// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation // The Microsoft Corporation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System; using System.Buffers; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Library.Utilities; namespace Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Library { public class SettingsBackupAndRestoreUtils { private static SettingsBackupAndRestoreUtils instance; private (bool success, string severity, bool lastBackupExists, DateTime? lastRan) lastBackupSettingsResults; private static object backupSettingsInternalLock = new object(); private static object removeOldBackupsLock = new object(); public DateTime LastBackupStartTime { get; set; } private SettingsBackupAndRestoreUtils() { LastBackupStartTime = DateTime.MinValue; } public static SettingsBackupAndRestoreUtils Instance { get { if (instance == null) { instance = new SettingsBackupAndRestoreUtils(); } return instance; } } private class JsonMergeHelper { // mostly from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58694837/system-text-json-merge-two-objects // but with some update to prevent array item duplicates public static string Merge(string originalJson, string newContent) { var outputBuffer = new ArrayBufferWriter(); using (JsonDocument jDoc1 = JsonDocument.Parse(originalJson)) using (JsonDocument jDoc2 = JsonDocument.Parse(newContent)) using (var jsonWriter = new Utf8JsonWriter(outputBuffer, new JsonWriterOptions { Indented = true })) { JsonElement root1 = jDoc1.RootElement; JsonElement root2 = jDoc2.RootElement; if (root1.ValueKind != JsonValueKind.Array && root1.ValueKind != JsonValueKind.Object) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"The original JSON document to merge new content into must be a container type. Instead it is {root1.ValueKind}."); } if (root1.ValueKind != root2.ValueKind) { return originalJson; } if (root1.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Array) { MergeArrays(jsonWriter, root1, root2, false); } else { MergeObjects(jsonWriter, root1, root2); } } return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(outputBuffer.WrittenSpan); } private static void MergeObjects(Utf8JsonWriter jsonWriter, JsonElement root1, JsonElement root2) { jsonWriter.WriteStartObject(); // Write all the properties of the first document. // If a property exists in both documents, either: // * Merge them, if the value kinds match (e.g. both are objects or arrays), // * Completely override the value of the first with the one from the second, if the value kind mismatches (e.g. one is object, while the other is an array or string), // * Or favor the value of the first (regardless of what it may be), if the second one is null (i.e. don't override the first). foreach (JsonProperty property in root1.EnumerateObject()) { string propertyName = property.Name; JsonValueKind newValueKind; if (root2.TryGetProperty(propertyName, out JsonElement newValue) && (newValueKind = newValue.ValueKind) != JsonValueKind.Null) { jsonWriter.WritePropertyName(propertyName); JsonElement originalValue = property.Value; JsonValueKind originalValueKind = originalValue.ValueKind; if (newValueKind == JsonValueKind.Object && originalValueKind == JsonValueKind.Object) { MergeObjects(jsonWriter, originalValue, newValue); // Recursive call } else if (newValueKind == JsonValueKind.Array && originalValueKind == JsonValueKind.Array) { MergeArrays(jsonWriter, originalValue, newValue, false); } else { newValue.WriteTo(jsonWriter); } } else { property.WriteTo(jsonWriter); } } // Write all the properties of the second document that are unique to it. foreach (JsonProperty property in root2.EnumerateObject()) { if (!root1.TryGetProperty(property.Name, out _)) { property.WriteTo(jsonWriter); } } jsonWriter.WriteEndObject(); } private static void MergeArrays(Utf8JsonWriter jsonWriter, JsonElement root1, JsonElement root2, bool allowDupes) { // just does one level!!! jsonWriter.WriteStartArray(); if (allowDupes) { // Write all the elements from both JSON arrays foreach (JsonElement element in root1.EnumerateArray()) { element.WriteTo(jsonWriter); } foreach (JsonElement element in root2.EnumerateArray()) { element.WriteTo(jsonWriter); } } else { var arrayItems = new HashSet(); foreach (JsonElement element in root1.EnumerateArray()) { element.WriteTo(jsonWriter); arrayItems.Add(element.ToString()); } foreach (JsonElement element in root2.EnumerateArray()) { if (!arrayItems.Contains(element.ToString())) { element.WriteTo(jsonWriter); } } } jsonWriter.WriteEndArray(); } } private static bool