parameters: - name: version type: string default: "8.0" - name: sdk type: boolean default: false # You might be wondering, "Why didn't they use UseDotNet?" # Azure Pipelines is practically unmaintained, that's why. # # "[BUG]: UseDotNet task installs x86 build on Windows arm64" # # # Herein we replicate 90% of the meaningful logic in that task. steps: - pwsh: |- curl.exe -J -L -O "" $NEW_DOTNET_ROOT = "$(Agent.ToolsDirectory)\dotnet" & ./dotnet-install.ps1 -Channel "${{parameters.version}}" -InstallDir $NEW_DOTNET_ROOT Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=DOTNET_ROOT]${NEW_DOTNET_ROOT}" Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]${NEW_DOTNET_ROOT}" Remove-Item dotnet-install.ps1 -ErrorAction:Ignore ${{ if eq(parameters.sdk, true) }}: displayName: "Install .NET ${{parameters.version}} SDK" ${{ else }}: displayName: "Install .NET ${{parameters.version}}"