } } struct ValueChange { using value_t = std::variant; static constexpr size_t VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE = 512; HKEY scope{}; std::wstring path; std::optional name; // none == default value_t value; ValueChange(const HKEY scope, std::wstring path, std::optional name, value_t value) : scope{ scope }, path{ std::move(path) }, name{ std::move(name) }, value{ std::move(value) } { } std::wstring toString() const { using namespace detail; std::wstring value_str; std::visit(overloaded{ [&](DWORD value) { std::wostringstream oss; oss << value; value_str = oss.str(); }, [&](const std::wstring& value) { value_str = value; } }, value); return fmt::format(L"{}\\{}\\{}:{}", detail::getScopeName(scope), path, name ? *name : L"Default", value_str); } bool isApplied() const { HKEY key{}; if (auto res = RegOpenKeyExW(scope, path.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &key); res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Logger::info(L"isApplied of {}: RegOpenKeyExW failed: {}", toString(), get_last_error_or_default(res)); return false; } detail::on_exit closeKey{ [key] { RegCloseKey(key); } }; const DWORD expectedType = valueTypeToWinapiType(value); DWORD retrievedType{}; wchar_t buffer[VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD valueSize = sizeof(buffer); if (auto res = RegQueryValueExW(key, name.has_value() ? name->c_str() : nullptr, 0, &retrievedType, reinterpret_cast(&buffer), &valueSize); res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Logger::info(L"isApplied of {}: RegQueryValueExW failed: {}", toString(), get_last_error_or_default(res)); return false; } if (expectedType != retrievedType) { return false; } if (const auto retrievedValue = bufferToValue(buffer, valueSize, retrievedType)) { return value == retrievedValue; } else { return false; } } bool apply() const { HKEY key{}; if (auto res = RegCreateKeyExW(scope, path.c_str(), 0, nullptr, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, nullptr, &key, nullptr); res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Logger::error(L"apply of {}: RegCreateKeyExW failed: {}", toString(), get_last_error_or_default(res)); return false; } detail::on_exit closeKey{ [key] { RegCloseKey(key); } }; wchar_t buffer[VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD valueSize; DWORD valueType; valueToBuffer(value, buffer, valueSize, valueType); if (auto res = RegSetValueExW(key, name.has_value() ? name->c_str() : nullptr, 0, valueType, reinterpret_cast(buffer), valueSize); res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Logger::error(L"apply of {}: RegSetValueExW failed: {}", toString(), get_last_error_or_default(res)); return false; } return true; } bool unApply() const { HKEY key{}; if (auto res = RegOpenKeyExW(scope, path.c_str(), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &key); res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Logger::error(L"unApply of {}: RegOpenKeyExW failed: {}", toString(), get_last_error_or_default(res)); return false; } detail::on_exit closeKey{ [key] { RegCloseKey(key); } }; // delete the value itself if (auto res = RegDeleteKeyValueW(scope, path.c_str(), name.has_value() ? name->c_str() : nullptr); res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Logger::error(L"unApply of {}: RegDeleteKeyValueW failed: {}", toString(), get_last_error_or_default(res)); return false; } // Check if the path doesn't contain anything and delete it if so DWORD nValues = 0; DWORD maxValueLen = 0; const auto ok = RegQueryInfoKeyW( key, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &nValues, nullptr, &maxValueLen, nullptr, nullptr) == ERROR_SUCCESS; if (ok && (!nValues || !maxValueLen)) { RegDeleteTreeW(scope, path.c_str()); } return true; } bool requiresElevation() const { return scope == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } private: static DWORD valueTypeToWinapiType(const value_t& v) { return std::visit( [](auto&& arg) { using T = std::decay_t; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) return REG_DWORD; else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) return REG_SZ; else static_assert(always_false_v, "support for this registry type is not implemented"); }, v); } static void valueToBuffer(const