TryCreateDirectory(string path) { try { if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); return true; } } catch (Exception ex3) { Logger.LogError($"There was an error in TryCreateDirectory {path}: {ex3.Message}", ex3); return false; } return true; } private static bool TryDeleteDirectory(string path) { try { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.Delete(path, true); return true; } } catch (Exception ex3) { Logger.LogError($"There was an error in TryDeleteDirectory {path}: {ex3.Message}", ex3); return false; } return true; } /// /// Method SetRegSettingsBackupAndRestoreItem helper method to write to the registry. /// public static void SetRegSettingsBackupAndRestoreItem(string itemName, string itemValue) { using (var key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft", true)) { var ptKey = key.OpenSubKey("PowerToys", true); if (ptKey != null) { ptKey.SetValue(itemName, itemValue); } else { var newPtKey = key.CreateSubKey("PowerToys"); newPtKey.SetValue(itemName, itemValue); } } } /// /// Method GetRegSettingsBackupAndRestoreRegItem helper method to read from the registry. /// public static string GetRegSettingsBackupAndRestoreRegItem(string itemName) { using (var key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\PowerToys")) { if (key != null) { var val = key.GetValue(itemName); if (val != null) { return val.ToString(); } } } return null; } /// /// Method RestoreSettings returns a folder that has the latest backup in it. /// /// /// A tuple that indicates if the backup was done or not, and a message. /// The message usually is a localized reference key. /// public (bool success, string message, string severity) RestoreSettings(string appBasePath, string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir) { try { // verify inputs if (!Directory.Exists(appBasePath)) { return (false, $"Invalid appBasePath {appBasePath}", "Error"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir)) { return (false, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NoBackupSyncPath", "Error"); } if (!Directory.Exists(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir)) { Logger.LogError($"Invalid settingsBackupAndRestoreDir {settingsBackupAndRestoreDir}"); return (false, "General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_InvalidBackupLocation", "Error"); } var latestSettingsFolder = GetLatestSettingsFolder(); if (latestSettingsFolder == null) { return (false, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NoBackupsFound", "Warning"); } // get data needed for process var backupRetoreSettings = JsonNode.Parse(GetBackupRestoreSettingsJson()); var currentSettingsFiles = GetSettingsFiles(backupRetoreSettings, appBasePath).ToList().ToDictionary(x => x.Substring(appBasePath.Length)); var backupSettingsFiles = GetSettingsFiles(backupRetoreSettings, latestSettingsFolder).ToList().ToDictionary(x => x.Substring(latestSettingsFolder.Length)); if (backupSettingsFiles.Count == 0) { return (false, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NoBackupsFound", "Warning"); } var anyFilesUpdated = false; foreach (var currentFile in backupSettingsFiles) { var relativePath = currentFile.Value.Substring(latestSettingsFolder.Length + 1); var retoreFullPath = Path.Combine(appBasePath, relativePath); var settingsToRestoreJson = GetExportVersion(backupRetoreSettings, currentFile.Key, currentFile.Value); if (currentSettingsFiles.ContainsKey(currentFile.Key)) { // we have a setting file to restore to var currentSettingsFileJson = GetExportVersion(backupRetoreSettings, currentFile.Key, currentSettingsFiles[currentFile.Key]); if (JsonNormalizer.Normalize(settingsToRestoreJson) != JsonNormalizer.Normalize(currentSettingsFileJson)) { // the settings file needs to be updated, update the real one with non-excluded stuff... Logger.LogInfo($"Settings file {currentFile.Key} is different and is getting updated from backup"); var newCurrentSettingsFile = JsonMergeHelper.Merge(File.ReadAllText(currentSettingsFiles[currentFile.Key]), settingsToRestoreJson); File.WriteAllText(currentSettingsFiles[currentFile.Key], newCurrentSettingsFile); anyFilesUpdated = true; } } else { // we don't have anything to merge this into, we need to use it as is Logger.LogInfo($"Settings file {currentFile.Key} is in the backup but does not exist for restore"); var thisPathToRestore = Path.Combine(appBasePath, currentFile.Key.Substring(1)); TryCreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(thisPathToRestore)); File.WriteAllText(thisPathToRestore, settingsToRestoreJson); anyFilesUpdated = true; } } if (anyFilesUpdated) { // something was changed do we need to return true to indicate a restart is needed. var restartAfterRestore = (bool?)backupRetoreSettings!