## Known problems for 1.3.183: 1. `System.NullReferenceException`: https://github.com/Wox-launcher/Wox/releases/tag/v1.3.357 2. `System.UriFormatException`: delete your old theme file 3. `System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException`: 设置 http 代理 ## English Try search existing issues before you open new one 1. Wox version / commit number: 2. Steps to **reproduce** the bug: 3. Windows version: 4. Exception: 5. **whole** log file (`%APPDATA%\Wox\Logs\version\date.txt`): 6. Screenshot (optional): ## 中文 / Chinese 提问之前搜索一下已经有的 issue 1. Wox 版本 / commit number: 2. 如何**重现** bug: 3. Windows 版本: 4. Exception: 5. **整个** log 文件 (`%APPDATA%\Wox\Logs\version\date.txt`): 6. 截图 (可选):