value_t& value, wchar_t buffer[VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE], DWORD& valueSize, DWORD& type) { using detail::overloaded; std::visit(overloaded{ [&](DWORD value) { *reinterpret_cast(buffer) = value; type = REG_DWORD; valueSize = sizeof(value); }, [&](const std::wstring& value) { assert(value.size() < VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE); value.copy(buffer, value.size()); type = REG_SZ; valueSize = static_cast(sizeof(wchar_t) * value.size()); } }, value); } static std::optional bufferToValue(const wchar_t buffer[VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE], const DWORD valueSize, const DWORD type) { switch (type) { case REG_DWORD: return *(DWORD*)buffer; case REG_SZ: { if (!valueSize) { return std::wstring{}; } std::wstring result{ buffer, valueSize / sizeof(wchar_t) }; while (result[result.size() - 1] == L'\0') { result.resize(result.size() - 1); } return result; } default: return std::nullopt; } } }; struct ChangeSet { std::vector changes; bool isApplied() const { for (const auto& c : changes) { if (!c.isApplied()) { return false; } } return true; } bool apply() const { bool ok = true; for (const auto& c : changes) { ok = c.apply() && ok; } return ok; } bool unApply() const { bool ok = true; for (const auto& c : changes) { ok = c.unApply() && ok; } return ok; } }; const inline std::wstring DOTNET_COMPONENT_CATEGORY_CLSID = L"{62C8FE65-4EBB-45E7-B440-6E39B2CDBF29}"; const inline std::wstring ITHUMBNAIL_PROVIDER_CLSID = L"{E357FCCD-A995-4576-B01F-234630154E96}"; const inline std::wstring IPREVIEW_HANDLER_CLSID = L"{8895b1c6-b41f-4c1c-a562-0d564250836f}"; namespace shellex { enum PreviewHandlerType { preview, thumbnail }; inline registry::ChangeSet generatePreviewHandler(const PreviewHandlerType handlerType, const bool perUser, std::wstring handlerClsid, std::wstring powertoysVersion, std::wstring fullPathToHandler, std::wstring handlerCategory, std::wstring className, std::wstring displayName, std::wstring fileType) { const HKEY scope = perUser ? HKEY_CURRENT_USER : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; std::wstring clsidPath = L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID"; clsidPath += L'\\'; clsidPath += handlerClsid; std::wstring inprocServerPath = clsidPath; inprocServerPath += L'\\'; inprocServerPath += L"InprocServer32"; std::wstring implementedCategoriesPath = clsidPath + LR"d(\Implemented Categories\)d"; implementedCategoriesPath += handlerCategory; std::wstring assemblyKeyValue; if (const auto lastDotPos = className.rfind(L'.'); lastDotPos != std::wstring::npos) { assemblyKeyValue = className.substr(lastDotPos + 1); } else { assemblyKeyValue = className; } assemblyKeyValue += L", Version="; assemblyKeyValue += powertoysVersion; assemblyKeyValue += L", Culture=neutral"; std::wstring versionPath = inprocServerPath; versionPath += L'\\'; versionPath += powertoysVersion; std::wstring fileAssociationPath = L"Software\\Classes\\"; fileAssociationPath += fileType; fileAssociationPath += L"\\shellex\\"; fileAssociationPath += handlerType == PreviewHandlerType::preview ? IPREVIEW_HANDLER_CLSID : ITHUMBNAIL_PROVIDER_CLSID; using vec_t = std::vector; // TODO: verify that we actually need all of those vec_t changes = { { scope, clsidPath, L"DisplayName", displayName }, { scope, clsidPath, std::nullopt, className }, { scope, implementedCategoriesPath, std::nullopt, L"" }, { scope, inprocServerPath, std::nullopt, fullPathToHandler }, { scope, inprocServerPath, L"Assembly", assemblyKeyValue }, { scope, inprocServerPath, L"Class", className }, { scope, inprocServerPath, L"ThreadingModel", L"Both" }, { scope, versionPath, L"Assembly", assemblyKeyValue }, { scope, versionPath, L"Class", className }, { scope, fileAssociationPath, std::nullopt, handlerClsid } }; if (handlerType == PreviewHandlerType::preview) { const std::wstring previewHostClsid = L"{6d2b5079-2f0b-48dd-ab7f-97cec514d30b}"; const std::wstring previewHandlerListPath = LR"(Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PreviewHandlers)"; changes.push_back({ scope, clsidPath, L"AppID", previewHostClsid }); changes.push_back({ scope, previewHandlerListPath, handlerClsid, displayName }); } return registry::ChangeSet{ .changes = std::move(changes) }; } } }