["RestartAfterRestore"]; if (!restartAfterRestore.HasValue || restartAfterRestore.Value) { return (true, $"RESTART APP", "Success"); } else { return (false, $"RESTART APP", "Success"); } } else { return (false, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NothingToRestore", "Informational"); } } catch (Exception ex2) { Logger.LogError("Error in RestoreSettings, " + ex2.ToString()); return (false, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_BackupError", "Error"); } } /// /// Method GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir returns the path the backup and restore location. /// /// /// This will return a default location based on Environment Variables if non is set. /// public string GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir() { string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir = GetRegSettingsBackupAndRestoreRegItem("SettingsBackupAndRestoreDir"); if (settingsBackupAndRestoreDir == null) { settingsBackupAndRestoreDir = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%USERPROFILE%\\Documents\\PowerToys\\Backup"); } return settingsBackupAndRestoreDir; } private IList GetBackupSettingsFiles(string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir) { return Directory.GetFiles(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir, "settings_*.ptb", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).ToList().Where(f => Regex.IsMatch(f, "settings_(\\d{1,19}).ptb")).ToList(); } /// /// Method GetLatestSettingsFolder returns a folder that has the latest backup in it. /// /// /// The backup will usually be a backup file that has to be extracted to a temp folder. This will do that for us. /// private string GetLatestSettingsFolder() { string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir = GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir(); if (settingsBackupAndRestoreDir == null) { return null; } if (!Directory.Exists(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir)) { return null; } var settingsBackupFolders = new Dictionary(); var settingsBackupFiles = GetBackupSettingsFiles(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir).ToDictionary(x => long.Parse(Path.GetFileName(x).Replace("settings_", string.Empty).Replace(".ptb", string.Empty), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); var latestFolder = 0L; var latestFile = 0L; if (settingsBackupFolders.Count > 0) { latestFolder = settingsBackupFolders.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key).FirstOrDefault().Key; } if (settingsBackupFiles.Count > 0) { latestFile = settingsBackupFiles.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key).FirstOrDefault().Key; } if (latestFile == 0 && latestFolder == 0) { return null; } else if (latestFolder >= latestFile) { return settingsBackupFolders[latestFolder]; } else { var tempPath = Path.GetTempPath(); var fullBackupDir = Path.Combine(tempPath, "PowerToys_settings_" + latestFile.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (!Directory.Exists(fullBackupDir)) { ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(settingsBackupFiles[latestFile], fullBackupDir); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((x) => { try { RemoveOldBackups(tempPath, 1, TimeSpan.FromDays(7)); } catch { // hmm, ok } }); return fullBackupDir; } } /// /// Method GetLatestBackupFileName returns the name of the newest backup file. /// public string GetLatestBackupFileName() { string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir = GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir) || !Directory.Exists(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir)) { return string.Empty; } var settingsBackupFiles = GetBackupSettingsFiles(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir); if (settingsBackupFiles.Count > 0) { return Path.GetFileName(settingsBackupFiles.OrderByDescending(x => x).First()); } else { return string.Empty; } } /// /// Method GetLatestSettingsBackupManifest get's the meta data from a backup file. /// public JsonNode GetLatestSettingsBackupManifest() { var folder = GetLatestSettingsFolder(); if (folder == null) { return null; } return JsonNode.Parse(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(folder, "manifest.json"))); } /// /// Method IsIncludeFile check's to see if a settings file is to be included during backup and restore. /// private static bool IsIncludeFile(JsonNode settings, string