// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation // The Microsoft Corporation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text.Json; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Helpers; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.ViewModels.Commands; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Views; using Windows.System; using Windows.UI.Popups; using Windows.UI.Xaml; namespace Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.ViewModels { public class GeneralViewModel : Observable { private GeneralSettings GeneralSettingsConfigs { get; set; } public ButtonClickCommand CheckFoUpdatesEventHandler { get; set; } public ButtonClickCommand RestartElevatedButtonEventHandler { get; set; } public GeneralViewModel() { this.CheckFoUpdatesEventHandler = new ButtonClickCommand(CheckForUpdates_Click); this.RestartElevatedButtonEventHandler = new ButtonClickCommand(Restart_Elevated); try { GeneralSettingsConfigs = SettingsUtils.GetSettings(string.Empty); } catch { GeneralSettingsConfigs = new GeneralSettings(); SettingsUtils.SaveSettings(GeneralSettingsConfigs.ToJsonString(), string.Empty); } switch (GeneralSettingsConfigs.Theme.ToLower()) { case "light": _isLightThemeRadioButtonChecked = true; ShellPage.ShellHandler.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Light; break; case "dark": _isDarkThemeRadioButtonChecked = true; ShellPage.ShellHandler.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Dark; break; case "system": _isSystemThemeRadioButtonChecked = true; ShellPage.ShellHandler.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Default; break; } _startup = GeneralSettingsConfigs.Startup; } private bool _packaged = false; private bool _startup = false; private bool _isElevated = false; private bool _runElevated = false; private bool _isDarkThemeRadioButtonChecked = false; private bool _isLightThemeRadioButtonChecked = false; private bool _isSystemThemeRadioButtonChecked = false; // Gets or sets a value indicating whether packaged. public bool Packaged { get { return _packaged; } set { if (_packaged != value) { _packaged = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); } } } // Gets or sets a value indicating whether run powertoys on start-up. public bool Startup { get { return _startup; } set { if (_startup != value) { _startup = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); } } } // Gets or sets a value indicating whether the powertoy elevated. public bool IsElevated { get { return _isElevated; } set { if (_isElevated != value) { _isElevated = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); } } } // Gets or sets a value indicating whether powertoys should run elevated. public bool RunElevated { get { return _runElevated; } set { if (_runElevated != value) { _runElevated = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); } } } public bool IsDarkThemeRadioButtonChecked { get { return _isDarkThemeRadioButtonChecked; } set { if (value == true) { GeneralSettingsConfigs.Theme = "dark"; _isDarkThemeRadioButtonChecked = value; ShellPage.ShellHandler.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Dark; RaisePropertyChanged(); } } } public bool IsLightThemeRadioButtonChecked { get { return _isLightThemeRadioButtonChecked; } set { if (value == true) { GeneralSettingsConfigs.Theme = "light"; _isLightThemeRadioButtonChecked = value; ShellPage.ShellHandler.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Light; RaisePropertyChanged(); } } } public bool IsSystemThemeRadioButtonChecked { get { return _isSystemThemeRadioButtonChecked; } set { if (value == true) { GeneralSettingsConfigs.Theme = "system"; _isSystemThemeRadioButtonChecked = value; ShellPage.ShellHandler.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Default; RaisePropertyChanged(); } } } public void RaisePropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null) { // Notify UI of property change OnPropertyChanged(propertyName); OutGoingGeneralSettings outsettings = new OutGoingGeneralSettings(GeneralSettingsConfigs); ShellPage.DefaultSndMSGCallback(outsettings.ToString()); } // callback function to launch the URL to check for updates. private async void CheckForUpdates_Click() { await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/releases")); } private void Restart_Elevated() { GeneralSettings settings = SettingsUtils.GetSettings(string.Empty); settings.RunElevated = true; OutGoingGeneralSettings outsettings = new OutGoingGeneralSettings(settings); if (ShellPage.DefaultSndMSGCallback != null) { ShellPage.DefaultSndMSGCallback(outsettings.ToString()); } } } }