name) { foreach (var test in (JsonArray)settings["IncludeFiles"]) { if (Regex.IsMatch(name, WildCardToRegular(test.ToString()))) { return true; } } return false; } /// /// Method IsIgnoreFile check's to see if a settings file is to be ignored during backup and restore. /// private static bool IsIgnoreFile(JsonNode settings, string name) { foreach (var test in (JsonArray)settings["IgnoreFiles"]) { if (Regex.IsMatch(name, WildCardToRegular(test.ToString()))) { return true; } } return false; } /// /// Class GetSettingsFiles returns the effective list of settings files. /// /// /// Handles all the included/exclude files. /// private static string[] GetSettingsFiles(JsonNode settings, string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || !Directory.Exists(path)) { return Array.Empty(); } return Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => IsIncludeFile(settings, s) && !IsIgnoreFile(settings, s)).ToArray(); } /// /// Method BackupSettings does the backup process. /// /// /// A tuple that indicates if the backup was done or not, and a message. /// The message usually is a localized reference key. /// /// /// This is a wrapper for BackupSettingsInternal, so we can check the time to run. /// public (bool success, string message, string severity, bool lastBackupExists) BackupSettings(string appBasePath, string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir, bool dryRun) { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var results = BackupSettingsInternal(appBasePath, settingsBackupAndRestoreDir, dryRun); sw.Stop(); Logger.LogInfo($"BackupSettings took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); lastBackupSettingsResults = (results.success, results.severity, results.lastBackupExists, DateTime.UtcNow); return results; } /// /// Method DryRunBackup wrapper function to do a dry-run backup /// public (bool success, string message, string severity, bool lastBackupExists) DryRunBackup() { var settingsUtils = new SettingsUtils(); var appBasePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(settingsUtils.GetSettingsFilePath()); string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir = GetSettingsBackupAndRestoreDir(); var results = BackupSettings(appBasePath, settingsBackupAndRestoreDir, true); lastBackupSettingsResults = (results.success, results.severity, results.lastBackupExists, DateTime.UtcNow); return results; } /// /// Method GetLastBackupSettingsResults gets the results from the last backup process /// /// /// A tuple that indicates if the backup was done or not, and other information /// public (bool success, bool hadError, bool lastBackupExists, DateTime? lastRan) GetLastBackupSettingsResults() { return (lastBackupSettingsResults.success, lastBackupSettingsResults.severity == "Error", lastBackupSettingsResults.lastBackupExists, lastBackupSettingsResults.lastRan); } /// /// Method BackupSettingsInternal does the backup process. /// /// /// A tuple that indicates if the backup was done or not, and a message. /// The message usually is a localized reference key. /// private (bool success, string message, string severity, bool lastBackupExists) BackupSettingsInternal(string appBasePath, string settingsBackupAndRestoreDir, bool dryRun) { var lastBackupExists = false; lock (backupSettingsInternalLock) { // simulated delay to validate behavior // Thread.Sleep(1000); try { // verify inputs if (!Directory.Exists(appBasePath)) { return (false, $"Invalid appBasePath {appBasePath}", "Error", lastBackupExists); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir)) { return (false, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NoBackupSyncPath", "Error", lastBackupExists); } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir)) { return (false, $"Invalid settingsBackupAndRestoreDir, not rooted", "Error", lastBackupExists); } if (settingsBackupAndRestoreDir.StartsWith(appBasePath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // backup cannot be under app Logger.LogError($"BackupSettings, backup cannot be under app"); return (false, "General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_InvalidBackupLocation", "Error", lastBackupExists); } var dirExists = TryCreateDirectory(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir); if (!dirExists) { Logger.LogError($"Failed to create dir {settingsBackupAndRestoreDir}"); return (false, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_BackupError", "Error", lastBackupExists); } // get data needed for process var backupRetoreSettings = JsonNode.Parse(GetBackupRestoreSettingsJson()); var currentSettingsFiles = GetSettingsFiles(backupRetoreSettings, appBasePath).ToList().ToDictionary(x => x.Substring(appBasePath.Length)); var fullBackupDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"settings_{DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"); var latestSettingsFolder = GetLatestSettingsFolder(); var lastBackupSettingsFiles = GetSettingsFiles(backupRetoreSettings, latestSettingsFolder).ToList().ToDictionary(x => x.Substring(latestSettingsFolder.Length)); lastBackupExists = lastBackupSettingsFiles.Count > 0; if (currentSettingsFiles.Count == 0) { return (false, "General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NoSettingsFilesFound", "Error", lastBackupExists); } var anyFileBackedUp = false; var skippedSettingsFiles = new Dictionary(); var updatedSettingsFiles = new Dictionary(); foreach (var currentFile in currentSettingsFiles) { // need to check and back this up; var currentSettingsFileToBackup = GetExportVersion(backupRetoreSettings, currentFile.Key, currentFile.Value); var doBackup = false; if (lastBackupSettingsFiles.ContainsKey(currentFile.Key)) { // there is a previous backup for this, get an export version of it. var lastSettingsFileDoc = GetExportVersion(backupRetoreSettings, currentFile.Key, lastBackupSettingsFiles[currentFile.Key]); // check to see if the new export version would be same as last export version. if (JsonNormalizer.Normalize(currentSettingsFileToBackup) != JsonNormalizer.Normalize(lastSettingsFileDoc)) { doBackup = true; Logger.LogInfo($"BackupSettings, {currentFile.Value} content is different."); } } else { // this has never been backed up, we need to do it now. Logger.LogInfo($"BackupSettings, {currentFile.Value} does not exists."); doBackup = true; } if (doBackup) { // add to list of files we noted as needing backup updatedSettingsFiles.Add(currentFile.Key, currentFile.Value); // mark overall flag that a backup will be made anyFileBackedUp = true; // write the export version of the settings file to backup location. var relativePath = currentFile.Value.Substring(appBasePath.Length + 1); var backupFullPath = Path.Combine(fullBackupDir, relativePath); TryCreateDirectory(fullBackupDir); TryCreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(backupFullPath)); Logger.LogInfo($"BackupSettings writing, {backupFullPath}, dryRun:{dryRun}."); if (!dryRun) { File.WriteAllText(backupFullPath, currentSettingsFileToBackup); } } else { // if we found no reason to backup this settings file, record that in this collection skippedSettingsFiles.Add(currentFile.Key, (currentFile.Value, currentSettingsFileToBackup)); } } if (!anyFileBackedUp) { // nothing was done! return (false, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_NothingToBackup", "Informational", lastBackupExists); } // add skipped. foreach (var currentFile in skippedSettingsFiles) { // if we did do a backup, we need to copy in all the settings files we skipped so the backup is complete. // this is needed since we might use the backup on another machine/ var relativePath = currentFile.Value.path.Substring(appBasePath.Length + 1); var backupFullPath = Path.Combine(fullBackupDir, relativePath); Logger.LogInfo($"BackupSettings writing, {backupFullPath}, dryRun:{dryRun}"); if (!dryRun) { TryCreateDirectory(fullBackupDir); TryCreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(backupFullPath)); File.WriteAllText(backupFullPath, currentFile.Value.settings); } } // add manifest var manifestData = new { CreateDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("u", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), @Version = Helper.GetProductVersion(), UpdatedFiles = updatedSettingsFiles.Keys.ToList(), BackupSource = Environment.MachineName, UnchangedFiles = skippedSettingsFiles.Keys.ToList(), }; var manifest = JsonSerializer.Serialize(manifestData, new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true }); if (!dryRun) { File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(fullBackupDir, "manifest.json"), manifest); // clean up, to prevent runaway disk usage. RemoveOldBackups(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir, 10, TimeSpan.FromDays(60)); // compress the backup var zipName = Path.Combine(settingsBackupAndRestoreDir, Path.GetFileName(fullBackupDir) + ".ptb"); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(fullBackupDir, zipName); TryDeleteDirectory(fullBackupDir); } return (true, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_BackupComplete", "Success", lastBackupExists); } catch (Exception ex2) { Logger.LogError($"There was an error: {ex2.Message}", ex2); return (false, $"General_SettingsBackupAndRestore_BackupError", "Error", lastBackupExists); } } } /// /// Searches for the config file (Json) in two possible paths and returns its content. /// /// Returns the content of the config file (Json) as string. /// Thrown if file is not found. /// If the settings window is launched from an installed instance of PT we need the path "...\Settings\\backup_restore_settings.json" and if the settings window is launched from a local VS build of PT we need the path "...\backup_restore_settings.json". private static string GetBackupRestoreSettingsJson() { if (File.Exists("backup_restore_settings.json")) { return File.ReadAllText("backup_restore_settings.json"); } else if (File.Exists("Settings\\backup_restore_settings.json")) { return File.ReadAllText("Settings\\backup_restore_settings.json"); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException($"The backup_restore_settings.json could not be found at {Environment.CurrentDirectory}"); } } /// /// Method WildCardToRegular is so we can use 'normal' wildcard syntax and instead of regex /// private static string WildCardToRegular(string value) { return "^" + Regex.Escape(value).Replace("\\*", ".*") + "$"; } /// /// Method GetExportVersion gets the version of the settings file that we want to backup. /// It will be formatted and all problematic settings removed from it. /// public static string GetExportVersion(JsonNode backupRetoreSettings, string settingFileKey, string settingsFileName) { var ignoredSettings = GetIgnoredSettings(backupRetoreSettings, settingFileKey); var settingsFile = JsonDocument.Parse(File.ReadAllText(settingsFileName)); var outputBuffer = new ArrayBufferWriter(); using (var jsonWriter = new Utf8JsonWriter(outputBuffer, new JsonWriterOptions { Indented = true })) { jsonWriter.WriteStartObject(); foreach (var property in settingsFile.RootElement.EnumerateObject().OrderBy(p => p.Name)) { if (!ignoredSettings.Contains(property.Name)) { property.WriteTo(jsonWriter); } } jsonWriter.WriteEndObject(); } if (settingFileKey.Equals("\\PowerToys Run\\settings.json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // PowerToys Run hack fix-up var ptRunIgnoredSettings = GetPTRunIgnoredSettings(backupRetoreSettings); var ptrSettings = JsonNode.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(outputBuffer.WrittenSpan)); foreach (JsonObject pluginToChange in ptRunIgnoredSettings) { foreach (JsonObject plugin in (JsonArray)ptrSettings["plugins"]) { if (plugin["Id"].ToString() == pluginToChange["Id"].ToString()) { foreach (var nameOfPropertyToRemove in (JsonArray)pluginToChange["Names"]) { plugin.Remove(nameOfPropertyToRemove.ToString()); } } } } return ptrSettings.ToJsonString(new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }); } else { return JsonNode.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(outputBuffer.WrittenSpan)).ToJsonString(new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }); } } /// /// Method GetPTRunIgnoredSettings gets the 'Run-Plugin-level' settings we should ignore because they are problematic to backup/restore. /// private static JsonArray GetPTRunIgnoredSettings(JsonNode backupRetoreSettings) { if (backupRetoreSettings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(backupRetoreSettings)); } if (backupRetoreSettings["IgnoredPTRunSettings"] != null) { return (JsonArray)backupRetoreSettings["IgnoredPTRunSettings"]; } return new JsonArray(); } /// /// Method GetIgnoredSettings gets the 'top-level' settings we should ignore because they are problematic to backup/restore. /// private static string[] GetIgnoredSettings(JsonNode backupRetoreSettings, string settingFileKey) { if (backupRetoreSettings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(backupRetoreSettings)); } if (settingFileKey.StartsWith("\\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { settingFileKey = settingFileKey.Substring(1); } if (backupRetoreSettings["IgnoredSettings"] != null) { if (backupRetoreSettings["IgnoredSettings"][settingFileKey] != null) { var settingsArray = (JsonArray)backupRetoreSettings["IgnoredSettings"][settingFileKey]; Console.WriteLine("settingsArray " + settingsArray.GetType().FullName); var settingsList = new List(); foreach (var setting in settingsArray) { settingsList.Add(setting.ToString()); } return settingsList.ToArray(); } else { return Array.Empty(); } } return Array.Empty(); } /// /// Method RemoveOldBackups is a helper that prevents is from having some runaway disk usages. /// private static void RemoveOldBackups(string location, int minNumberToKeep, TimeSpan deleteIfOlderThanTs) { if (!Monitor.TryEnter(removeOldBackupsLock, 1000)) { return; } try { DateTime deleteIfOlder = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(deleteIfOlderThanTs); var settingsBackupFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(location, "settings_*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).ToList().Where(f => Regex.IsMatch(f, "settings_(\\d{1,19})")).ToDictionary(x => long.Parse(Path.GetFileName(x).Replace("settings_", string.Empty), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToList(); settingsBackupFolders.AddRange(Directory.GetDirectories(location, "PowerToys_settings_*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).ToList().Where(f => Regex.IsMatch(f, "PowerToys_settings_(\\d{1,19})")).ToDictionary(x => long.Parse(Path.GetFileName(x).Replace("PowerToys_settings_", string.Empty), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); var settingsBackupFiles = Directory.GetFiles(location, "settings_*.ptb", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).ToList().Where(f => Regex.IsMatch(f, "settings_(\\d{1,19}).ptb")).ToDictionary(x => long.Parse(Path.GetFileName(x).Replace("settings_", string.Empty).Replace(".ptb", string.Empty), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (settingsBackupFolders.Count + settingsBackupFiles.Count <= minNumberToKeep) { return; } foreach (var item in settingsBackupFolders) { var backupTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(item.Key); if (item.Value.Contains("PowerToys_settings_", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // this is a temp backup and we want to clean based on the time it was created in the temp place, not the time the backup was made. var folderCreatedTime = new DirectoryInfo(item.Value).CreationTimeUtc; if (folderCreatedTime > backupTime) { backupTime = folderCreatedTime; } } if (backupTime < deleteIfOlder) { try { Logger.LogInfo($"RemoveOldBackups killing {item.Value}"); Directory.Delete(item.Value, true); } catch (Exception ex2) { Logger.LogError($"Failed to remove a setting backup folder ({item.Value}), because: ({ex2.Message})"); } } } foreach (var item in settingsBackupFiles) { var backupTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(item.Key); if (backupTime < deleteIfOlder) { try { Logger.LogInfo($"RemoveOldBackups killing {item.Value}"); File.Delete(item.Value); } catch (Exception ex2) { Logger.LogError($"Failed to remove a setting backup folder ({item.Value}), because: ({ex2.Message})"); } } } } finally { Monitor.Exit(removeOldBackupsLock); } } /// /// Class JsonNormalizer is a utility class to 'normalize' a JSON file so that it can be compared to another JSON file. /// This really just means to fully sort it. This does not work for any JSON file where the order of the node is relevant. /// private class JsonNormalizer { public static string Normalize(string json) { var doc1 = JsonNormalizer.Deserialize(json); var newJson1 = JsonSerializer.Serialize(doc1, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }); return newJson1; } private static List DeserializeArray(string json) { var result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(json); var updates = new List(); foreach (var item in result) { if (item != null) { var currentItem = (JsonElement)item; if (currentItem.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Object) { updates.Add(Deserialize(currentItem.ToString())); } else if (((JsonElement)item).ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Array) { updates.Add(DeserializeArray(currentItem.ToString())); } else { updates.Add(item); } } else { updates.Add(item); } } return updates.OrderBy(x => JsonSerializer.Serialize(x)).ToList(); } private static Dictionary Deserialize(string json) { var doc = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(json); var updates = new Dictionary(); foreach (var item in doc) { if (item.Value != null) { if (((JsonElement)item.Value).ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Object) { updates.Add(item.Key, Deserialize(((JsonElement)item.Value).ToString())); } else if (((JsonElement)item.Value).ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Array) { updates.Add(item.Key, DeserializeArray(((JsonElement)item.Value).ToString())); } } } foreach (var item in updates) { doc.Remove(item.Key); doc.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } var ordered = new Dictionary(); foreach (var item in doc.Keys.OrderBy(x => x)) { ordered.Add(item, doc[item]); } return ordered; } } } }